
作者&投稿:明典 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

动词observe有观察的意思,更被广泛用在遵纪守法的固定搭配里面 observe the customs 遵守风俗 observe the discipline 遵守纪律 observe sb's instructions 听从某人的指示 observe the laws 遵守法律 observe the rules 遵守规章

Obey the rules, the language of civilization

遵守交通规则 Traffic rules must be obeyed.Obey the traffic rules 法律规定,必须遵守交通规则 The law sets it down that traffic rules must be obeyed.

Everyone have to \/ must follow \/ obey the rulers .望采纳 !谢谢!

遵守规则 词典 toe the mark toe the scratch 法 abidance by the rules例句他们必须遵守规则They have got to abide by the rules学英语技巧第一英语的基础是单词,要多记多背,记忆单词的方法有。交通规则用英文表达为The traffic rules重点词汇解释1traffic n 交通运输贸易通信 通信量 vt 用作交换...

中小学生守则的英文:Regulations for Pupils and Middle School Students 日常行为规范的英文:Daily Behaviour Norms Regulation 读法 英 [regjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌrɛɡjəˈleʃən]1、n. 管理;规则;校准 2、adj. 规定的;平常的...

深入解析:“遵守”与“按照”的英语表达艺术在英语中,表达“遵守”与“按照”的词汇和短语有着丰富的层次和微妙的差异,它们各自带有不同的语境和侧重点。下面,我们逐一探讨它们的含义和使用场景。1. Follow & Obey<\/这两个词都传达出听从和遵从的指令,如"follow the doctor's orders"(遵医嘱)...

解析:be better to do 最好做某事;follow the rule 遵守规则;题干给出be动词是is,故连起来答案是 better to follow。语法:这句话是简单的陈述句,包括主语"I"、谓语"think"、宾语"it's best to follow the rules"和定语从句"to follow the rules",需要掌握基本的语法知识和句型。英语翻译...

遵守\/服从规则:Obeys the rule 保持原样: Maintenance original design

abide by 坚持;遵守 observe 遵守;观察 stick to 坚持;遵守;信守;不走题 comply with 服从,遵守

邬疫17762948463问: 英语3种遵守规则,短语 -
东宝区小儿回答: abidy by the rules comply with the rules toe the mark/scratch obey the statutes

邬疫17762948463问: 遵守规则英语翻译是什麽? -
东宝区小儿回答: obey the rules

邬疫17762948463问: <遵守规则>英语单词怎么拼?
东宝区小儿回答: 您好! 应该翻译为:obey the rules. obey 遵守、服从 rule 规矩、规则例句:We should obey the traffic rules when acrossing the street.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

邬疫17762948463问: “遵循规则”用英语怎么说 -
东宝区小儿回答: Follow the rules 例如 人们会遵循规则. That people will follow the rules.

邬疫17762948463问: 我们必须遵守交通规则 怎么用英语表达?赐教 -
东宝区小儿回答: “我们必须遵守交通规则”用英文表示:We must obey the traffic rules. 重要词汇解释: 1、obey 英[əˈbeɪ] 美[oˈbe] vt. 服从,听从; vt. 遵守,遵循; [例句]Cissie obeyed her mother without question 茜茜对她母亲言听计从. 2、traffic rules [词典] 交通规则; [例句]Fines are imposed for breaches of traffic rules. 违反交通规则要罚款.

邬疫17762948463问: “遵守交通规则”英语怎么说 -
东宝区小儿回答: “遵守交通规则” Obey the traffic rules"

邬疫17762948463问: 英语书面表达如何遵守交通规则??明天我要口试,急急急 -
东宝区小儿回答: Obeying the Traffic Laws「遵守交通规则」I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green, I still need to look both ...

邬疫17762948463问: 规则的英文怎么说
东宝区小儿回答: 你好,规则——rule遵守规则——obey the ruleThank you.

邬疫17762948463问: 最好遵守规则用英语怎么说 -
东宝区小儿回答: It's best to obey the rules. 满意请及时采纳,谢 我是加拿大人,前英语老师.

邬疫17762948463问: 求这几个英文词组的用法区别..全是遵守规则的意思唉: - ( 还是真的全一样? -
东宝区小儿回答: abide by the rules .遵守规则.这里的遵守有完全服从并在不服从情况下愿意接受惩罚之意.比较强势,等级意味明显. adhere to the rules. 恪守规则.指做事情是严格按照规章办事.主观意愿和能动性强. conform to the rules. 符合规章制度. 做事时并非完全照搬规则或循规蹈矩,总体原则不违背或预期效果不变情况下具体细节可以稍许改动.

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