
作者&投稿:斗秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is my grandpa's birthday. Our family went back to my grandpa's home in the morning. We got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. We bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa.In the afternoon, we went to the park to ...

1 今天,因为天气炎热,所以爸爸带我到河边去玩,还带了瓶子装鱼。来到河边,爸爸坐在大树下乘凉,我呢,就在河里玩水呀、捉鱼呀。然,我看见一只虾,还以为是鱼,就迫不急待地正想把它搂了起来,没想到它却跑了。我又去追,好不容易才用手把它围住了,搂到瓶子里,仔细一看,呀,原来是一只虾...

Today, I saw a roadside beggar. He is a middle-aged man, only two arms, and no legs. His arms come the hard ground prowling, also holding the hand of a begging bowl. Really pathetic, I can not help giving him 10 yuan. If we sacrificed our love, the world will be ...

是学习进步时,父母奖励的那桌佳肴;是遭受挫折时,老师饱含鼓励的一声声轻轻的问候;是快乐时,同学们那欢声笑语。每当遇到一些事的时候,我们最希望得到就是鼓励,而这种鼓励的到来,也是幸福降临的时候。 记得小时候,看到别人天天坚持写日记、集邮时也想像他们一样,可是每一次事倍功半。写几天日记、集几天邮就不愿...

有英语日记五十字左右,六十篇左右,急用谢谢  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 侵犯著作权如何界定? 圣春桖Ra 2016-08-16 · 知道合伙人教育行家 圣春桖Ra 知道合伙人教育行家 采纳数:17436 获赞数:392303 毕业于井冈山大学会计学专业,现任崇阳一马投资有限公司会计。 向TA提问 私信TA 关注 展开全部 ...

寒假里,我们来到连云港.今天,爸爸带着我、妈妈、妹妹、大伯和大妈一起去连云港的海边游玩.那天,风特别...过路人有的驻足欣赏,有的摘花打扮自己,还有的摄影留念,过路人呼吸着醉人的花香.欢声笑语充满了苹果园...2019-08-22 三年级日记30大全,真正只有30到40个字的左右日记。 178 2016-02-22 日记30-40字 2024...

广义的语汇,不仅指词、短语的总汇,还包括句子、句群。 建立“语汇库”途径有二:第一是阅读。平时要广泛阅读书籍、报刊,并做好读书笔记,把一些优美的词语、句子、语段摘录在特定的本子上,也可以制作读书卡片上。 第二是生活。平时要捕捉大众口语中鲜活的语言,并把这些语言记在随身带的小本子或卡片上,这样日积月...

“唉---卖桃啦---新鲜的桃子啦……”楼下响起了一阵吆喝声。我好久没有吃到桃子了,就拉着妈妈下了楼。 因为这一整车的桃子十分新鲜,所以就有一大群人围在了车旁。本来门可罗雀的地方,马上人山人海了。妈妈觉得我挤在人群里不好,便叫我站在一边。这时有一位妇女也挎着水果篮子带着女儿来...

10月23日 星期四 阴 秋天是最美丽的季节。秋天的云真是变化多端,一会儿金黄,一会儿粉红,一会儿紫灰色……姿态也各不相同,有的像可爱的小羊,有的像温顺的小狗,有的像美丽的小兔……真是千奇百怪,让人看了眼花缭乱。走进果园,只见果实累累。沉甸甸的柿子挂满枝头,红的简直像一把火,又像...

Today ,my mother and I cleaned the house. I cleaned the windows hard because it is so dirty. Then I cleaded it again. After that, I cleaned the floor and swept it. I thought it is dirtier than windows. Then I cleaned the tables and lots of chairs. We washed all of ...

木姬17372103222问: 英语日记带翻译40词 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: Today, I returned to the maternal family. The road is very far, my twohours only then. The grandmother warmly comes out greets me, I is veryhappy. In maternal family courtyard flower very many, has the rose,the peony, the orchid and so on, ...

木姬17372103222问: 英语日记带翻译,30 - 40词 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: 幸福就如同指间沙子.无论你握得多紧,始终会从指间流出,再也寻不回来,了无痕迹.其实,何此幸福,世上很多事都如此.爱情,友情.亲情,青春,容颜,梦想,幻想,所有的一切, 都敌不过那个叫时间的怪物,都臣服在时间面前,被残...

木姬17372103222问: 小学生寒假英语日记带翻译40字 20篇 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: January 31 2009 Today I am very happy because I am going to buy some books with my elder sister.I will buy the book called The Happy Girl.Do you read it ?I think it will be very interesting .And I will finish my homework in the evening.I think this day will be a happy day!

木姬17372103222问: 英语日记40词加翻译6 篇 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: today

木姬17372103222问: 初中生英语日记 求40篇 字少点 有翻译 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答:[答案] My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautiful city.It used to be quiet place.There were green hills,fresh air and many old houses.However,the area has changed a lot over the years.Now there are many new squares,new roads and a lot of tall buildings. ...

木姬17372103222问: 求初级二英语日记30篇40字带翻译 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: 你好 I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family...

木姬17372103222问: 英语日记求求30则40词左右的英语日记 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答:[答案] 提供5篇供选择: 1.July 5th Monday cloudy Today I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it's a good place. There ... Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message ...

木姬17372103222问: 用英语写的日记40词左右加翻译 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答: Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服.我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香.享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好.大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天.

木姬17372103222问: 初一英语日记40字10篇10篇初一英语日记(带翻译)!太复杂的不要,要在初一的知识里,不能超过能力范围, -
正镶白旗盐酸回答:[答案] Today is rainy. The weather is cool and I want my Mom. My Mom is beautiful. She has long hair and big eyes. My mom is very ... She always tells me to study hard. My Mom likes to speak English and read books. Oh, Mom, I love you! I got up at 6:40. in the ...

木姬17372103222问: 初一英语日记20篇30到40字 -
正镶白旗盐酸回答:[答案] This afternoon, my mother took me and sister group to play slide rainbow supermarket. The slide is color, like a home, a telescope, and a model, there is a like a balcony like corridor, is the last slide. I slipped on the fell, we all laughed! Tonight my sister ...

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