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回答:Pay attention to

Do obey the traffic rules.(一定要遵守交通规则)Do not cross the road when the traffic lights are red.(交通灯是红色的时候不能过马路)

outside school, we should obey the traffic rules, walk the zebra crossing, not red light.

obey the traffic rules, deposit safety.

We must take care of traffic safety

2 we mustn't park on the road 3 we must wait for the green light 4 mustn't cross the street between cars 5 Always buckle up. 永远系好安全带。6 Put your children in back!把您的孩子放在后座上!7 Never drunk drive! 决不酒后驾驶 8 You always have to stop at a stop sign...

In order to keep the road orderly and people safe,everyone should follow traffic rules.为了保持交通秩序和人们的安全,人人都应该遵守交通规则.2、The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads.When people are driving,they should wear a seat belt....

初二英语求翻译 我们要注意交通安全和遵守交通安全,过马路要当心不能...
我们要注意交通安全和遵守交通安全,过马路要当心不能开玩笑 而且我们更不能在马路上玩耍 We should pay attention to traffic safety and abide by the traffic safety, be careful crossing the road can't kidding And we can't play on the road ...

初二英语求翻译 我们要注意交通安全和遵守交通安全,过马路要当心不能...
我们要注意交通安全和遵守交通安全,过马路要当心不能开玩笑 而且我们更不能在马路上玩耍 We should pay attention to traffic safety and abide by the traffic safety,be careful crossing the road can't kidding And we can't play on the road ...

be careful 小心 wait a minute ,do not catch a second.宁等一分,不抢一秒 green means cross,red means stop,绿灯行,红灯停 keep transportation rules 遵守交通规则

宇文贷15331539627问: 我们必须遵守交通规则 怎么用英语表达?赐教 -
桐城市帕利回答: “我们必须遵守交通规则”用英文表示:We must obey the traffic rules. 重要词汇解释: 1、obey 英[əˈbeɪ] 美[oˈbe] vt. 服从,听从; vt. 遵守,遵循; [例句]Cissie obeyed her mother without question 茜茜对她母亲言听计从. 2、traffic rules [词典] 交通规则; [例句]Fines are imposed for breaches of traffic rules. 违反交通规则要罚款.

宇文贷15331539627问: 遵守交通,珍爱生命,英语怎么说 -
桐城市帕利回答:[答案] 遵守交通,珍爱生命 Obey traffic laws,cherish lives. Follow traffic laws,value lives. Comply with traffic laws,treasure lives. 这两句都可以用. 遵守交通:Obey/follow/comply with traffic laws 珍惜生命:Cherish/value/treasure lives.

宇文贷15331539627问: 遵守交通规则 英语作文 带翻译 -
桐城市帕利回答:[答案] Traffic Safety 交通安全 With the rapid development of the society,people can live a better life in general.So because of the improvement of people' s living standard,more and more people own cars.Traffic jam comes to life.While people in order to be ...

宇文贷15331539627问: 翻译英语“遵守交通规则” -
桐城市帕利回答: Obey the traffic rules遵守(Obey) 交通规则(the traffic rules)

宇文贷15331539627问: 交通安全的英语作文:1.遵守交通规则.2.别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球.3.劝父母不能酒后驾车. -
桐城市帕利回答:[答案] Traffic safety is very important to us because if we don't pay attention to it, we may get injured and there will be accidents. First, we should obey the traffic rules. We should stop walking when the...

宇文贷15331539627问: “遵守交通规则”英语怎么说 -
桐城市帕利回答: “遵守交通规则” Obey the traffic rules"

宇文贷15331539627问: 英语作文遵守交通规矩.五十个单词. -
桐城市帕利回答: Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show that every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due to mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless and reckless driving, and could be ...

宇文贷15331539627问: “遵守交通规则”这句话用英语怎么说? -
桐城市帕利回答: observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规则

宇文贷15331539627问: “遵守交通规则”用英语怎么写
桐城市帕利回答: obey the traffic rules

宇文贷15331539627问: 用英语写一篇关于如何遵守交通规则的作文.80 - 100词 -
桐城市帕利回答: Obeying the Traffic Laws【遵守交通规则】 I am often very afraid to cross large wide streets. I always go to the traffic light and use the crosswalk, but many times I have been frightened. When the light changes to green, I still need to look both ...

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