
作者&投稿:席惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以下短语都可以表示去游泳 ~go to swim \/ go and swim ~go swimming (去进行游泳活动)~go for a swim (为游泳而行动)

您好,领学网为您解答:星期一到星期五去上班:Go to work from Monday to Friday.(1)go 英 [gəʊ] 美 [goʊ] vi.走;离开;去做;进行 vt.变得;发出…声音;成为;处于…状态 n.轮到的顺序;精力;干劲;尝试 (2)to 英 [tə] 美 [tu,t<...

我和我的父母去了方特。My parents and I went to the front.I and my parents went to the party special.采纳

我们乘车去农场 We go to the farm by car 我们乘车去农场 We go to the farm by car

您好,翻译为 He goes to school at 8 o'clock.希望帮助你

这辆车不去沙滩。This bus does not go to the sandbeach.

问英语单词...(谢T T) “去旅行”用英语咋说?
去旅行 go on a journey went on a journey Going on a Trip go traveling

Could you please tell me how can I go to (比如说the Summer Palace)?Could you please tell me how can I find (比如说the nearest subway station)?

咱们去买点食物吧 Let's go get some food.咱们去买点食物吧 Let's go get some food.

去看电影的英语单词 。
有好几种呢 go to the movies go to see a movie went to the movies go to the pictures go to the cinema see a film watch a movie

超杜19794218882问: '过去'的英语单词怎么写? -
义县藏青回答: 1.past , in the past 在过去 2.foretime 3.elapse [iˈlæps] vi. (时间)消逝, 过去 Four years have elapsed since he went to London. 自从他去了伦敦, 已过了四年.

超杜19794218882问: 过去的英语单词是什么要名词的单词 -
义县藏青回答:[答案] past 例,In the past,I often played basketball. 过去,我常常打篮球!

超杜19794218882问: 过去的英语单词怎么写 -
义县藏青回答: 有好多个.1.ago.2.past.3.yet.4.如果用在句子里面的话,可以用before,意思表示“在.......以前”.

超杜19794218882问: 过去的用英文怎样说 -
义县藏青回答: 那看你想表达什么意思了.如果用动词表示,可以用used to do sth 表示过去常常做某事.如果用形容词或副词,可以用previous或previously、 想用简单词汇,那就用past 好了.

超杜19794218882问: 过去的英语单词
义县藏青回答: past

超杜19794218882问: (过去)英语怎么写 -
义县藏青回答: 1、in the past2.to blow over;to go by; to pass by3.[Informal] died4.[Informal] to pass away

超杜19794218882问: 过去用英语怎么说
义县藏青回答: ago在...之前 past 过去

超杜19794218882问: 过去 用英语怎么说 -
义县藏青回答: past 过去 [guò qù] 基本翻译 past previous former to go over to pass by 网络释义 过去:go by|Once|past time 过去常常:used to do sth.|used to 过去时态:Les temps du pass|Past tenses|preterit

超杜19794218882问: 过去用英语怎么说 -
义县藏青回答: (以前): the past(走过去/经历): go through/get through

超杜19794218882问: <过去>这个英文单词怎么写
义县藏青回答: former 以前的 past 过去的 in the past 过去

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