
作者&投稿:隗锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Did you get enough water? 水带够了吗?2 Look! over there, you see that? A runing bear!You bet,that's not a teddy bear!看,那边! 看到没? 一头奔跑中的大熊! 绝对的,那可不是泰迪熊哦。3 Please, look on your left\/right ,that's the spot light of the park...

Mr. Smith: Good morning, Mary. What's next on my schedule?Mary: You have an important business conference coming up, you would need to get be prepared within 30 minutes.Mr. Smith: Thanks for telling me, I'll be ready in a while. Come back to me in 20 minutes.Mary: ...

求一段英语对话20句, 大学程度

像在自己家一样。)May I use your phone?(可以借用一下您的电话吗? )I leave it entirely to your kind consideration. (这事全拜托你了。)How long does it take (you) to commute? (上下班路上要花多长时间? )What do you do when you have free time?(业余时间你都干什么?)...

2008-01-02 急求一篇英语二人对话 4 2013-11-25 急求英语帮助2人对话 2015-01-20 急求两人英语对话,两至三分钟 2 2010-07-09 急求一篇2人5分钟以上的英语对话,关于健康的!!! 8 2013-11-14 急求英语感谢2人对话 2014-01-11 急求一段两人的英语问路对话,十几句这样,大约三分钟读完。(附... 51...

A:Where are you from?B:I am from Shanghai.What about you?A:I am from Beijing. Have you been to Beijing?B:No I have never been to Beijing. What's Beijing like?A:Beijing is a big city with many modern buildings. The famous ancient city The Forbidden City is in Beijing....

求以“go shopping”为题的英语4人场景对话,要长点的10-20句
A:hello ,where are you going?B:well, we are not sure yet.C:how about going shopping together?B:that's a good idea!D:oh, no. the shopping mall is too far. and the weather report calls for rain.A:really? Well, this is going to make things a little more difficult....

L: 20,000yuan per square meter :It’s too expensive .It is beyond my capacity.L:It’s almost the lowest prices in beijing ,for shijingshan district is in the fifth round in beiing . J: I heared that the government have taken measures to control the rising housing prices, ...

你会说:I am planning to visit my Grandma in the afternoon.24当你想问别人你认为情景戏剧怎么样,你会问 It's very interesting, and I enjoyed myself.25你想表达我也无法忍受肥皂剧,你会说:I cannot bear the soap operas any more!希望能加分啊~~打这么多句,累死我啦 ...

A: Execuse me, aren't you Mr B from USA?B:Yes. And you are...A:I'm A from X Import & Export Company.B:How do you do, Mr A . Thanks for meeting me at the airport.A: You are welcom. Very pleased to meet you.B: Do you know where the baggage claim area is ...

强怖18286354052问: 6句英语问路对话我要两人一组的6句问路对话,要回答简单点的!1.Excuse me,where is····?2.Could you please tell me the way to·····?3.Is···... -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the post office? Sure.Go straight ahead.Turn left at the first crossing. Is it far from here? Yes,it's about 2 kilometers away.You'd better take a bus. Which bus shall I take? You can take the No.2 bus.It can take ...

强怖18286354052问: 急求一段两人的英语问路对话,十几句这样,大约三分钟读完.(附带翻译谢谢) -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital? B:Of course ,walk along this road ,and turn left at the second turning ,andthen walk sraight about 200miles,and you will see a big sign of ...

强怖18286354052问: 帮我写一段很简单的英文问路对话!是两个人的问路对话!早上好!我想去苹果园地铁站,应该怎么走?你可以坐959路车,在第三站下车就好了!然后两句... -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] A:Good morning.I want to go to Apple Yard subway station,how can I arrive there?B:You can take the NO.959 bus and get off in the third stopA:Thank you very much!Happy new year!B:You're welcome.The sam...

强怖18286354052问: 急求英语问路场景对话,要求25句左右,大学口语要求:2人对话,25句左右,3分钟内容:问路,问车站的站排怎么走,这类型的场景对话.要标准,不要在... -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map? B:You're right here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city. A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:你在这儿,汽车站,我们现在在市中心. A:Hello!Which bus should I take to railway station? B:You can ...

强怖18286354052问: 英语问路情景对话求一篇英语问路作文,要对话,12句就行,最好有个翻译 -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] A:Excuse me.I'm afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B:I'm walking that way.Let me lead you the way. B:我正朝那边去.让我给你带路吧! A:Excuse me,Where am I on ...

强怖18286354052问: 一篇"问路"的英语小对话 -
新绛县干安回答: 原发布者:englishftj问路英语对话1.A:Excuseme,WhereamIonthismap?B:Wearehere,busstation,weareintheheartofthecity.A:Oh !IthinkI'mlost.CanIgofromheretotherailwaystation?B:Headstraightupthestreetabouttwoblocksthenturnleft.A:对不起,...

强怖18286354052问: 关于问路的英语对话16句求急! -
新绛县干安回答:[答案] Dale :Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy:You can take Bus 5.The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale :Yes,but I'm driving my own car. Nancy:Oh,then you drive along this street,turn right at the third crossroad,then ...

强怖18286354052问: 6句英语问路对话 -
新绛县干安回答: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the post office? Sure. Go straight ahead. Turn left at the first crossing. Is it far from here? Yes, it's about 2 kilometers away. You'd better take a bus. Which bus shall I take? You can take the No. 2 bus. It can take you there. Thank you. You are welcome.

强怖18286354052问: 帮我写一段很简单的英文问路对话!! -
新绛县干安回答: A: Good morning.I want to go to Apple Yard subway station,how can I arrive there? B:You can take the NO.959 bus and get off in the third stop A:Thank you very much!Happy new year! B:You're welcome.The same to you.

强怖18286354052问: 关于问路的英语对话16句 -
新绛县干安回答: Dale : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale : Yes, but I'm driving my own car. Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third ...

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