
作者&投稿:羊侧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Teacher asked me"Where did you buy the book?"间接引语
1.Our english teacher asked me, " Is this pen yours or his?" 2.He asked me,"how do you repair your chair?" 3.mr jackson said ," students,dont waste your time" 4.the mother said,"tom, get up early please" 5.the teacher said,"the earth goes round the sun" 6"....

这里要注意can 和be able to 的区别。注意的一点是:can可以用于表示“许可”。它可以表示现在许可或将来许可,过去许可用could表示,此时一律不能用be able to的某种形式替换。本句意思是“汤姆问他是否可以用我的车”表示许可,所以用could,不能用be able to。另外can和be able to 还有如下区别:...

1.Danny often says , " I will study hard."Danny often says that he will study hard 2He said , " Can you swim ? "He asked whether I could swim 有不会的可以再问我

Anne said that she didn't know the address of my new home.Anne said to her father that she had got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.The girl said that she needed to pack up her things in the suitcase very quickly.Her father asked her why ...

给我直接引语改间接引语的句子:原句+改句 10句,给的好加分
1, He said: "I love you"He said he loved you.2,She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”She asked to Tom if he could help her.3,The teacher said to the students, “Don’t waste your time.”The teacher told to the students not to waste their time.4,The mother said,...

在英语中,间接引语和直接引语是常见的语言表达方式。直接引语是将别人的话原封不动地引用,而间接引语则是将别人的话用自己的语言重新表达。有时候,我们需要将间接引语改成直接引语,这需要我们掌握一定的语法知识。以下是一些例子及答案,希望能对大家有所帮助。例子 间接引语:他说他喜欢吃蛋糕。 直接...

1.大伙儿把袖子举起来,就是一片云[举手为云 ]2.大伙儿摔一把汗,就是一阵雨[ 挥汗如雨]3.街上行人肩膀擦着肩膀,脚尖碰着脚跟[ 摩肩接踵]楚王听了,只好赔不是,说[冒号前引号]我原来想取笑大夫,没想到反让大夫取笑了。[后引号]该为见接引语 楚王听了,只好赔不是,说他原来想取笑大夫...

The teacher told us the moon ___ around the earth.A. went B.goes C.going D. move 当转述[客观真理]或是为了表示引述的状态和情况到现在仍然是事实时,一经常用一般现在时.在这道题目中月亮绕着地球转是客观事实,所以用一般现在时.答案是B He told us that there ___ (be) a won...

1. He told her that they were flying kites.2.Mike said that he was going to hainan for a holiday.3. Miss Green said that the earth goes around the sun. (地球绕太阳转,这是公理,所以不用变换时态)4. He said that they were cleaning the classroom then.5.Lucy said that ...

1.She said,“I have to say goodbye now.”She said that she had to say goodbye then.2.“I will come to see you next Sunday.”He said to her.He told her that he would go to see her the next Sunday.3.“Tom was here a few minutes ago.”He told the policeman.He ...

望花15158463043问: 语文直接引语变间接引语练习题 -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 1、美丽的姑娘说:“我是智慧的女儿.” 2.、爸爸说:“小甜病了,我会不知道吗?” 3、王老师对同学 们说:“如果明天下雨,我们就不去秋游了.” 4、那位年轻的母亲说:“你这么大年纪了,我站一会儿就行了.” 5、王军不好意思地说:“那次...

望花15158463043问: 间接引语语序问题6个1 He asks what your name is.He asks what is your name.2 He asks what is the way to the library.He asks what the way to the library is.3 He... -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 正确答案如下: 1 He asks what your name is. 2 He asks what the way to the library is. 3 He asks which the way to the library is. 4 He asks who the best is 5 He asks who the best student is. 6 He asks whose the bag is. 解析:直接引语变为间接引语时,...

望花15158463043问: 把以下句子换成间接引句,并回答问题.1.蔺相如对赵望王说:“我愿意带和氏璧到秦国去.”(什么叫间接引句?) -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 间接引句,我们那时候习惯叫“间接引语”,就是不是把他的原话用引号引用起来,而是转换成转达的语气,所以这句话就改成: 蔺相如对赵望王说他愿意带和氏璧到秦国去.

望花15158463043问: 直接引语改间接引语的练习20句 -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 直接引语和间接引语句子训练 (转述句和陈述句):1.直接引语是直接引用别人的话,而间接引语则是转达别人说的话,因此,直接引语改为间接引语时,说话人即第一人称“ 我 ”要改 为第三人称“ 他 ” 或“ 她 ”.如:张童...

望花15158463043问: 直接引语和间接引语练习题( )1. He said,"Don't do that again." He - _______ - that again.A. said to me not to doB. said to me don't doC. told me don't do ... -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] D C D

望花15158463043问: 英语间接引语问题 He has said,"I will not do so again." He has said that he -- not do so again. -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[选项] A. will B. must C. would D. do 正确答案选A 为什么不选C呢

望花15158463043问: 英语.关于 间接引语 和 关于直接引语 .大概25道题左右~thanks~忘了说 - 27号6点半之前 - 有木有人啊- - -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] A 用适当的连接代词或连接副词填空. 1) I hope you can come tomorrow. 2) He asked me I knew Zhang Hua. 3) I'm afraid the... 11) Can you tell me answer is right? 12) Do you know bank she is going to? B 一、将下列直接引语改为间接引语. 1) He said,...

望花15158463043问: 英语的直接引语和间接引语:1.他说他明天想去游泳.2.她问我你的作业写完没.请从直接引语改为间接引语 -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] He said:'I want to swim tommorrow'He said he wanted to swim tommorrowShe asked me :'Have you finished your homework?'She asked me whether I had finished my homework .

望花15158463043问: 直接引语变为间接引语的练习题和答案 -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 1. “I never eat meat.” he said. He said that ______ never ______ meat.2. “I've found my wallet.” he said to me. He ______ me that he ______ ______ ______ wallet.3. “I took it home with me.” she...

望花15158463043问: 直接引语和间接引语各十句 -
宁陵县亦欧回答:[答案] 一,直接引语和间接引语的定义:直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语.用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语.直接引语和间接引语专项练习:二,直接引语变为间接引语主要有以下几种情况:1.直接引语是陈述句 2.直接引语是一般陈...

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