
作者&投稿:邴雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

情景对话(英语) 1.想知道那张床有多长,你可以问售货员: 2.劝对方不...
5 I think the duck is talented in swimming.

英语预定客房的情景对话范文如下:Guest: Hello, is that Jinjiang Hotel? 你好,是锦江大酒店吗? Operator: Hello, this is the switchboard operator of the hotel. What can I do for you? 您好,我是酒店总机接线员,您有什么事需要我做吗? Guest: I want to have a reservation for a ro...

如何用英语打电话订房 情景对话
如何用英语打电话订房情景对话篇:C:Good morning, this is the Front Desk.May i help you,sir?早上好,这是前台。需要我帮忙吗,先生?G:yes,i'dlike to reserve a room.是的,我想要订个房间 C:Thank you,Sir.For which date?谢谢,先生。订哪一点的?G:From November 9th 11月9日起 C:...

护理专业英语情景对话如下 Physical examination(查体)Will you please undress for medical examination?请您脱下衣服做体检好 吗?Take off your clothes, please 请把衣服脱下来 Lie down on the couch, please\/Just lie still on the couch and relax 请躺在治疗床上\/请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松...

B:excuse me? May I help you?G:yes. Here are some problems need to be solved.B:oh, may I know what kind of problems need to be solved?G:it's too noisy down there on the street. Is there any possiblity that you do something to make it quieter?Because it really ...

1 A. I will be staying in Paris for several days. Can I book a room for December 27th?我会在巴黎呆几天。我可以预订12月27日的房间吗?B. Sure, what kind of room would you like, Monsieur?当然,请问您要预定什么样的空间,先生?A. I want a double room, the queen-size bed....

卧室里有一张小床,一个书桌,一把椅子和一个小书架。书架靠近窗户,上面放的是我最爱看的书和一些古典音乐光盘。西面的墙上挂着一把小提琴,那是我的最爱,闲暇时我总是拉小提琴自娱自乐。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 77 12 极道小姐 采纳率:14% 擅长: 动漫 游戏 ...

谢谢你们陪同我看了整个工厂。这次参观使我对你们的产品范围有了一个很好的了解。B:It’s a pleasure to show our factory to our customers. What’s your general impression, may I ask?带我们的客户来参观工厂是我们的荣幸。不知道你总体印象如何?A:Very impressive, indeed, especially the ...

我们先来学习一下退房的英语表达是:check out,相对应的入住酒店是check in.下面是宾馆退房英语口语情景对话:Receptionist:Hi there.Are you checking out now?接待员:您现在退房吗?Kane:Yes,sorry.I know we're a few minutes late.凯恩:是的,对不起,我知道我们迟了几分钟.Receptionist:That's ...


镇昨17627094114问: 英语对话英语情景对话·关于早上起床和家人间的对白或者晚上睡觉前的 -
信丰县氟马回答:[答案] A:Good morningB:Good morningA:Did you have a nice dream?B:Yes,actually,I am already late for schoolA:You are not gonna have your breakfast,are you?B:yes,I must go now.Goodbye mumA:Goodbye.Be careful

镇昨17627094114问: 你好. 能帮我写个2人的英语情景对话吗,关于家庭生活的(列如几点起床,然后一天里所做的事情)附带中文,三分钟左右就行了,急要 格式 A: B: -
信丰县氟马回答: A:Hi,xxx,how are you? B:I am fine,thank you. A:What does your father do? B:He is a bussinessman.He ofen goes to other countries. A:And what does your mother do?Is she a worker? B:No.She does not.She is a doctor.She works in a hospital.A:I ...

镇昨17627094114问: 求英语2人情景对话3分钟关于家庭生活的例如多少点起床 一天的流程 谢谢加中文注释
信丰县氟马回答:Directions: You and your partner aregoing to talk something about personality. Discuss about the advantages ofoptimism and the disadvantages of pessimism, and the ways to overcomepessimism. 献个赞,再追问

镇昨17627094114问: 急求一份3人英语对话尽量简短,场景定为学校田径场,附带中文翻译. -
信丰县氟马回答:[答案] 关于要好好学习,不要丧失意志力的对话 - -: Mike(M), Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates(名字自己套下) Scene----in the college dorm (场景——在寝室) Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mike came back from a ...

镇昨17627094114问: 英语作文BOb早上起来感觉头疼,于是去看了医生请根据此情景编写一篇对话 -
信丰县氟马回答: What fuck rp? I dont konw but I know you are 不听话的 student

镇昨17627094114问: 英语情景对话,关于stress的,四个人的~~大神谢谢了. -
信丰县氟马回答: A:Hey ,you look depressed B:Oh your spirit has been down for many days C:What's the matter,***(*号是人名) D: You know the final exams is drawing near.I am worried about it A : Do your parents put tremendous stress on you?D:yes ,they hope ...

镇昨17627094114问: 七年级英语情景对话 -
信丰县氟马回答: Jack:Good morning! 早上好! Ann:Good morning! You look tired. 早上好!你看上去很疲惫. Jack:I couldn't sleep last night. 我昨晚睡不着. Ann:Why? 为什么? Jack:I worried about the finals. 我担心期末考试. Ann:Which subject? 哪科? ...

镇昨17627094114问: 三人英语情景对话,看病的(简单些的) -
信丰县氟马回答: A:Doctor,I'm in a serious cohdition B: you'r ahasty infection you have B: I'll give you some medicine A: Thank you A: Were is the pharmacy Miss nurse C: On the first fcoor A: Thank you C: You're welcome

镇昨17627094114问: 二人英语情景对话 -
信丰县氟马回答:[答案] A:Hello,B.Long time no see.How are you?B.长时间不见了.你怎么样?B:I am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?A:I am fine,too.我也很好.B:Where have you been?I have not seen you for several days.这段时间你都到哪去了,我好几天没见你了.A:...

镇昨17627094114问: 高中英语情景对话范文 -
信丰县氟马回答: don't get me wrong——别误会我 A: Jack, why are you so fussy about me? B: No, I'm not. I can't complain about you. A: But I resent your criticism. B: Don't get me wrong. What I do is for your own good. A:Jack,你为什么对我这么挑剔? B:...

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