
作者&投稿:驹翔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2023高考英语读后续写万能句型模板 续写范文
2023高考英语读后续写万能句型模板Noticing Susan’s unhappiness, Rose secretly suggested making a crown with flowers to please her.It suddenly occurred to sb. that从句=It hit sb. that从句=It struck sb. that从句=It dawned on sb. that从句 She understood that her daughter meant much mo...

读后续写好句积累 1. She tried to hide her anger.她试图掩饰自己的愤怒。(hide your disappointment\/anger...掩饰...)2. She laughed to hide her nervousness.她笑了笑以掩饰自己的紧张。3. The treatment offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers 这种治疗方法给癌症患者一线希望。(a ...


1. 英语读后续写作文 Although we have learned English for several years, and we have some knowledge about the English-speaking countries, there are still many people can not distinguish the relationships beeen England, Britain and United Kingdom. UK is the short form of the United Kingdom of ...


英语读后续写解题思路 1.通读全文,读懂原文 通读全文首先要解决好五个W和一个H的问题,即理清人物who、地点where、时间when、事件what、原因why及怎样发展how。因此,文章大意就是,Mac与好友一起骑行去阿拉斯加,路上同伴因修自行车落后,Mac独自一人前行,遇到狼的突袭,好一番搏斗,幸亏此时Paul和...


①题目有文字材料。 ②要求考生依材料作文,或改写材料,或续写材料,或扩写材料,或根据材料写读后感,或针对材料中的“现象”写短评,考查的角度多种多样。 ③“题”的变化形式多样,可以是命题,可以是自由命题;可以是半命题,也可以是无命题(如要求给给材料的人写信),其中以给一段材料、一个命题的为最多。也有以中...

阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数为150 左右。(点赞关注,私信Alice获取续写答案、读后续写高分汇总)我们可以按照前面讲述的思路进行以下角度的原文解读: setting(背景) :寒冷的冬夜;除夕;此时,人们希望是怎样的生活场景? characters...

\\ 1 新题型到底难在哪里?答:新题型“读后续写”“概要写作”是一种将原本独立的“阅读理解”与“写作”组合在一起得出的“新题型”。一道题目,双倍难度。说难是真的难,说简单也简单,毕竟在清朝末年,一位叫高鹗的考生,就遇到了类似的题目:1792年普通高等国子监招生全国统一考试 英语 第四部分...

范郊18442328969问: 简单的英语续写题目 She won a chess game. She feels_____________.She won a chess game. She feels_____________.图片是:一个小女孩捧着个奖杯,... -
固镇县楼莲回答:[答案] she feels happy. He is hungry.

范郊18442328969问: 简单的英语续写题目 She won a chess game. She feels - ------------. -
固镇县楼莲回答: she feels happy. He is hungry.

范郊18442328969问: 人教版必修三英语unit1 续写A SAD LOVE STORY -
固镇县楼莲回答:[答案] 2 years passed...When the couple met again.Now they was calm.When they talled about why they broke up,they could face it.The missunderstanding fanilly obvious.LiFang looked nervous.He was send to USA ...

范郊18442328969问: 英语故事续写 -
固镇县楼莲回答: one day, an elephant named Jack wanted to go to visit his cousin living in the countryside. Jack decided to go there by train, so he went to the train station. To his disappointed, he could not get into the train because of his heavy and strong body. ...

范郊18442328969问: 新龟兔赛跑英语作文续写第二次龟兔赛跑 -
固镇县楼莲回答:[答案] One day,a tortoise was walking down a road.He was walking very slowly.A hare saw him and laughed."You are so slow!" "You are wrong,"said the tortoise."I'm not slow,but I don't like to hurry." "I'm rig...

范郊18442328969问: 狮子王续写60字英语快 -
固镇县楼莲回答:[答案] Know the tiger while he not to protect their people from other nations to hurt, but persecuted them. The Lion King finally can not stand, he summoned all the persecution by the tiger family hold hearings, listen to their views. The persecuted family ...

范郊18442328969问: 高一必修二the story of atlanta续写这是文章 -
固镇县楼莲回答:[答案] After each of the first two apples, Atalanta was able to recover the lead, but when she stopped for the third, Hippomenes won the race. It took all three apples and all of his speed, but Hippomenes wa...

范郊18442328969问: 英语读后感的题目是什么
固镇县楼莲回答: 1.可以直接使用题目,例如小王子就用2.使用 My feeling about ***(***的感受)也行. 读后感没有什么特殊的要求. 喜欢什么,还得看你.

范郊18442328969问: 英语作文 续写一篇文章 -
固镇县楼莲回答: http://laolaosi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=776320&fromuid=333751

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