
作者&投稿:蠹娣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语口语, 有题目的。
题目1:白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2.Themostmemorableandimportanteventofyouhappenedinschool题目3.Whichdoyouprefer:spendingtimewithfriendsinrestaurantorath... 题目1:白天学习晚上工作好还是晚上学习白天工作好题目2. The most memorable and important event of you happened in school题目3. Which ...

Hello, I'm a junior high school student from Fujian Province. I'm sisteen years old, and I'm in No.7 Middle School, Class 5 Grade 9. Personally, I would like painting any more. By the way, my favorite soport is play badmiton because I like the feeling of beating in t...

【 #英语口语# 导语】现在各种各样的英语口语考试有很多,尤其是大型考试中,口语样式变化越来越多,虽然说口语考试需要临场发挥,但是准备还是必须的。以下是 整理的英语口语考试的常见话题,欢迎阅读! 1.英语口语考试的常见话题 1.what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for ex...

1. why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?Spring Festival is the formal ending of the past year, and the starting of the new year. it is important to all the chinese since it gives a new starting point to everyone, and we can hope for a wonderful year...

求助 英语口语考试 谢谢!15个题目(急!)
1. Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack practicing our spoken english in our daily life.And oral english class would get us together and inspire us to open our heart to others.In order to encourage more students to participate in the class,our teachers ...

A: Good idea.I will try.A: Hi, B. Can you give me several minutes?B: Sure, we are good friends.A: I am thinking what we should do to show our love to our parents. But I have no idea. What's your opinion?B: Nowdays, most of the people think they should give ...

广州中考英语口试历届试题(第一套)一、 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all the people on earth die tomorrow, life will not stop. The...

我帮你从一本口语书找了一下,现摘两篇给你,看看是否适合:第一篇是关于是否该养宠物:Should People Keep Pets?There is much discussion today about whether it is good for people to keep pets at home in cities.Some students believe that keeping pets at home can bring up the ...


英语口语考试,大家帮帮忙啊,只用几句话就好了题目是 (见补充)
1. What do you think university students can do to manage their time the best? 你认为大学的学生如何可以管理自己的时间把自己做到最好? I think we should do more planning to make full use of their time together. For example, learning, living, entertainment, sports and more. Every...

和韩19795866927问: 谁有高中英语口语的试题? -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答:[答案] 楼主你好.本人已经于前两个月参加了高中口语考试.试题内容大概是关于生活方面的.开头一部分是让你读一篇和生活贴近的科技文(难度一般,有少量单词会不认识,如果不认识只管大声读出来就行,不要管对错).第二部分是老师问话,比如介绍你...

和韩19795866927问: 高考英语口试都考什么? -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 英语口试是对这电脑考试的,你首先戴上耳塞和耳麦,然后电脑屏幕给出一道题目,你有三分钟的思考,然后回答问题.一般回答的是陈述一篇作文这样多的字数.

和韩19795866927问: 高考的英语口试出什么样的题?请举些例子,尽量详细~
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 题型分解与得分 高考口试分五大部分,满分为100分,各大题的得分分布如下:Part ... 这里要求考生必须听懂或看懂题目的内容和要求. 历年考试都给出两个情景并要求考...

和韩19795866927问: 高中英语口语考试考些什么?虽然我不打算学英语专业,但已经报了英语口语口试,我不想考很差 -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 1,看图说话 老师会根据图片提问 或者让你先描述图片内容2.读文章 让你读一篇文章 然后提问 题目答案可能在文章中 也可能是与文章相关的开放类题目 就是让你自己答题 这个在保送考试面试 或者托福雅思很常见 3.可能会让你简单先自我介绍 ...

和韩19795866927问: 高考英语口语考试会考什么? -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 回答问题 和 口头作文 我考的时候 给了一张纸 上面是一篇故事 下面有作文题目 记住故事的内容 考官会问关于故事的问题 然后是 口头作文 说一段话 不要多快 要表达清楚 口齿清晰 流利 加油

和韩19795866927问: 一些高中英语口试的简单问题……RT,请翻译以下句子:1.Q:Where do you study? A:(?) (我在昆明市第24中学读书)2.Q:What subjects do you study? ... -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答:[答案] I study in No.24 middle school in Kunming. I study Chinese,Mathematics,English,Physics,Chemistry and Biology at school. My favourite subject is Mathematics. Yes.Once I want to buy a book.But I can't find it.Then the shop assistants help me find it.

和韩19795866927问: 高中英语考试考哪几种题型 -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 高考英语口语考试目前有两种模式,即“人人对话”模式和“人机对话”模式. 考试模式: 一、“人人对话”模式是一种传统考试模式,考官以面对面的形式与考生进行沟通,以判定 考生英语口语表达能力.考官根据考生的语音语调、理解能...

和韩19795866927问: 山西省历年高考英语口试试题 -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 第10届 高考英语口语人机对话考试题 第一套 1. What subject do you like best? Why?I like english best, because i think it is very interesting and funny.2. How often do you watch TV? I watch TV every day.3. What's your interest ? Please say ...

和韩19795866927问: 福建高考英语口试试题和考法 -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 2009年福建高考英语口试试题 第一套 I. 1. Do you like music? Why/Why not? 2. What subject do you like best? Why? 3. Why do you learn spoken English? II. 1. Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not? 2. Do you listen to music while you ...

和韩19795866927问: 福建高考英语口语(一些题目 模拟回答一下) -
喀喇沁旗博尔回答: 我来试试 1.Do you like music? Why/Why not? Y es , I enjoy it very much.I like the music which has beautiful lyrics and rhymn. 2.What is your favourite sport? I like badmitom best.Not only can build up your bodies ,but also can make you full of energy. ...

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