
作者&投稿:经郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用过去完成时造句子的时候,应该注意什么呢?麻烦说的详细些呀,_百度知 ...
首先要弄清楚是什么是过去完成时:过去完成时基本构成:had+过去分词,强调动作发生在过去,延续到过去某个时间,并对过去那个时间造成了某种结果或影响.使用过去完成时要注意:1.动作发生在过去到过去 2.对过去时间造成的结果或影响 如:到1987年底为止,我已经学了3000个单词.I had learned 3,000 words ...

the film had been on for 5minutes.当我到电影院时,电影已经开始5分钟了.When I arrived at the train station, the train had been left.当我到火车站时,火车已经离开了.By the end of last term, we had already learnt 500 English words.到上学期末,我们已经学了500个英语单词 ...

By last night, I had set clock to 7 am.When clock waked me up, I had taken a shower before leaving home.Due to shower's time, I had to ran the whole way to catch the school bus.Finally, the bus had holded after my pursuing. Thank godness!Oh my god, I had forgotten...

过去完成时的用法和造句 过去完成时怎么用
过去完成时表示某件事在你说之时已经被完成了,表达的是过去的过去;过去时只是表明你以前做了什么事,不一定已经完成。比如说,she told me that she had passed the exams.这是过去完成时最主要用的地方,考试中也最常见。主句中用过去式told,从句就用过去的过去。

give 给; 过去完成时:had given (过去完成时的结构式:had+动词的过去分词 give的过去分词 是given)eg:After he had get into the car,I said good morning to him in French.这是《新概念2》中的课文中的句子,我刚学的。翻译:等他坐上车之后,我用法语向他问了个早上好。

grow 过去完成时,现在完成进行时,将来进行时,过去时造句
过去完成时:Baby boomers had grown up.现在完成进行时:Population in China has been growing rapidly for years.将来进行时:Population in China will be growing rapidly in next few years.过去时:They grew up together.

错了 用过去完成时造---我在10点以前睡觉 I had gone to bed by 10o’clock.

用过去完成时造句 我已经去打篮球了

Manhattan SC 过去完成时特殊用法求解。
1. 书上的解释是 : 用这种造句法,你还更可以用简单过去式表达第一节,然後以过去完成式表达随後动作的继续影响 (更稍後的过去时)2. 原因是所述乃是1980年後不到10年间的事情,即是1990年前的动作,所以要用过去完成时。3. 这里说U2是1980年代的新乐队,在不到10年後(less than ten years ...

造句用by the time.before.过去完成时
I have finished my homework by the time before l get home打字不易 望采纳

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时英语造句? -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: 过去完成时英语造句是,Before I went to bed last night,I had read some books.希望对你有用.

荆勤15860789869问: 英语 用过去完成时造句 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: by the end of yesterday, i decided to watch a TV program which had started already.

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时的造句1.车上已经没有座位了2.我的鞋已经破了 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答:[答案] The car had been full without a seat. My shoes had broken.

荆勤15860789869问: 英语:用过去完成时造句要求:句子为陈述句,时态为过去完成时.以Before,By the time,After为开头“分别”造5个句子.每个词造5个句子 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答:[答案] Before: 1.Before I went to bed last night,I had read some books. 2.Before I watched TV,I had finished my homework. 3.Before the police got there,the murder had run away. 4.Before I arrived at the airport,he had left. 5.Before you knew the truth,I had known...

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时求帮造句,1.By the time ...,he had already ...2.The movie had ...by the time we ...3.In (year),I ...Prior to that time,I had ...4.Last (month),I ...Before that,I ... -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答:[答案] 1By the time we arrived .he had already left2The movie had begun by the time we arrived at the cenema.3In 2005, I entered my college,prior to that time I had already learned all the courses required i...

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时when 、before、after造句每个一句,要翻译,简单些,六年级水平! -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: 句型一:过去完成时+when+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework when Mum came back. 妈妈回来的时候,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型二:过去完成时+before+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework before Mum came back. 妈妈回来之前,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型三:after+过去完成时+一般过去时 如: After I had finished my homework, Mum came back. 我已经完成我的作业之后,妈妈才回来.

荆勤15860789869问: 怎样用过去完成时造句,,要求10个词以上 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答:[答案] He said he had worked in that factory since 1949. 他说自从1949年,他就已经在这工作了

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时怎么造句 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: No sooner had i came in the door then did she show a small. 我一进门她就露出了笑容! I had hardly arrived at the airport when the plane flew. 我一到机场,飞机就开走了 Hardly had i finished my homework when she made a call to me. 我一完成作业,她就打电话来了.

荆勤15860789869问: 用过去完成时造句,,谢谢大家 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: The bridge had been built by the end of last year.到去年末,桥已经被建好了.

荆勤15860789869问: 过去完成时的用法 结构 例句 例句稍微简单些 要翻译出来 -
科尔沁左翼中旗伤科回答: I had finished my homework 我 已经 完成了 我的 家庭作业了 主语+had+动词过去分词+其他 用于过去完成时,表示过去的过去所做完的事 希望采纳

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