
作者&投稿:充亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

春天 spring [spriŋ]孟 [仲; 季]春:the first [second; last] month of spring。温暖如春:as warm as spring.大地回春:Spring returns to the earth或者 Spring is here again.2、夏天 summer ['sʌmə]初夏:early summer。度夏 :pass [spend] the summer.一燕不成...

spring 该怎么理解?
spring n.春季, 春天 青春, 初期 跳跃, 跳起, 弹回 弹性[力], 活力 弹簧, 发条 泉; 源泉 [常用复]根源, 动机, 原动力 [pl. ]大潮期 裂缝, 裂开;【航海】倒缆, (甲板的)上翘, 转向锚索;【建】起拱点[面]【杓球】棒的弯曲 make a spring at sth.向某物扑去 a hot spring 温泉 th...

n.1. 春季,春天[U][C]2. 旺盛时期;青春年少时期[U]3. 跳跃[C]He rose with a spring and dashed out the door.他一跃而起,奔出门去。4. 弹簧[C]5. 弹力;活力[U][S]There's little spring in this sofa.这张沙发几乎没什么弹性。6. 泉[P1]7. 根源,源泉[C]Her vanity was the...

2、vi.跳,跃;突然发出或出现;发源;劈开,裂开 A little bird rose with a spring.一只小鸟跳了起来。3、vt.突然跳出;跳过;使开裂 I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.很抱歉,向你突如其来提出这件事。三、词源解说:直接源自古英语的springan;最初源自原始日耳曼语的spreng...

1、Spring is here.春天来了。2、It can be quite windy there, especially in spring.那里有时容易刮风,特别在春季。3、When the box was opened, the spring jumped out.盒子一打开,弹簧就绷出来了。4、There is too much spring in this bed.这张床太有弹性。5、The cat made a spring ...

4、"No matter how long the winter,spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb 不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来.——谚语 5、"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J.Bissonette 乐观主义者是春天的化身.——苏珊.J.比索内特 6、"In the spring time,the only pretty ring time,wh...

Spring 系列篇之表达式语言(SpEL)
Spring 表达式语言(SpEL)支持在运行时查询和操作对象。本篇文章我们来学习,如何使用SpEL,并简单介绍下,他在IoC容器中,扮演什么角色。首先我来看一张类图,图中红框标注的是SpEL中重要的角色(接口)。可以看到当我们需要使用SpEL时,需要有这几步操作 创建parse对象 定义表达式执行上下文 解析字符串为...

一年有四个季节。它们是春季,夏季,秋季,冬季的英文:There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn, winter.spring 读法 英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ]1、n.春天;春季;弹簧;发条;弹性;弹力 2、v.跳;跃;蹦;突然猛烈地移动;突如其来地做;...

spring \/sprɪŋ\/ 先看第一个音:s,它是一个往外吐气的音。再看第二个音:p,它是一个往外喷气的音。再看后边的音:riŋ,吐气也较为多。清辅音浊化按照英语读音的习惯,在s音后面的清辅音会读成相应的浊辅音。这就是清辅音浊化。例如:spy \/spai\/ 轻辅音浊化就应该是\/s...

【英语翻译】spring foward, fall back
北美(美国加拿大)还有夏时制,钟要调一个小时,为了记忆,他们有一个短语:Spring forward, fall back。意思是春天进入夏时制,把表调快,spring是春天,也有跑的意思。而到了秋天,夏时制结束,则调慢一小时,fall是秋,也有向后倒的意思。这个短语纯粹是为了帮助记忆。中文翻译,可以用“春长秋收”,...

磨新17236114119问: 《 Spring Festival 》 英语作文60词以上 -
大英县益心回答:[答案] My Spring Festival My Spring Festival was great. Before the Chinese New Year, my families were all going to my grandparents'. Many of my relatives there were playing all the night. At night, we set off firecrackers. The voice was very loud, cars parked ...

磨新17236114119问: 英语作文《Spring Festival》50词 加中文翻译(请用初一知识回答,谢谢各位了!) -
大英县益心回答: The Spring Festival is coming.All of us are happy and exiting.The Spring Festival begins on January 1st of the lunar year.It is the beginning of a year.I like Spring Festival.Because it means hope and expectation.The most important reason is that I ...

磨新17236114119问: 英语作文springfestival100字以上 -
大英县益心回答:[答案] My Spring Festival My Spring Festival is special.My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai.My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them.And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. On New Year's Eve,my father and ...

磨新17236114119问: 英语作文spring festival 范文 -
大英县益心回答: The Spring Festival The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. Before the festival coming, all the families will clean their house. Then the family members get together on New Year's Eve to have a big meal and ...

磨新17236114119问: spring festival 英语作文带翻译 -
大英县益心回答: Spring festival is one of the most traditional festival in China .people usually celebrate it together. old people well give money to their kids ,and at the eve of it they well eat dumplings.we love spring festival very much .春节是中国的传统节日之一.人们聚在一起欢度春节.老人会给孩子们红包,他们会在除夕夜一起吃饺子.我们非常喜欢过春节.

磨新17236114119问: Spring Festival 怎么读 , 是什么意思? -
大英县益心回答: 春节

磨新17236114119问: 英语中在春节是at Spring Festival还是at the Spring Festival?如果只是说春节的话是不是必须有the? -
大英县益心回答:[答案] at the Spring Festival 这是特指,要说the ※还有问题么

磨新17236114119问: 英语作文 spring festival(带中文)写得好的,给多加分! -
大英县益心回答:[答案] 给你几个示范1:The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is a day when Chinese people get together for sharing happiness. 春节是最重要节日,为中国人民,是一个有一天,...

磨新17236114119问: spring festival的英语作文 100词以内 -
大英县益心回答: spring festival is the most important festival in china .it's to celebrate the lunar calendar 's new year .in the evening before the spring festival ,families get together and have a big meal .in many places people like to set off firecrackers .dumplings ...

磨新17236114119问: 关于spring festival的英语作文(80个字左右) -
大英县益心回答: The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come ...

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