
作者&投稿:撒咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高中英语作文带翻译100字(一)Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern an...

也许我们一生都没有挡雨的习惯,但我愿意在你们身边撑起一把伞!今天我就让你们见识见识英语词汇量有多重要! 一共给你们准备了3篇英文作文,词汇量从少到多的顺序,单词数量都足足的,肯定够100字。 【一】案例来啦 The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, is the most important festival for all of...

1. 语言或动作描写作文100字 小丽抿着嘴,弓着腰,蹑手蹑脚地,一步一步慢慢地靠近它。靠近了,靠近了,又见她悄悄地将右手伸向蝴蝶,张开的两个手指一合,夹住了粉蝶的翅膀。小丽高兴得又蹦又跳。 他弯着腰,篮球在他的手下前后左右不停地拍着,两眼溜溜地转动,寻找“突围”的机会。突然他加快了步伐,一会左拐,...

The house of the future 英语作文,100字左右
以下是三篇以《The house of the future》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路: 这篇文章将探讨未来的房子会是什么样子。我们可以预见到,未来的房子将更加智能化、环保、舒适和安全。 正文: The House of the Future In the future, houses will be more intelligent, environmentally friendly...

1. 描写人物的动作 语言 神态作文 100字左右 描写动作的 她的对手现在是Q同学,她毫不示弱地举起乒乓板,习惯地耸耸肩,扭扭脖子,职业性地蹲好马步,微微抬起头,露出她那双令人望而生畏的眼睛,冷笑了一声,轻声地说:“发球吧!”那个黄色的小球迅速朝她射来,她毫不犹豫地一侧身子,抡起胳膊,“啪”地一下打了回去...


1. 三年级下册语文周记100字可爱的水蜗牛100字 天早上,我和妈妈在楼下花园里散步,我一个人奔跑嬉戏着。走着走着,一只正在缓慢爬动的小动物进入了我的眼球。 仔细一瞧,原然是一只小蜗牛。我突发奇想,我想与这只小蜗牛一起散步。于是,我慢慢得走着,生怕这只小蜗牛跟不上。当我走了几步,回头一看,那只小蜗牛...


五年级上册三单元小作文100字到150字 读《最大的麦穗》有感 人们常说,过了这个村没这个店,说的与《最大的麦穗》中苏格拉底告诉 弟子的一样。 古希腊大学者苏格拉底让弟子们摘麦地里最大的一个麦穗,只许进不许退, 弟子们总认为机会还很多,不许过早定夺。结果,到了麦地尽头时,他们每个 人都两手空空。 文章最...

1. 以游戏为话题的作文用语言和动作描写150字 我有一位凶猛而又幽默的长辈,他就是我的爸爸. 我的爸爸有一张又白又胖的圆脸,一头乌黑发亮的头发,一对细迷眼儿,一个塌鼻梁,嘴唇很厚,但特别富有表情,高兴时,撇撇嘴扮个鬼脸;不高兴时,那凶猛的表情就像一座即将喷发的火焰山. 他对我要求非常严格.记得有一次,...

阙怖15292643846问: 求6篇英语作文,100字.题目分别是:1.我的家庭 2.自我介绍 3.描述自己的房间 4.给朋友写信,描述自己及家人三餐情况 5.写一封信介绍自己一天活动及时间 ... -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] 1.This is a photo of my family.These are my parents.My father is a worker at a factory.He can speak Chinese,but he can't speak English.He can play basketball,but he can't play tennis.My mother is an English teacher at a university.She can ride a bike...

阙怖15292643846问: 请根据以下题目写一篇100字英语作文:三个题任选一个题写...1.Why is clothing very important to high school girl and not that important to college students?2.... -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] 第一个 A breed of humans that are, like, totally selfish, stubborn, and are targets of marketing companies. High school girls frequently communicate using the words "like", "totally", and the phrase "Oh, my God!" in an effort to like eliminate the ...

阙怖15292643846问: 以我的家庭为题目写一篇英语作文100字左右,不要太长 -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] 1.I have a small family!There are three people in my family!They are my father ,mother and me!My father is friendly !My mother is pretty!I am lovely !I love my famliy ! 2.There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good.I'...

阙怖15292643846问: 八年级水平英语小作文100字【含题目】 -
浈江区金口回答: My favourite season Most people think winter is a sad season.As birds fly away, animals start sleeping and the temperature is below zero. But in fact, winter is a colourful season. Winter makes me think of many exciting festivals,such as Christmas ...

阙怖15292643846问: 高中英语作文100字 有题目 -
浈江区金口回答: Dear Mr.Li, Last Sunday,I went to do some reading in your library. But I find some problems in the library.First,A lot of people want to look books what was new.but,I can't find new books in the library.And second,the book in the bookshelfs where was ...

阙怖15292643846问: 求几篇英文作文.100字、有题目有翻译 -
浈江区金口回答: my hobbyDifferent people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on. I used to read books and draw pictures because by reading books I could learn many funny ...

阙怖15292643846问: 谁会写100字英语小作文?要有题目、5篇、写的好了6星 -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] my gandma is cooking. cooking rice. my mom is writing. writing a report. my father is writing. writing an e-mail. my bro listening to music. sister is cleaning. cleaning the room. i'm doing. doing my homework. what are you doing? tell me,please.

阙怖15292643846问: 英语作业 一篇小作文.100字 有题目 -
浈江区金口回答: a happy weekend i have planned a happy weekend.saturday morning, i must go to see me aunt.in the afternoon, i must go to the shopping center to go shopping.evening, i planned makes the homework.sunday in the morning, i watch the television, ...

阙怖15292643846问: 英语小作文,100字左右,不要超过150字,5个what is your impression toward life你对生活的印象是什么a friend wants to visit know your coutry and is ... -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] My life style what is life?How to make your life wonderful? In my opinion,if you want to make life wonderful,you must have your special life style. Life does not need very dynamic(轰轰烈烈.If you feel rich(充实) in life,it is enough. So,how to achieve it?...

阙怖15292643846问: 求高中英语作文100字左右题目自拟 -
浈江区金口回答:[答案] 译: 我很高兴收到你的信,我很高兴地听到你会去中国且在我们这里学习中文的消息.我已经找到了寓所.在芳草街,不远处就是我们的中文学校.乘坐11号巴士就可以到达,前一站就是中文学校.寓所是在三楼,有3个房间,其中一个是卧室,其他两个...

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