
作者&投稿:戏堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翠杨18734284404问: 动漫another的问题 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: 1.不排除烘托惊悚的气氛这么个作用,但是也不只是这个作用,还有一个用意,那个人偶孤独、孤单、无助、没有灵魂,主要是衬托出女主目前的状况.2.男主并不是没事,而是没有轮到他死,我想最后一集你也看了,女主的眼睛能够看到死亡...

翠杨18734284404问: 求几个基础的经济学名字英文解释 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: 需求 demandDemand is the amount of a good or service that is bought at a particular price over a particular timeperiod.经济学中需求量是在一定的时期,在一既定的价格水平下...

翠杨18734284404问: for one thing是什么意思 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: for one thing …for another翻译:一方面……另一方面…… 词汇分析: thing,英 [θɪŋ],美 [θɪŋ] n. 东西;事情 (复)things: 所有物;用具;情况 another,英 [ə'nʌðə(r)],美 [ə'nʌðər] adj.另一的;再一个的 pron. 另一个;类似...

翠杨18734284404问: common - equity是什么意思 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: common-equity普通股例;That includes a minimum common-equity standard of 4.5% plus a countercyclical buffer of another 2.5%. 那包括最低的普通股标准,即4.5%,加上反周期缓冲金,为2

翠杨18734284404问: maturity - bucket是什么意思 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: maturity bucket 到期 账户 双语例句1 Another advantage is that most of the banks holding Greek debt arekeeping it in their “ to maturity ” bucket rather than their “ trading book ”bucket.另一个优势是,多数持有希腊债务的银行都将其记入“持有至到期”账户,而非“交易性”账户.

翠杨18734284404问: any other another辨析 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: any other: 任何其他的(选择),意即,随便哪个都行,只是不要这一个.another:另外一个,即在A(眼前这个)与B(下一个)之间做出选择.例句:Any other man is better than Tom. 随便哪个男人,都比汤姆强!Do you have another one of the same size? 同样尺码的,你还有另一件吗?

翠杨18734284404问: another到底好不好看?看到后面就没意思了啊?
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: 挺好看的,男女主角都没死,死者就是三神老师也就是男主角的阿姨,男主亲手杀了他阿姨,3年3班的灾难就结束了.这一年一共死了10个人.

翠杨18734284404问: I wish our teacher were not going to give another test ,i have not got prepared yet 分析虚拟语气 -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: 本来,一般现在时加现在进行时是:I hope our teacher is not going to give another test.由于wish后面的从句一定要用虚拟的,就得把is不仅变成过去时用的形式,而且还不能用was,而只能用were,无论是第几人称的单复数.试举一例:I wish I were as good as you are.当然,既然是虚拟,我心里也知道我实际上是没你那么好的了.相信您对答案满意,请及时采纳, 祝学习愉快!(*^__^*)

翠杨18734284404问: given another chance,I will do it much better -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: (Given another chance条件状语),(I 主语)(will do谓语)( it 宾语)(much better程度状语)

翠杨18734284404问: 如何理解some days are easier than others -
鲅鱼圈区樟脑回答: some days are easier than others 有些日子是比别人更容易 双语对照例句: 1. Obviously, some habits are easier to break than others. 显然,一些习惯的养成比改掉其他习惯更容易.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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