
作者&投稿:法策 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 she is the tallest in our class 2 this is the most beautiful picture i have seen 3 he is the most popular teacher in our school 4 shanghai is one of the biggest cities in china 5 it is the most expensive shirt in the shop 6 she is the most careful of us three 7 ...

1.huanghe is the second longest river in China.2. shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.3. which one\/colour do you like most, red, yellow and blue?4.she's the taller between them.5.she's taller than anyone in her class.\/she's the tallest in her class ...

1 心有明灯,便不会迷路,便可拒绝黑暗、胆怯,拥有一份明朗的心情,一份必胜的信念,一份坦荡的胸怀……心有小窗,便有亮丽的阳光进来,小酌一些温暖的故事,便有自由清风邀约一些花香或者白云。心有琴弦,纵然客去茶凉,仍有小曲缓缓响起,仍有满树桂花知音而化为酒香。2 心有栅栏,然后青藤爬过,那...

I still remember the very interesting and important activity which was picking up rubbish in our schoolyard. My clas *** ates and I all took active part in this activity. We picked up the rubbish and put it into the dustbin. Although it was hard and a bit dirty, we never minded doing...

我收集并整理了“立秋日早安问候语2022最火100句”,希望能为您提供更多的参考。   1.瞧你这立秋的年纪了,还说要卖萌,直接就把卖萌这个词变成了贬义词。   2.秋风秋雨如约来,令人不禁喜开怀。炎炎夏日被赶走,身心舒畅笑颜开。烦恼焦躁瞬间逝,万事顺利好运来。立秋美景看不够,硕果累累丰收节。祝立秋...

求赞美词100以上,赞美人的句子英语和汉语各200句以上,速度!!!_百度知 ...
【国际最通用的表扬!】 3. we’re so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】 4. i’m very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】 5. this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】 6. you’re looking ...

送别同事履新高情商祝福语 1、描写送别上任的豪迈诗句: 2、道一声珍重,作别深厚的情谊;斟一杯水酒,不舍的泪眼迷离;送一段路程,寄托美好的希冀;发一条短信,诚挚的祝福送你。祝:一路顺风! 3、我们怀着卷帘难舍的心情为您送行,祝你一路顺风,感谢领导的关心培养,祝愿领导身体健康。 4、期望我寄予您的祝福是最为...

随和,如此简单的两个字,却涵盖了做人最高级的修养。我们常说以和为贵,随和,才是一个人一生中最了不起的能力 73、忙忙碌碌让生命和时间好久不见,简简单单让压力和烦恼好聚好散,快快乐乐让幸福和甜蜜形影结伴,漂漂亮亮让我的祝福和你说句早上好。 74、走进戈壁水最宝贵;沉沉夜幕灯火最宝贵;茫茫人海友情最宝贵...

圣诞节祝福语英文大全 1、暖心双语漫画:这就是我心中爱情的样子 2、Christmascomesbutonceayear.Butwhenitcomesitbringsgoodcheer. 3、BestwishesfromMark,Janetandthekids.——马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。 4、始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。 5、WewishthemerriestofChristm...

形容词和副词的比较级与最高级 (一)大多数形容词、副词都有原级、比较级和最高级三种形式。比较级和最高级的构成方式是值得注意的 1. 规则变化 (1)直接在词尾加 -er, -set。 small — smaller — smallest high — higher — highest fast — faster — fastest (2)以不发音的字母e...

滕阮13257968454问: 写五个比较级的和最高级的英语句子 -
将乐县晋新回答: His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. 夏天路上的车子比冬天多. This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那...

滕阮13257968454问: 7个最高级的英文句子 -
将乐县晋新回答: we are the best friends . China is the largest country in the world . my mother is the most beautiful in my heart. do you know who is the most clever boy in our class ? I like singing best, what about you ? Mary is the tallest girl in her class. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.

滕阮13257968454问: 用英语单词最高级写句子 -
将乐县晋新回答: My eyes are biggest in the world. My love to you is the deepest in the world. Ice cream is my most favorite food. This candy is the sweetest one I have ate. This book is the thickest of t乏旦催秆诎飞挫时旦江hose three.

滕阮13257968454问: 英语高手进.关于最高级. -
将乐县晋新回答: 1.be +the+最高级+of/in i am the best in our class. 2 be+one of the +最高级+复数名词 3 which one is +最高级 4 the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+范围 the yellow river is the second longest river in china 请采纳

滕阮13257968454问: 100个英语经典句子 -
将乐县晋新回答: 100个太多了,我给你提供一些经供参考 1.No pains no gains!(没有痛苦就没有收获) 2.Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐) 3.While there is life ,there is hope.(有生命就有希望&留得青山在,不怕没柴烧) 4.wisdom in the mind is ...

滕阮13257968454问: 造十句英语比较级和最高级! -
将乐县晋新回答: 1.The little girl is more beautiful than her sister 2.For today is much hotter than yesterday ,I decide to swim. 3.He is the most clever student in our class. 4.She was very happy,because she had had the most delicious food for lunch. 5.Have a rest,and ...

滕阮13257968454问: 造10个英语句子 5个比较级 5个最高级 -
将乐县晋新回答: 比较级 Tom runs faster than Jack. Jone swims longer than Jack. Joy is fatter than Tony. Lisa is more beautiful than Kate. Mr. Rice is shorter than Mr.Black. 最高级 Jone is the tallest boy in my class. Lisa is the cleverest girl in my class. Lily is the best ...

滕阮13257968454问: 帮我造10个最高级的英语句子,和10个比较级的英语句子 -
将乐县晋新回答: Tom is the tallest boy in our class. Nancy is the most beautiful girl in our class. Tony ran fastest on sports meeting. Lucy jumped highest on sports meeting. Elephants are the heaviest animal in the world.I like to play ping pong best in my free time.

滕阮13257968454问: 用比较级或最高级改写句子1.this lake is 500 metres long.that lake is 200 metres long -
将乐县晋新回答: This lake is 300 metres longer than that lake.This lake is longer that that one.

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