
作者&投稿:斐委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

表示心情的英语手抄报 英语手抄报
my day我的一天夏明翰小学五年级优秀英语手抄报欣赏 my day我的一天夏明翰小学五年级优秀英语手抄报欣赏 六年级关于心情的英语手抄报 六年级英语手抄报 my day我的一天夏明翰小学五年级优秀英语手抄报欣赏 学识网 语文 手抄报 英语手抄报 我的爸爸总是很忙他对我承诺一旦 我爱英语英语节手抄报 learn...

One day the first snowflakes fell,and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin.曾经,当第一片雪花飘落,我将你高高举起,看着它们在你稚嫩的皮肤上融化。One day,we crossed the street,and you held my hand tight.曾经,你的小手紧抓着我,一同穿越都市的车水马龙。Then ,...

英语绘本手抄报:my holiday资料
my winter holiday I have a busy holiday, On weekend, I clean the room ,I play the computer game ,and I do my homework. Another day ,I have a big trip ,It's nice! I visit my grandparents now, I eat good food, drink Cock,and I sing vevy nice.My grandparents are very...

《MY WAY我的路》不仅已输出了授权马来西亚版权,还受到欧美等多个国家的出版商关注,凭借这一出道之作寂地逐渐晋升为成为华人动漫社圈中的新星,然而更灿烂的未来正逐步展现在她的面前。 其后,经过一年时间的酝酿,《MY WAY我的路2》于2005年11月诞生。同样经由漫友文化策划、包装,《MY WAY我的路2》比《MY WAY我...

金铜鼓朗文少儿英语首届绘本手抄报比赛 制作糖果屋的英文手抄报春天的英语手抄报 英语绘本手抄报4页英语六年级上册手抄报简单myday英语绘本myday英语 大猫英语绘本手抄报英语绘本故事手抄报英语绘本故事手抄报图片体验 四年级儿童英语绘本手抄报英语绘本手抄报 初中手抄报设计图糖果屋 阅读一本英语绘本完成一张手抄报英语绘...

绘本趣读 | 《我爸爸》:每当想起父亲,你会想到什么?
上一期的《绘本趣读》讲了卡尔爷爷的 From Head to Toe ,后台也收到了很多宝妈的亲身经验和阅读分享。有一个宝妈留言说:期待我爸爸和我妈妈的讲解。 所以这一次我们带来的是安东尼·布朗( Anthony Browne )的经典亲情绘本 My Dad 。 作者安东尼·布朗(Anthony Browne)出身于英国谢菲尔德郡,儿时就展露出极高的讲...

Spot是一个系列绘本,以简单的故事和生活化的插图,吸引了很多世界各地的小朋友。该系列图书在全世界销售了5000多万册。 八2-3分钟英语小故事(带中文翻译) 少儿英语小故事--猴子捞月(中英文对照) One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。 He looks in the well ...

详案-徐晓华-my mum教学设计

英语绘本手抄报简单又好看五年级下册 1BringPapa Teacher:Forfinalexamthistime,youcantakeyourtextbooks,yournotebooks,yourdictionaryetc.,justasyoudoyourhomeworkasusual.Frank:Thatsoundsgood.ThenIcantakemypapahere._疽胛摹看职 老师:本次考试,你们可以带课本、笔记本、词典等,就像你们平常做作业一样。

小猪小象阅读顺序是《我的新玩具 I Love My Newtoy 》、《小猪害我打喷嚏 Pigs Make Me Sneeze》、《长鼻子折了 I Broke My Trunk》、《小猪节快乐 Happy Pig Day》、《一起出去玩吧 Are You Ready to Play Outside?》。《小猪小象系列绘本》是一套双语绘本,共5册,内容包括:《我的新玩具...

井蝶19294827960问: 急!!求英语作文一篇《My day》初一级别的.70词左右都行 -
莲都区派纾回答: my day Hello everyone,my name is -------.Today I want to say something about my day. I have a happy day every week.First I get up at 7:00.Then I brush my teeth and wash my face.Next I eat breakfast at 7:30.I do my homework at 8:00.After ...

井蝶19294827960问: 关于小学英语《My day》的作文 -
莲都区派纾回答: Hi!I'm xxx.I get up at 7:00 in the morning and have breakfast at 7:15.I go to school at 7:30 and lessons start at 8:00.I have three lessons in the morning.My favourite lesson is English. At 11:00 I have lunch at school.After lunch,I talk to my friends and ...

井蝶19294827960问: 根据你的实际情况制作一个时间表并将它以"My day"为题写下来 -
莲都区派纾回答: My Day I usually get up at 陆:00 in the morning. I go to school by bike after I have breakfast. We have four lessons in the morning. I always have lunch at school. In the afternoon we play many games. I go home at about 四:三0. After supper I do my homework.I usually go to bed at 9 o'clock

井蝶19294827960问: 英语作文《my day》 -
莲都区派纾回答: My dayHi!My name is Mary.My day is so happy!I go home at 5:00 in the morning.I eat breakfast at about 6:00 a.m.Then I sleep.I usually get up at 12:00 noon.I often play sports at 3:00 p.m.I eat dinner at 7:00 p.m.I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. ...

井蝶19294827960问: my day的英语作文 -
莲都区派纾回答: My Day 英语作文 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods...

井蝶19294827960问: my day英语作文
莲都区派纾回答: My Day I get up at 6:00 in the morning.I wash my face and brush my teeth after I get up.I leave home for school at 7:00 and get there at 7:05.We do moring exercises at 7:10.I go home for lunch at 11:30 and return to school at 11:50.We start our ...

井蝶19294827960问: 帮写一篇英语日记《My day》 -
莲都区派纾回答: My Day Last Sunday,I had a great time.I went to the countryside with my family.I had never seen such blue sky. The air is fresh and there are lots of beautiful flowers.We had a picnic there,and then we went fishing 、went camping and fle kites.We ...

井蝶19294827960问: My Day(我的一天)用英语写自己的一天,时间就今天下午,谁写的好就给谁分,50个单词,My Day(我的一天),提示:早上干什么,中午干什么,晚上... -
莲都区派纾回答:[答案] My Day I always get up at seven o'clock in the morning everyday.After dressing up,I have my breakfast and get washed.Then I go to scholl at eight o'clock.At noon,I go back home and have my lunch.Then I will watch TV for about one hour.As there are no ...

井蝶19294827960问: 求英语作文My Day!不少于五十个单词,有中文翻译更好! -
莲都区派纾回答:[答案] My DayMy day is very fun.I get up at 6:30,I eat breakfast at7:00.I go to school at 7:30.Ten I have class.Afferschool Igo home.Igo to bed at 8:00.This is my day.It is fun?What about you?我的一天十分有...

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