
作者&投稿:呼钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It has been a long time since we last wrote to each other.什么意 ...
翻译:自从上次我们互相写信以来有很长时间了。(意思就是很长时间没有互相通信了)分析:这是一个复合句,由主句加since引导的时间状语从句组成。It(主语) has been(谓语) a long time(表语) since (连词引导时间状语从句)we(状语从句主语) last(时间状语) wrote(状语从句谓语) to each...

帮我分析一下这些句子的主谓宾吧,20分献上; 1.this is the factory wh...
last month修饰其先行词factory.在整个定语从句中,可以把先行词the factory移回到从句中作分析。即 we visited the factory last month.在此句中,主语:we 谓语:visited 宾语: the factory 状语:last month 注意:the factory 的成分是表语,而不是宾语。翻译:这就是我们上个月参观过的工厂。

请问这句话怎么翻译?主句的主谓宾是? 从句怎么理解和翻译?麻烦解释的越...
简单的说就是,主语:The term opportunists,谓语:apply to,宾语:plants。后边那一大堆都是在讲这种植物播种的事情,作为这种植物的补充讲解。因为这句主要讲的就是机会主义植物。翻译:机会主义一词适用于某些植物,在这些植物的种子撒落的地方,它们(指代这些植物的种子)能与其他植物种子相竞争。

主句主谓:he lives;under the illusion,介词短语作状语;that引导同位语从句说明名词illusion;同位语从句主系表结构county life is superior to town life.语义:他甚至仍然生活在这种憧憬之中,即乡村生活要远胜于都市生活。

用从句和非谓语结构翻译句子 急急急急
There are ten short plays written and directed by students themselves that will be shown on the second floor of teaching building. 本句 用过去分词written and directed 作后置定语,表明与短句的被动关系,that will be...为定语从句。 请注意教学楼2楼的翻译。Faced with an emergency, we ...

英语I know whose idea it is怎么翻译?
英语I know whose idea it is意思为我知道这是谁的主意。I是句子的主语部分,know是谓语动词,所以whose idea it is充当宾语的成分,由于是whose引导的一个句子,所以whose idea it is是宾语从句。英语中从句的引导词有很多,除了know之外,还有say, think, wish , hope, see, believe, agree, ...

翻译为:由于天气不好,他呆在家里。这里的“Because of the bad weather”就被转化为了一个因果状语从句。在翻译英语句子时,要根据不同语言的语法和表达方式加以转化和处理,以确保翻译的准确性和流畅性。英语中的基本语法 1、主语(Subject):常指句子中的动作发出者或者进行者,通常出现在谓语动词...

非谓语:The boy playing computer games in the classroom was being questioned by his teacher this time yesterday.The question being discussed now was brought out by an English teacher yesterday.The boy to be sent to America tomorrow is studying English now.The bridge having been ...

1.So +形容词+ be + 主词+ that + 从句(如此……以致于……)例如:So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。2.形容词+ as +主语+ be,主语+ 谓语(虽然……)例如:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no...

...做引导词的定语从句,例如下边这句话,怎么翻译:the degree to which...
这里的介词to 是从句部分 谓语动词后要跟的介宾短语的to 然后进行了提前 放回去就好理解了 比如This is the house which I have ever been to=This is the house to which I have ever been Degree的用法:Degree就是一个很普通的名词啊 “度,级;程度” 没什么特殊用法啊,普通...

敛紫18823464150问: 几句英语非谓语句子翻译~~~达人来下~~~ -
扬中市棓丙回答: It is impossible for us to be influenced by advertisements . The student seated behind Mike is worthy of being praised . I saw her seated under a tree , thinking deeply . His choice is not to take the first bus . Who do you like to have shop with you ? It is...

敛紫18823464150问: 昨天放在桌子上的书是我的. (分别用非谓语和定语从句来英语翻译) -
扬中市棓丙回答:[答案] 非谓语:The book put on the table is mine定语从句:The book which is put on the table is mine非谓语可以和定语从句互相转化再如:I like the books written by Lu Xun.= I like the books which were written ...

敛紫18823464150问: 英语非谓语动词状语从句?1.she enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window2.making the assistant bring almost everything in ... -
扬中市棓丙回答:[答案] 意思完全相同,只是位置不同! 但如果第二句making放在she前面则意思不同.

敛紫18823464150问: 下列句式的例句1.非谓语+主句 (前半句是非谓语从句,逗号隔开后 +主句)2.独立主格结构 (整个句子由with开头,并且整个句子有逗号隔开)3.引导词+非... -
扬中市棓丙回答:[答案] 1.Seen from the top of the hill,the building is like a bird. 2.Lily riding bike,we went to the park by bus. 3.After seeing the note,I quikely go home.

敛紫18823464150问: 非谓语的意义用法加例题 -
扬中市棓丙回答: 非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和现在分词.典型习题1.The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B.C,did't include women players until 1919. A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing 分析:根据题干,必须选表示被动...

敛紫18823464150问: 用非谓语和定语从句分别翻译句子
扬中市棓丙回答: 1. The boy who is playing the computer game is one who was questioned by his English teacher this time yesterday. The boy playing the computer game is one questned by his English teacher this time yesterday.2. The question that is being ...

敛紫18823464150问: 请帮忙将下列句子改写成非谓语从句.1when it is heated,metal expands.2if it is true,it will cause us a lot of trouble.3when you are in doubt ,tell the truth.it wil ... -
扬中市棓丙回答:[答案] 保证准确! 1.When heated,metal expands. 2.If true,it will cause us a lot of trouble. 3.When in doubt,tell the truth.It will confound your enemies and astound your friends. 如果状语从句的主语是it或其和主句主语相同,且从句的谓语以be动词开头,则可以...

敛紫18823464150问: 寻非谓语例句 9句 麻烦谁告诉下?
扬中市棓丙回答: 1. I smell something burning in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?2. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother's voice calling him.3. The Town Hall completed in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.4. ...

敛紫18823464150问: 用非谓语和定语从句分别翻译以下句子 -
扬中市棓丙回答: 1) The boy who is playing computer game in the classroom was being questioned by his English teacher this time yesterday.2) The question which we are discussing was raised by an English teacher yesterday. 3) The boy who will be sent to the ...

敛紫18823464150问: 什么是非谓语从句 -
扬中市棓丙回答: 非谓语动词与从句英语中的非谓语动词是整个英语语法当中非常重要的部分,也是学生学习的一个难点.其实,我们可以从从句的角度来解释非谓语动词,弄清非谓语动词与从句的关系,这样会使学生对非谓语动词有更好的了解,学习起来更...

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