
作者&投稿:善所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Xiao Ming often takes a train to work.Xiao Ming often goes to work by train.Xioa Ming often goes to work on a train.

He goes to his company by train every day.He takes the train to his company every day.He goes to his company on a train every day.

我坐火车去。(三种) 英文翻译
I'll go by train.I'll go on a train.I'll go by railway.

他坐飞机去北京英文三种表达方式 2、上个星期我爸爸乘飞机去北京用英语的四种方式怎么写 上个星期我爸爸乘飞机去北京用英语的四种方式怎么写 3、以去北京最好的方式是什么为题写一篇英语作文100字左右 以去北京最好的方式是什么为题写一篇英语作文,100字左右 4、你的爸爸是如何从上海去北京的英语 你的...

24.我们将坐轮船去青岛。 用英语怎么说(三种表达)?
我们将坐轮船去青岛。用英语三种表达:1) We will go to Qingdao by ship.2) We will take ship to go to Qingdao.3) We will ride ship to go to Qingdao.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

i wanted to take a plane to USA I want to take a flight to usa taking a plane to usa Is always what I wanted to do

I seldom go to school by boat 我很少坐船去上学 I rarely go to school by boat 我很少坐船去上学 I don't usually go to school by boat 我很少坐船去上学

I wen to England by plane.I wen to England by air.I flew to England.I took a plane to England.

我很少坐船去上学,用英文三种表达;1) I rarely go to school by boat.2) Seldom am I going to school by boat.3) I hardly take a boat to go to school.

他喜欢走路而不喜欢坐公交车 怎么用英文翻译 需要三种形式。谢谢...
He'd like on foot rather than by bus.He perfects walking than to go bus.

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐!英语的三种说法 -
五指山市络泰回答:[答案] sit down,please have a seat,please take a seat,please

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐 的英文词组3个 -
五指山市络泰回答:[答案] Sit down ,please. 请坐(一般用法) Get your seat ,please. 请坐 (比较随便) Take a seat,please 坐吧(比较随意)

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐!用英语的三种说法(单独使用哦) -
五指山市络泰回答:[答案] 1)Have a seat,please. 2)Sit down,please. 3)take a seat ,please.

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐下的三种英文表达方式 -
五指山市络泰回答:[答案] Please sit down. Please seat yourself. Please be seated. Please take a seat,

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐! 英语的三种说法 -
五指山市络泰回答: sit down,please have a seat,please take a seat,please

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐的英语怎么说 -
五指山市络泰回答: 你的这两种说法都是正确的,还可以说:sit down, please. be seated,please,最后一种比较正式,通常用在会议等上.

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐英文怎么说 -
五指山市络泰回答: 一、sit down please 读音:英 [sit daun pli:z] 美 [sit daʊn pliz] 请坐 例句:1、Good morning, Ms Lin. Sit down please. 早上好,林女士,请坐.2、Thank you. Come in and sit down, please. 你可以进来了,请坐.多谢!请进来坐会儿!3、Would...

苍胃15182861795问: 请坐! 用英语的三种说法(单独使用哦) -
五指山市络泰回答: 1)Have a seat,please.2)Sit down,please.3)take a seat ,please.

苍胃15182861795问: 日常英语口语中「请坐」用英语怎么说 -
五指山市络泰回答: 请坐 Sit down, please请坐 Sit down, please

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