
作者&投稿:衷丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

贝多芬 (L.V.Beethoven 1770--1827) 贝多芬1770年12月16日生于德国波恩,祖父是科隆选侯的宫廷歌手和乐长,父亲也是选侯的宫廷歌手。贝多芬的父亲竭力 想把他培养成为莫扎特式的神童,因此,四岁时就强迫他学习小提琴和钢琴,八岁公开表演。在管风琴师C.G.内费的指导 下,贝多芬开始学习巴赫等德国大师的作品,使...

约翰·贝多芬是一个贪婪的酒鬼。贝芬幼年时代, 莫扎特的故事家喻户晓, 约翰·贝多芬眼见此种情况, 羡慕万分,于是强迫五岁的多芬贝开始学琴,并给予大量的功课,目的在于培育他成为一个音乐神童,以便藉此赚钱。在如此的环境下,贝多芬别无选择,只好任由父亲摆布,而走向音乐之路。对贝多芬而言,有这样...


她虽然没有机会走进校门,却发奋学习,学完了小学、中学全部课程,自学了大学英语 、日语、德语和世界语 ,并攻读了大学和硕士研究生的课程。1983年3月7日,共青团 中央在北京举行命名表彰大会,授予被誉为"80年代新雷锋"的张海迪同志"优秀共青团员 "称号。1983年张海迪开始从事文学创作 ,先后翻译了《海...

20岁时,他以一篇论文轰动数学界,被清华大学请去工作。 从1931年起,华罗庚在清华大学边工作边学习,用一年半时间学完了数学系全部课程。他自学了英、法、德文,先后在国外杂志上发表了多篇论文。1936年夏,华罗庚被保送到英国剑桥大学进修,两年中发表了十多篇论文,引起国际数学界赞赏。1938年,...

他一生中写下了800多首抒情诗和8部长篇叙事诗,此外还有80多万字的小说、政论、戏剧和游记,且有相当部分在战火中完成。这样的高产率,在欧洲文学史上是非常罕见的。 在匈牙利文学乃至其整个民族的发展史上,裴多菲都占有独特的地位。他奠定了匈牙利民族文学的基石,继承和发展了启蒙运动文学的战斗传统,被人誉为“是在...

宓沿15870015445问: 英语小短文:贝多芬的生平介绍不用太高深.高一水平就行.至少60个词,也不要太多喔 -
太仆寺旗甲培回答:[答案] -- 贝多芬的一生 Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, on December 16, 1770. His father and grandfather were both musicians. Beethoven revealed his own musical talents when he was very young. At the age of 7 he was playing in public....

宓沿15870015445问: beethoven关于贝多芬的英语作文80词 -
太仆寺旗甲培回答:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven baptised 17 December 1770[1] – 26 March 1827) was a German composer and pianist.A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music,he...

宓沿15870015445问: 贝多芬英文简介100字左右~ -
太仆寺旗甲培回答:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA:[ˈlʊtvɪç va:n ˈbe:tovən],baptized December 17,1770[1] – March 26,1827) was a German composer.He is generally regarded as one of the greatest ...

宓沿15870015445问: 有贝多芬的英文介绍吗??要很短的哦~ -
太仆寺旗甲培回答: Beethoven is often described as a "giant straddling two styles": the Classical and the Romantic. Indeed, it is a testimony to Beethoven's place in history that he is claimed for both periods. Whether Beethoven was a Classical or a Romantic ...

宓沿15870015445问: 贝多芬的英文简介 60词左右,越简短越好 谢谢~ -
太仆寺旗甲培回答: Ludwig van Beethoven,1770.12.16—1827.03.26)Male, German composer, pianist, conductor. Vienna Classical Music righteous. He created a total of 9 Symphony No. 35 Piano Sonatas (after 32 of them with a number), 10 violin sonatas, 16 string ...

宓沿15870015445问: 根据下面提示写一篇60个词左右的人物介绍(英语作文)贝多芬(BEETHOVEN)(1770 - 1827)德国伟大曲家自幼爱好音乐,钢琴弹得很好,28岁得耳病,18... -
太仆寺旗甲培回答:[答案] Ludwig Van Beethoven,December 16,1770 - March 26,1827),is a collection of classical great German composer of classical music,is also a pianist and conductor.He has composed 9 Symphonies,the first numb...

宓沿15870015445问: 介绍贝多芬的英语作文100字左右 -
太仆寺旗甲培回答: Ludwig van Beethoven (IPA:[ˈlʊtvɪç va:n ˈbe:tovən],baptized December 17,1770[1] – March 26,1827) was a German composer.He is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music,and was the predominant ...

宓沿15870015445问: 贝多芬英文版简介(初一文化能看懂的、、) -
太仆寺旗甲培回答: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), the second-oldest child of the court musician and tenor singer Johann van Beethoven, was born in Bonn. Ludwig's father drilled him thoroughly with the ambition of showcasing him as a child prodigy. Ludwig ...

宓沿15870015445问: 用英语描述贝多芬 -
太仆寺旗甲培回答:[答案] Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827),one of history's most famous and mysterious composers died at the age of 57 with one great secret.Upon his death,a love letter was found among his possessions.It was w...

宓沿15870015445问: 贝多芬简介英文版(200词以内).急 -
太仆寺旗甲培回答: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—1827).German composer, was one of music's greatest geniuses. His works have a rare originality, emotional depth,and expressive power.He was known for his nine symphonies,piano concertos and sonatas,and ...

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