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RFC 1216: Gigabit Network Economics and Paradigm Shifts RFC 1217: Memo from the Consortium for Slow Commotion Research (CSCR) 连入NSFNET的国家和地区:克罗地亚(HR)、捷克共和国(CZ)、中国香港(HK)、匈牙利(HU)、波兰(PL)、葡萄牙(PT)、新加坡(SG 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

鳝鱼烧茄子 原料 鳝鱼300克、紫茄子500克、青红椒适量、蒜末少许。调料 生抽一小勺、老抽一大勺、盐1\/2小勺、糖1\/4小勺。做法 鳝鱼洗净切段,茄子切条 锅内烧热油放入茄子炸软捞出,沥去油;锅内留少许底油,倒入蒜末炒香,下青红椒,鳝鱼翻炒均匀;倒入茄子,加入生抽,老抽糖翻炒均匀,加入少...

巨潘15785219337问: 我要一篇英语作文:以“我最难忘的一件事”为题!马上要! -
银海区蜂毒回答:[答案] My most memorable one thing In my mind there is a most memorable things,though it had so long time,but to this day,I still can't forget. Remember that it was a rainy day,I go to school in the morning when the day did not have,so they also didn't take my ...

巨潘15785219337问: 英语作文:一件难忘的事. 内容健康,大约150个词左右. -
银海区蜂毒回答: An unforgettable thing I have many memorable things, one of the most memorable thing is the father and mother went to the park to fly kites.Along the way, the beautiful scenery, the cool wind blowing on me. Came to the park, the park 's kite is really...

巨潘15785219337问: 英语作文难忘的日子40字 -
银海区蜂毒回答: 那段难忘的日子英语作文An Memorable DayDespite months of anticipation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. Tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes when I slowly stepped into my Alma Mater on high school ...

巨潘15785219337问: 英语作文一件难忘的事有什么体裁好写 -
银海区蜂毒回答: 一件难忘的事英语作文一:一件难忘的事 A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each ...

巨潘15785219337问: 一件难忘的事 英文作文大概120字左右,写一件难忘的事情最好中文跟英文都有(即是中英对照) -
银海区蜂毒回答:[答案] I went to an English Summer Camp this summer vacation. It's really a good chance to improve my English. I ate, lived, learnt ... We all had a lot of fun. 这个暑假我去了一个英语夏令营.这真是一个提高我英语的好机会.我和老外,同学们一起吃,住,学习...

巨潘15785219337问: 最难忘的事,要英语作文,120字左右!内容不限!急马上要用! -
银海区蜂毒回答:[答案] It was a sunny day.We decided to have a picnic outside the city.In the morning,we took a early bus to nanhui.It was quite a colorful world.There were green trees,orange leaves,red peaches.At noon we s...

巨潘15785219337问: 寻找一个描述自己最难忘的经历的英语小作文,大概二百个字. -
银海区蜂毒回答:[答案] My most memorable is the time when I was in secondary school,our school is very remote,is a village near,there are about 700 people in the school,all in residence,at that time the summer we all like to sleep on the roof,it's very comfortable to sleep on the ...

巨潘15785219337问: 一件难以忘怀的事,英语作文,急急急 -
银海区蜂毒回答: A memorable event in the road I was growing up, there is one thing to make me never forget. Gone through that matter, I seem to grow up a lot. That was New Year's Eve last year; the students send each other greeting cards. Cards with their own ...

巨潘15785219337问: 最难忘的一件事英文作文(300词左右) -
银海区蜂毒回答: 难忘的一件事(One thing I can't forget) I liked playing computer games,but my daddy was not happy because he thought it was not good for my study.Sometimes I felt I was not a free boy when my daddy was so strict with me,so I tried to talk to my ...

巨潘15785219337问: 我要一篇英语作文:以“我最难忘的一件事”为题!要有解释的!马上要! -
银海区蜂毒回答: My Most Unforgettable ThingEveryone has his most unforgettable thing. Last week, I came across a stray dog when I was taking a walk in my neighborhood. It was a cold day, and there was nobody around. I stopped and he looked at me helplessly. ...

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