
作者&投稿:类汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

倪维13123989827问: "风刮的很大"英文怎么说 -
开平市斯皮回答:[答案] How heavy/strong the wind is! The wind blows heavily/strongly!

倪维13123989827问: 风吹得很大 用英语说 -
开平市斯皮回答:[答案] The wind is strong. The wind blows furiously. The wind is gusty. 都可以.

倪维13123989827问: 风刮的很大用英语怎么说 -
开平市斯皮回答:[答案] The wind is rampant rampant ['ræmpənt] adj. 猖獗的;狂暴的;奔放的;蔓延的

倪维13123989827问: 风很大英语怎么说 -
开平市斯皮回答: 风很大1.mucho viento2.window3.heavily wind blow4.it's blowing hard

倪维13123989827问: 风很大 怎么用英语说 -
开平市斯皮回答: 风很大 rather windy; wind is too strong 风很大,杰克觉得很冷. It was windy and Jake felt cold.

倪维13123989827问: 风很大的英文如何写?
开平市斯皮回答: The wind is heavy

倪维13123989827问: 英语中常用什么来形容风大?我知道雨大是用heavily.帮帮忙啊 -
开平市斯皮回答: It is windy today. 今天风大. The wind is so strong that they had to fight their way out. 风这么大,他们费了好大劲才冲出来. Destruction pursue the great. 树大招风. It's rather windy today. 今天风很大. There's much wind today. 今天风很大. 希望对你有点借鉴啦

倪维13123989827问: 风很大的英文如何写? -
开平市斯皮回答: The wind is heavy满意请采纳

倪维13123989827问: 风很大 英文怎么说?例如:我住在岛上,现在风很大,我不能出来!英文如何表达? -
开平市斯皮回答:[答案] I live on the island,now the wind is so heavy,I can't go out.

倪维13123989827问: 风很大(强)用英语怎么说? -
开平市斯皮回答: The wind is very strong.百度教育团队【鹰击长空团】为您解答 祝:学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

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