
作者&投稿:饶储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

怎么才能过英语四级 谢谢
1.买本词汇书,天天背 其实也可以不背 2.听力和作文也很重要.背几篇范文。听力小对话背出来(真题的).3.至于语法,基本上所有的语法在高中都教过了,能考上大学的人应该没有问题.4.阅读也很重要,占分很大,建议学学新概念英语三,平时多看看21世纪和CHINA DAILY.1。单词 大纲:4200个单词+300个...


新生儿起名 父性:陈 婴儿:男 生日:2010六月25日19点 100分急求
公历:2010年6月25日(星期五)19点 农历:庚寅年五月十四日戌时 春节:2月14日 节前:己丑年 节后:庚寅年 八字:庚寅 壬午 丙午 戊戌 五行:金木 水火 火火 土土 方位:西东 北南 南南 中中 生肖:虎 五行不缺 姓名:陈轩白 五行分别是:火土水 笔画分别是:16 10 5 天格.人格.地格.总格...

革娇17347538868问: 我现在需要一份有关阿凡达这部电影的英文简介 要全面 100字左右 -
海城市复洛回答: The film is mainly about be reckless with greed to obtain more human nature resources, then across the universe, Pandora came to dig precious planet in some minerals. But there is a vast and all kinds of dangerous primitive creatures, including life...

革娇17347538868问: 英语电影的英文简介! 要100字左右的 ! 谢谢啦! 急用 -
海城市复洛回答: 阿凡达An Alien Language The blockbuster film Avatar has been a smash hit at the box office in the UK and around the world, becoming the fastest film...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达英语主要内容要英语的,最好50~100字,不要乱写,我要写手抄报的!有分送!不要出超过五年级的单词!50以下啊! -
海城市复洛回答:[答案] In the future,Jake,a paraplegic war veteran,is brought to another planet,Pandora,which is inhabited by the Na'vi,a humanoid race with their own language and culture.Those from Earth find themselves at...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达 蜘蛛侠1 ,3的英文简介 -
海城市复洛回答: 阿凡达的简介 With Earth an ecological disaster, a corporation sets its sights on the distant planet Pandora, which possesses a mineral that can be used as a valuable energy source.To overcome the resistance of the planet's indigenous population,...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达的简介用英语翻译 -
海城市复洛回答: it is a Hollywood movie.it is directed by a very famous director. he also directed Titanic which is the most romantic movie in my mind. the movie is about a imaginary world and people who live there. they are very clever and beautiful.they are shining ...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达的英文怎么说?怎么百度给的答案不一样啊?谁知道正确答案帮一下啦!加分! -
海城市复洛回答: Avatar

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达英语观后感(英语高手进) -
海城市复洛回答: I like he,because he is very brave,and very clver. he is a good man.This film is very good,it is so excited,and it is to shake,it is so exciting.At the beginning of ,he is helps the human being,but he does not like the human being break the alien`s home,...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达用英文讲述
海城市复洛回答: In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture

革娇17347538868问: 冰河世纪3和阿凡达的简介,100字左右,要中文和英文 -
海城市复洛回答: 希德不小心掉进冰洞,却发现了三个恐龙蛋,于是当上了它们的妈妈,却被恐龙妈妈带进恐龙世界.它的伙伴为了就它,也走进了恐龙世界.最后,他们找到了希德,却遇见了一只凶恶的恐龙.最后,它们战胜了恐龙,回到了自己的世界.Sid ...

革娇17347538868问: 阿凡达读后感,要英文的 -
海城市复洛回答: 潘多拉,一个梦幻的地方,一个不容毁灭的地方,因为那里有生命树,有我们的希望. 阿凡达在剧情上稍显不足,总得来说就是一群地球人到一个叫做潘多拉的星球上进行采矿,但这个星球上有很多人类未经发现过的生物,人类到一个野蛮的...

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