
作者&投稿:晁詹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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例3利用era(时代)和ear(耳朵)发音相似的条件,使人很容易联想到英语成语“went in one ear and out of another”(左耳进右耳出,听了就忘),使全句具有新意。例4中Mede(米堤亚)和meat(肉)发音近似,Persian(波斯)和 poison(毒药)发音相似,再由成语的上半句“One man’s meat”诱导想出成语的下...

serious still can rise to write Chinese characters of cultivate one's morality raises a gender, can improve students' accomplishment, cultivate children's temperament. This is the computer can never replace. So it has entered the computer era today, writing teaching elementary literacy e...

chinese dream作文
In this era of knowledge changing fate, as an ordinary high school student, my dream is very simple, is to enter the ideal university in my heart, learn skills to serve the motherland. I believe that this is not only my personal dream, but also the dream of every student here. It is...

29、How many maen has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.多少人把读书作为一生中一个新时期的开端。30、Ignorance is not innocence but sin.无知并非纯真,而是罪恶。精选:1、swelled eads are so preoccupied with the few things they know,so that there is no ...

段落翻译 第一,词、词、词!单词有多重要,相信不用笔者赘述,一句话,各类英语考试本质就是考单词。若想考好,单词必须过关,就这么简单。单词方面考生要持续往两个方向努力。第一是不断提升生词量,这是纯粹的积累,要达到大多数单词都见过、都知道对应的中文含义。第二个方面更重要,要不断提升对...

After going through a few thousand years of progress, the art form of music is approaching perfect; but as far as movies are concerned, the musical art form is still in an adolescent stage. During the era of silent movies, in view of the need to highlight the contents and ...

中兴U985(Grand Era)基本参数
中兴U985(Grand Era)是一款智能手机,它在2012年上市。该手机支持双模制式,包括GSM和TD-SCDMA(移动3G),工作频段分别为TD-SCDMA 1880-1920\/2010-2025MHz和GSM 850\/900\/1800\/1900。手机设计为直板样式,配备了电容屏和多点触摸功能,屏幕尺寸为4.5英寸,分辨率为1280×720像素(720P),采用IPS材质...

1. 如果帽子布料是棉的,也没有硬衬,可以水洗;2. 如果帽子布料是毛的,前片有硬衬。像NEW ERA平沿帽那种,就不适合水洗,建议用牙刷蘸洗衣粉看看能否刷掉,再用清水冲乾净。

典岸15254648578问: eraser这个英语单词怎么读? -
友谊县赛斯回答:[答案] 橡皮

典岸15254648578问: “铅笔”用英语怎么说? -
友谊县赛斯回答: pencil 英 ['pens(ə)l; -sɪl] 美 ['pɛnsl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi. 成铅笔状 词组短语 blue pencil 蓝铅笔(用于删改书稿或剧本等的) pencil case 文具盒 pencil box 铅笔盒 pencil sharpener 卷笔刀 eyebrow pencil 眉笔 扩展资料 ...

典岸15254648578问: eraser怎么读我看音标,应该读A瑞(一声)儿,电子发音咋是一瑞日儿,到底第一个发A还是一,拜谢啦 -
友谊县赛斯回答:[答案] eraser [英][ɪ'reɪzə(r)][美][ɪˈresɚ] n.橡皮擦,板擦; 复数:erasers

典岸15254648578问: eraser怎么读 -
友谊县赛斯回答: eraser [英][ɪ'reɪzə(r)][美][ɪˈresɚ] n. <主美>橡皮擦,板擦 复数: erasers 双语例句 1. Rub out chalk marks with an eraser. 用黑板擦擦掉粉笔字迹. 2. He rubbed out the last sentence on his paper with his eraser. 他用橡皮把试卷上的最后一句...

典岸15254648578问: 橡皮英语怎么读,怎么发音 -
友谊县赛斯回答: 橡皮的英语单词是rubber或者eraser. rubber的英式读法是['rʌbə(r)];美式读法是['rʌbər]. 相关例句: 1、The rubber is in the pencil-box. 橡皮擦在文具盒里面. 2、My classmate borrowed my rubber and forgot to return it. 我的同学借了我的橡...

典岸15254648578问: 铅笔的英语读音 -
友谊县赛斯回答: 铅笔的英语是:pencil读音:英 ['pens(ə)l; -sɪl] 美 ['pɛnsl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写;用眉笔涂 vi. 成铅笔状 [ 过去式 penciled或pencilled 过去分词 penciling 现在分词 pencilling ] 相关短语: pencil sharpener 笔刨 ; 铅笔刀 ; 卷笔刀 ; 转...

典岸15254648578问: 铅笔用英语怎么说 -
友谊县赛斯回答: 铅笔 pencil; [英]['pensl] [美]['pɛnsḷ] lead pencil ;

典岸15254648578问: 铅笔的英语 怎么说
友谊县赛斯回答: 铅笔pencil英 [ˈpensl] 美 [ˈpensl]谐音:平搜(仅供参考)

典岸15254648578问: 铅笔的英文读音 -
友谊县赛斯回答: 铅笔的英文:pencil 读音:英e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333431333935 ['pensl] 美 ['pensl] n. 铅笔;笔状物 vt. 用铅笔写 词汇搭配: 1、colour pencil 彩色铅笔 2、pencil box 铅笔盒 3、note in pencil 用铅笔写的便条 4、with a pencil 用铅笔...

典岸15254648578问: eraser英文怎么?eraser英文怎么读
友谊县赛斯回答: eraser英文怎么读 eraser 扩展词汇 英 [ɪ'reɪzə(r)] 美 [ɪ'reɪsər] n. 橡皮擦;擦除器

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