
作者&投稿:阚受 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

今天是元宵节,我和妈妈、婆婆一起到城隍庙看花灯。 我第一眼看到的就是花灯门,花灯门上到处都是金元宝灯,还有两只紫头红身子的老鼠灯站在金元宝灯上的财神爷两旁。 很快,我们来到一个巨大的花灯塔下面,整个花灯是红色的,有三层楼高,非常漂亮。我再仔细一看,花灯塔里还有会转的小花灯,小花灯...





200元\/2小时 一般都两个小时一课一天 英语100就差不多了

The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year and is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. Students do not go to school, and shops...

高中生请英语外教一对一 一般价格多少钱??
15—400元一节课不等啊,如果通过在线网络教学的话,很便宜,一节课15元(非鲁宾的外教)如果是线下报课的话,一般是300-400元 (欧美外教),非鲁宾的话,100多元吧 网上报个班吧,很便宜,还可以免费试听,推荐去阿卡索, 老师很专业



狐侧19445523261问: 中国的传统节日春节就要到了.假如你是李华,请根据以下要点提示,给你的外教Mr Blake写一封电子邮件,邀请他及他的家人到你家共度除夕.(1)提出邀... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear Mr Black, It is my pleasure to invite you and your family to my home for Chinese New Year.(高分句型一)I bet our wonderful welcome will surprise you.(向Mr Black 提出邀请) The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese ...

狐侧19445523261问: 假定你是李华.临近春节,请给外教Lucy写封邮件,邀请她除夕夜到你家一同庆祝,体验中国传统节日的热闹.内容包括:1.时间:2月7日下午到2月8日早上2.... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear Lucy, I'd like to invite you to come to my home on February 7th to celebrate the Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in our culture,and it's ou...

狐侧19445523261问: 英语作文、聚会邀请新年来临之际,英语2班想要举办一次新年聚会.假如你是组织者李欣,请你根据提示写一封邀请函,邀请新来的外教Rosa参加聚会. -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] invitation dear Rosa, i am writing to ask you to join the New Year Party.the Spring Festival is coming.so this Sunday students in Class 2 will hold a party to celebrate the New Year.as the monitor of the class,i invite you to come to the party sincerely.the ...

狐侧19445523261问: 帮忙写下英语邀请信假如你是李华,请你写一封100词左右的邀请信,邀请你的外国朋友John到你家过春节.要点如下:1.非常荣幸能邀请John到你家过春节;... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear John,How's everything goning?You know that the Spring Festival is coming,and it's a great honor to celebrate the day with you.To we Chinese,Spring Festival is the most important traditional holid...

狐侧19445523261问: 邀请老师参加你的春节家庭聚会的英语作文 大于80词 小于100词 谢谢 好的加分 -
古县泽奇回答: Dear 老师, I know during this coming Chinese New Year, you will not be going home to you hometown in North Pole. You will be alone celebrating the festival. Could I invite you to my house to join my family in out reunion dinner? My family is simple ...

狐侧19445523261问: 假如你是李华,你和你的同学们准备举行新年联欢会,打算邀请你们学校的外教John 参加.请你用英语写一封邮件,告诉他新年联欢会的时间和地点,活动... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear John,How is it going?I'm writing to invite you to our New Year's Party.My classmates and I plan to have a party to celebrate the New Year.【高分句型一】We are going to have the part...

狐侧19445523261问: 假如你是班长李华.新年即将来临,你班要举行一个新年晚会,请代表全班写信邀请外教 Susan 参加,内容包括: 1. 时间:下周五下午 3 点至 5 点 2. 地点... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear SusanWe'd like to invite you to the New Year's party of our class. You can sing Chinese songs have a competition using chopsticks and learn how to makejiaozi. These are all typical Chinese activities and I believe you will have great fun. The ...

狐侧19445523261问: 求篇英语作文RT 假如你是李华,请你写一封100词左右的邀请信,邀请你的外国朋友John到你家过春节.要点如下1.非常荣幸能邀请John到你家过春节2.春节... -
古县泽奇回答:[答案] Dear JohnI am very pleased to invite you to come to our home to celebrate the Spring Festival.The Spring Festival is the most important Festival.It is the time when family get together and have a happ...

狐侧19445523261问: 英语作文你邀请国外你的朋友来你家过年150词左右 -
古县泽奇回答: Dear John,I'm so glad to hear that you've come back from aboard. I miss you so much, however, i have to say sorry as i cannot attend your party to be held on Sunday.The college entrance eamination is coming. As you know, i want to be admitted...

狐侧19445523261问: 我要写一篇英文作文向外教介绍春节,150到200字…高中水平 -
古县泽奇回答: I like The Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for ...

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