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英语首字母填空中考 中考首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及...


首字母填空题解题技巧 1、首先判断是考查何种词性,是名词,是动词,是形容词,还是副词等。2、判断词的形式。名词是否用复数?动词是否用过去式,动名词?形容词是否用比较级?副词是否用最高级等。3、翻译句子,确定词义。例如:The little girl c___ ride a bike when she was seven years old....


。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约 3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。3. ...

我给你一些小例子吧!不全但我都做过!instead这个常考 certain\/certainly knowledge improve by-mistake,belong-to,depend-on,believe-in,because-of这种一般看介词 比如说简单的像 its这种也可能考 放在句首的 however upon unlucky even and therefore otherwise这些 还有介词...


...examination for senior high school.(首字母填空)
It is my dream to pass the 【entrance】 examination for senior high school.the entrance examination 入学考试 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端上评价点“满意”即可~~~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅...

规律是:前六个字母为一组,后边不断重复,由余数来判断是什么字母.ABCDCB,第12个为B。字母C地201次出现,201是奇数,所以是该组的第一个C,第200个C是前100项的,201就是第101项的第三个,即:6*101-3=603,第三个空为6*n+3,你可以理解的 ...

一般是一些名词,动词或介词.是很活的 方法:关键要通过上下文看这个空的意思,然后填.多练习,在背单词的时候一定要注意这个词的多重含义.

善研17337045144问: 急求20篇英语中考首字母填空 -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] Passage1Here'sa story about Ming's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wider 1 in china. His home is a largehouse-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about...

善研17337045144问: 初中英语首字母填空7题1.you help me so much .thanks a lot - -you are w______2.let's go to the shoe shop to find a pair of shoes to m_______my new skirt 3.i ... -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] 1.welcome 2.match 3.about 4.society

善研17337045144问: 求初二英语试题求20道初二的根据首字母填空题.最好附答案
依兰县博抗回答: 1.Today I'm very busy,but she is f____________. 2.They are studying for an English t____________. 3.I get his i____________ but I can't go. 4.I have too m____...

善研17337045144问: 中考英语首字母填空 what are you going to do if you are in a burning house? -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do...

善研17337045144问: 英语首字母填空初中8B1.\x05I was quite n______ - when I got on the aeroplane,but the flight stewardesses were really friendly and helpful.2.\x05It was such a ... -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] nervous view wonderful average popular

善研17337045144问: 求十篇英语阅读填空题目(重赏)最好附上答案,是在阅读中给首字母填空的题目. -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] 1 The earth moves round the s 1 . When our part of the earth turns to the sun, it is d 2 .When our part of the earth turns a 3 from... 因此,没有一定的天文常识,则不易读懂本文,更不用说解题了.近年来,中考完形填空的题材趋于多样化.人物、科普、史...

善研17337045144问: 求中考的英语首字母填空专项训练 -
依兰县博抗回答: 一 Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It l 1 in the north of Europe.It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an a 2 of 450, 000 square kilometers and the population of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely ...

善研17337045144问: 几道初中英语首字母填空1.Student should put everything back in l____ - after doing the experiments.2.The farmer invited visitors to his c_____ - at the foot of ... -
依兰县博抗回答:[答案] 1、laboratory 2、collage 3、society

善研17337045144问: 英语中考题 -
依兰县博抗回答: 1.success失败是成功之母 4.down 5.covered cover,转播 You'd better had better(not)do s...

善研17337045144问: 几道中考英语首字母填空
依兰县博抗回答: 1. Exercise2. immediately3. illness4. safety5.angry

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