
作者&投稿:嵇便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.___are you going to visit?I am going to visit the Palace Museum.What是代词,where是副词。visit是及物动词,后面要跟代词或名词。如果本题是:___ are you going? 那么就应该是where,因为go是不及物动词,后面不能跟代词或名字,只能用副词。2.There are many trees and flowers on ...

1、第一题,答案:B: in trying 解析:因为在这个句子中,“to persuade him to have a try once more”是一个动词不定式,表示一个目的。在这种情况下,我们需要用介词“in”来连接动词不定式和动词“trying”。2、第二题,答案:A:Bankrupt 解析:在这个句子中,Bankrupt 是一个名词。它用来...

答案: BBADB BBBCA BADCA DBBCB 英语语法练习题3 1. Ms Nancy didn't mind at all ___ to the ceremony. A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited B 2. "___ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations. A. How a great succe...

跪求英语语法题目解答.学哥学姐 。、
1 答案是 We didn't see him at the lecture yesterday. " "He can't have attended it.这是对过去发生的事情 的 否定推测 不可能 2答案是 They (may have missed ) the plane, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason. 对过去 事 的猜测 表示 可能 ...

高中英语语法单选题及答案  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 国际油价为何突然跌破100美元大关?名成教育17 2022-06-12 · TA获得超过153个赞 知道答主 回答量:116 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:122万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 对于很多高中生来说,高中英语语法是最难的知识,迟迟无法攻克高中...

1.肯定句:He lived in Beijing last year.一般疑问句:Did he live in Beijing last year? 回答:Yes, he did\/No, he didn't.否定句:He didn't live in Beijing last year.2.肯定句:He went out.一般疑问句:Did he go out? 回答: Yes, he did\/No, he didn't.否定句:He didn...

1. The way he had the problem ___his ability 1)结构分析:这是主从复合句 主句:The way showed his ability 该方法显示了它的能力 同位语从句:(that省略)he had the problem settled 即他使得问题被解决的方法 2)选项解析:动词过去式 settled 是同位语从句的谓语动词;动词过去式 showed ...

不是吗?其实:must have done sth. 表示“肯定做了(过)某事”,是不需要征询对方的观点的。即使是要对方的观点,其实在英美国家,用mustn't ...? 反问的在语料库中有很多(当然这不符合中国的考试英语语法,中学生当我没说,大学生和教师欢迎和我讨论),所以现在的高考是不会考这个的。

答案:选B。When he _was to open_ the door, he found his keys were nowhere.解析:本题考查would+动词原形和was to+动词原形在用于过去将来时的区别。用于过去将来时,would+动词原形表示”过去经常发生的事情”或“将要“,was to +动词原形表示”按过去计划或安排要做的事”或“在过去看来...

1、He was eager to go to the hospital to see his stepmother,___ he loved as his own mother.A.that B.which C.\/ D.whom 答案选D 也可以 但不是 最佳 答案 whom 指代 his stepmother这个人 最佳答案 B。which 可以 指代 职业 身份 这里 指代 的 是 his stepmother...

巨趴19482475031问: 高一英语语法题1.Do you remember the day - __ - you joined our club?(A)A.which B.what C.when D.that (为什么不选C)2.The parents will use - _ - they have ... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 要有点耐心哟,我慢慢给你讲解.1、你的答案错了,就是选C.看来你的关系词掌握得不错.因为关系词在定语从句中只能充当状语,故只能用when.2、use后很明显是宾语从句.因为动词后跟宾语.就排除了A.在来看,宾语从句中有主语...

巨趴19482475031问: 高一3道语法 答案以及原因there are a number of reasons - ___may explain why private cars are becoming popular in China.A.that B.what C.which D.for which.... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 高一来讲 这三道题有点难度 答案:ABB 第一个是定语从句 that代指reasons 第二个是表语从句 但是差主语 所以what代指前面的三个事物 第三个是过去式,后面是was 所以用过去式

巨趴19482475031问: 高一英语3道语法题1.Driving after drinking wine_____A.costed his life B.cost him his lifeC.cost him to lose his lifeD.caused him his life2.Before we leave_____... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 1.B sth cost sb some money 但是我怎么觉得cost要用过去式呢 2.B make sb.done 让某人被做某事 3.这个也不太懂,因为本人仅高一水平.新概念3我们的时候我是在混日子的. 貌似是worth名次做定语吧.表示…的价值

巨趴19482475031问: ...house to someone else,thus____an extra source of income for yourselfA.creats B.creat C.to creat D.creating(选D为什么不选B)顺便说一下每道题考的是... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 1. all只要与no, not连用,无论两者位置如何,都表示部分否定.none才表示全部否定.所以选C不选A. 考点:全部否定与部分否定. 2. and后面的分句是一般过去时,而“the IT industry had declined”是发生在“unemployment was high”之前的(IT工业...

巨趴19482475031问: ...meD.请解释在说“我和谁”的时候,英文里先说谁?这个“I”和“me”怎么选择?有什么区别?8、——Is she speaking?——Yes,this is - __speaking.答... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 1.我个人觉得views也解释得通,但是这里面强调具体的方法吧 2.fun是名词,funny是形容词,how+funny,what+fun 3.water一... that引导宾语从句 15.nothing 是指什么东西都没有,强调东西 no one 是没有人 强调人 neither 是否定词 不能单独用 none可...

巨趴19482475031问: 一道高一英语语法题 the boy was scolded because he was caught ——apples from the neighbors's tree. -
西畴县益谱回答:[选项] A. to pick B. having picked C. pick D. picking

巨趴19482475031问: 几道高一英语语法题 I think you have got to the point - ___achange is needed,otherwise you will failI think you have got to the point - ___achange is needed,... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] C这是where引导的定语从句,修饰前面的point D这是it做形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式 B这是it is.that.的强调句,强调的是主语the years

巨趴19482475031问: 高一一道英语语法题Five experts attended the party,including two foreigners.Five experts attended the party,------- - ------- - ----------. -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] two foreigners included 若有任何疑问可以【直接回复】或是【继续追问】或是【百度hi】我 尽量在最短的时间内回复 顺便【赞】一个~o(>_

巨趴19482475031问: 高一英语语法题求详解! 题目还是蛮多的……I knew - ___ - John Lennon , but not - ___ - famous one.A./;a B.a;the C./;the(正解C 我选B)Don't have the ... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 1,一个John Lennon 可以用some,不可以用a2,have somebody do 让某人做某事3,用虚拟语气,因为后面说没去成,前面说本打算去.4,这个是定语从句,the one 是先行词,后面用that代先行词,做visit的宾语5,按照 ( 喜爱)6,to...

巨趴19482475031问: 高中英语语法题,1,I wonder if john (forget)my number.I (expect)him to call for the past two hours.2 George?(collect)matchboxes ever since he left school.Now ... -
西畴县益谱回答:[答案] 1.I wonder if john has forgotten my number.I has been expecting him to call for the past two hours.2.George had been collecting matchboxes ever since he left school.Now he has collected so many that h...

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