
作者&投稿:厉芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i am in the sixth grade改为同义句?
解答:这句话的同义句可用身份形式取代描述方式:I am a sixth grade student. 本句涉及序数词的用法。语法:序数词是英语中常见的数次中的一类。序数词,顾名思义,是表示顺序或次序的数词,和基数词对应。英语中,序数词主要用于:① 用于替换用基数词表示的说法,比如第一课可以说lesson one,也...

Show my sister the book. 同义句转换?
1. 解答: 这句话是省略主语you的祈使句。同义句可以这样修改: Show the book to my sister.2. 语法: 英语某些及物动词后面可以跟双宾语,形成“动词+sb+sth”的格式,其中sb属于间接宾语,sth则属于间接宾语。在同义句转换时,可以借助介词for或者to将间接宾语与直接宾语进行位置调整,形成“动词+...

it is difficult for sb to do同义句
it's difficult to do sth有it's difficult to do sth 或者it is difficult for sb to do sth我给你几个例子It's difficult to finish reading in two days.It's difficult for him to finish the task on time.

it's adj for sb to do 的同义句
1. It's adj for sb to do sth. = It's adj. (that) sb do sth.(do有时态和人称变化)2. 如:It's important for you to learn English.= It's important (that) you learn English.3. 注:that可以省略。另:有时候It's adj for sb to do sth. = sb be adj to do sth....

5、同义句:用同义词替换句子中的词汇,可以使句子更有文采 6、数字细节:在造句时,可以采用数字细节的方式,使句子更加具体,更有说服力。7、加入情感色彩:注意加入一些情感色彩,以使句子更有感染力。8、比较句式:在造句时,可以使用比较句式,以使句子更有层次感。9、借助修辞手法:修辞手法可以使句子...

Its three fifty five同义句?
1. 原句的意思是: 时间是三点五十五分(3:55)。如果要写同义句,也就是用另一种方法表达同一个时间观念。这里可以采取时间表达中用逆序法代替顺序法进行替换。2. 顺序法就是按时针数+分针数的读法读出时间,比如3:55即three fifty-five。逆序法即用到几点(整点数)差几分的方式,比如3:55...

three pairs of shoes 【三双鞋子】to be in [somebody] else's shoesfigurative处于其他某人的境地 another pair of shoes figurative另外一回事 望采纳!谢谢!

i am1.65 metres tall同义句
同义句:My height is 1.65 meters。意思是:我的身高是1.65米。重点词汇:height 英[haɪt]释义:n.身高;高;高度;高处,高地;极佳状况;极端例子。[复数:heights]短语:Height Gauge[机]高度规;测高规。词语使用变化:height n.(名词)。1、height指的是从底部到顶部的高度,既...

do you have anything to eat 这里面to eat属于什么用法 是have_百度...
在 do you have anything to eat 中的 to eat 语法解释是“宾语补足语”,即对动宾结构 have anything 的语义补充。do you have anything?可以成立,而 do you have anything to eat 则多出了一层意思。

动词后加一个问语就可以把后边的内容问出来。 � 第三,语音停顿和插入状语的位置不同。从语音停顿来看,主谓短语作宾语的句子,在动词和主谓短语之间可以有语音停顿, 如“我猜想——他回来了”;兼语句中,前一个动词和兼语之间不能停顿,如不能说“你叫 ——他回来”,兼语句的语音停顿只能在兼语之后,如“你叫...

官省17626326593问: 写出英语同义句
新和县更舒回答:We call Michael Mike for short. (同义句) Mike is short of Michael.

官省17626326593问: 英语句子的同义句 -
新和县更舒回答: This is a white map 这是张白色的图.同义句: This map is white. 这张图是白色的.

官省17626326593问: 帮忙写英语的同义句 谢谢~! 要快 -
新和县更舒回答: Is there anything she can do for us? Thank your parents. It usually take us 2 hours to read Chinese. They love sports. It usually takes Ken 2 hours to read Chinese.

官省17626326593问: 英语的同义句 -
新和县更舒回答: 1.The cartoon was very successful. 2.It is easy to open the box. 3.There are a lot of trees planted on the hills. 题目没要求吗?那就这样写嘞~~~嘻嘻

官省17626326593问: 写出下面英语句子的同义句It's a good time to make resolutions at the beginning of the year.(写出同义句) -
新和县更舒回答:[答案] 您好,很高兴为您解答如下: It's a good time to make resolutions at the beginning of the year.(写出同义句) The beginning of the year is a good time for making resolutions. ----------------------------------- ★倾情奉献★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳...

官省17626326593问: 英语同义句 -
新和县更舒回答: Who attended the party UNICEF provides children with food and water Why don't you help them when they need your help

官省17626326593问: 英语句子的同义句The cat never makes friends with the monkey any longer.变成The cat - makes friends with the monkey . -
新和县更舒回答:[答案] no,longer

官省17626326593问: 关于英语的同义句.
新和县更舒回答: 楼主,您好 很荣幸收到您的求助 1.my dad takes me by car 2.take a bus3.drive a car 4.He goes out by bicycle 5.He goes to work by car 6.She rieds her bicycle to work 7.He walks to work

官省17626326593问: 英语中的同义句
新和县更舒回答: 同义句就是句式不同但是意思相同的句子 sally comes from the USA=Sally is from the USA

官省17626326593问: 英语同义句 句型有哪些 -
新和县更舒回答: 1,介绍姓名:⑴ My name is Li Ping. ⑵ I`m Li Ping.2, 询问年龄:⑴ How old are you? ⑵ What`s your age?3, 介绍年龄:⑴ He is thirteen (years old).⑵ His age is thirteen.⑶ He is a thirteen-year-old boy.⑷ He is a boy of 13.4,询问...

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