
作者&投稿:产翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、看图认识并朗读词语 (1)请小朋友用春天到了作为开头,把你看到的听到的告诉大家。 教师根据学生说话内容相机引出词语,读词语。如:学生说到有关燕子的内容,就引出莺歌燕舞;说到花开,引出百花齐放;说到草绿,引出春回大地;教师出示百鸟争鸣让学生说说,读这个词语的时候,你好想看到什么,听到什么?教师指导轻轻地读泉...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语小作文 (看图说话)图一:有一家人在车上 表情很开心图二:那一家人在沙滩上 表情仍然很开心 太阳当空照~图三:那家人的孩子 在沙滩上捡贝壳 表情... -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] John and his family went to the seaside by bus on Sunday which was a fine day.They were so happy and excited that they sang a song together in the bus.When they got there they went stright to the beac...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语作文看图说话 十句话左右(快.三个男孩在打篮球.Tom在灌篮.结果摔倒了.另两个赶紧送他去医院.后来脚缠了绷带.有同学来帮他补课.还有一女生来献花. -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] Three boys are playing the basketball after school.They enjoy themselves .When Tom slamed dunk ,and unfortunately tumbled him down.Two other students sent Tom to nearby hospitol hurriedly.Fortunately, no serious injuried. Afterward Tom's foot was ...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语看图说话找一幅图,写一段话,不要太多,一四年级的水平写. -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] During my summer holidays, I often go to the beach with my family. I like swimming in the sea. And I...

锺璧17317219660问: 几篇英语的看图说话. 来看看很简单的 -
舒城县加味回答: Tom is a naughty boy.He doesn't like study.One day evening,he was doing his homework.A moment later,he wanted to play games.He played games until mid-night.Next day,when he has lesson,he fell asleep.我也不是个专业的,所以语法可能不太对.我也只是试下而已.明天我也要考了,加油!!~

锺璧17317219660问: 英语看图说话(没图)写一只兔子的一天 急---------------急-------------写得好加悬赏第一幅图是一只兔子在吃早餐(早上7点30)第二幅图是兔子去上学(上午8点... -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] a rabbit is eating breakfast at 7:30 then the little rabbit feels full up and go to school at 8:00 ,In the afternoon rabbit helps mother sweep the floor at 3:00p.m ,after had a busy afternoon rabbit feels tired and go to bed early at 9:00p.m. 有字数要求吗~

锺璧17317219660问: 英语看图说话怎么写?图片是这样的,一只关在笼子里的小鸟,羡慕外面的小鸟自由自在在笼子外的小鸟,羡慕笼子里的小鸟不用寻找食物 希望哪位好人能帮... -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] 先写好每句话的内容,再用适当的句子串起来.最后总结,概括其中的道理.多练习就好了.

锺璧17317219660问: 英语看图说话,某人去买报纸 路上遇到一老人[是乞丐] 跪在地上 把买报纸剩下的钱 给老人 告诉妈妈 妈妈表扬 做得好 一般的看图说话,用初中英语水平说就... -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] One day ,Tom went outside to buy some newspaper.When he was on his way home ,he saw an old man kneeling (跪) on the ground aside of the street who looked very very poor .So he thought he could do that man a favor .He gived his change to him,...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语小作文 (看图说话) -
舒城县加味回答: John and his family went to the seaside by bus on Sunday which was a fine day. They were so happy and excited that they sang a song together in the bus. When they got there they went stright to the beach to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and the ...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语看图说话作文.要求6句话以上一男一女过红绿灯的 -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] please obey the traffic rules Obeying traffic rules,The Responsibility which everyone should have.Wish People to live longer,Share safety in miles.It's the good saying to be.Regardless of what,nothing is over life.At least,don't let tragedy Occur.No Traffic ...

锺璧17317219660问: 英语高手进啊~帮我写一篇英语小短文~看图说话的,对我而言实在太难!感谢!在线等~书面表达:下面描述的是现在人类面临的窘境.请根据下面所给的两... -
舒城县加味回答:[答案] However,they cannot find their home when they come back at night,since the trees were cut down.In order to satisfy thier needs,people are destroying natural resources.Large forests are disapearing,lea...

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