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前天去工地搬砖了 昨天晚上喝高了 今天在家无聊在百度上帮人写英语日记。 不知道你老师会不会发现你与其他初一童鞋有点点不同呢? 回答人的补充 2010-08-20 14:33 july the 3rdtoday i went to my aunt's house to play with my little nephew.he is very lovely and lively.july the 4...


the message didn’t here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.7月5号 星期一 多云 今天我从一个名叫“合川”的地方回来,这是一个好地方。有一些美丽的河流,就像长江河流。我是在两天前到那里的。因为我的姨妈在这个地方。我们玩的很开心。但我也写了我的假期英语日记。因为计算机出错...


2011-02-17 英语日记10篇带翻译30字左右 1713 2013-12-30 初中英语日记30字带翻译 69 2016-05-14 英语作文我上学的一天30字带有汉语 4 2018-03-04 寒假英语日记30字带翻译 36 2011-01-09 英语日记50字以内30字以上40篇 346 2013-02-19 30字英语日记一篇,带翻译,多谢! 101 2015-04-06 英语...

2012年9月8日 星期五 晴 今天,我和妈妈去公园玩,玩了很多很有趣的游戏,还有许多花儿在我们身边,我很开心,今天我过得很满足。2012年9月8日 星期五 晴 今天,我从老家带来了一盆仙掌。它浑身墨绿,满身小刺,活像一只可爱的小刺猬。在它身上最引人入胜的部分就是它头顶的那朵鲜艳的...

2006年10月28日 星期六 天气晴 妈妈为了让我写观察日记,特意去市场买了些绿豆,吃完午饭,我和妈妈一起种豆子,妈妈说要挑选最饱满的豆子,这样的豆子才会长得快,我就挑了一些豆子,挑完豆子,妈妈把豆子放在一个带有盖的玻璃杯里,倒上温水,妈妈又说,过一天它就会有变化了。我非常奇怪,豆子...

小学一年级日记30字2013年9月 8日星期五晴 今天,我和妈妈去公园玩,玩了 很多很有趣的游戏,还有许多花儿在 我们身边,我很开心,今天我过得很 满足。 2013年9月8日星期五晴 今天,我从老家带来了一盆仙掌 。它浑身墨绿,满身小刺,活像一只 可爱的小刺猬。在它身上最引人入胜 的部分就...


今天,姑姑带我去哥哥家修电脑 ,刚到楼下就摔了一跤 。我摸着可怜的屁股,"哇哇"大叫一分钟后,我连疼代跑的上了6楼,到楼上我敲来敲去终于来开门了。一进去,我 把包放在床上就去玩了,哥哥终于回来了。我把电脑给哥哥修了。今天弟弟来我家。我连忙招呼他过来玩。过了一会儿舅妈来了,让爸爸...

蒲肥17142163169问: 20篇英语小日记(初一的,30词左右,不用日期,看得懂) -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] 1 I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very ... 今天天气晴朗,热. 我在6:30很早就起了床.我读英语然后吃早饭.我帮助母亲洗碗.然后做作业打扫房间.下午我和母亲去买东西....

蒲肥17142163169问: 初一英语日记20篇30到40字 -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] This afternoon, my mother took me and sister group to play slide rainbow supermarket. The slide is color, like a home, a ... it has a front mounted pen chip small drawers, behind it is one can turn a handle, that is with the pencil, it above two like ears ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 初一水平英语日记英语日记,初一水平的,5篇,40词左右, -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] Today is rainy. The weather is cool and I want my Mom. My Mom is beautiful. She has long hair and big eyes. My mom is very cautious. She is on duty at 8:00 in the morning and goes home at 7:00 in the ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 初一水平英语日记,字数少一点,大概30字.切记—— 一定是日记,字数要少,关于寒假的. -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] 1.I got up early this morning.And i found it is the last day of this summer holiday.So i checked if i have finished all the homework and go to the shops to buy some new books and pens.I think i had a very interesting holiday.I hope i can study good in the ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 跪求5篇英语日记 初一上册水平 一篇30 - 50词左右明天就交了 -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English,computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam.Many times I want to take today off,but my mother said to me:“go on,you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try.Now my English is ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 七年级英语日记50词(20篇) -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] 1、Today,it is extremely sweltering in Shanghai.The temperature rose all the way to 39 degrees C in the afternoon.But I still ... 5、Saturday,my grandma made dumplings,one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl.My in the mind...

蒲肥17142163169问: 20篇初一英语日记带翻译30词左右,拜托 -
肥城市百咳回答: I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 英语日记五十个字(初中) -
肥城市百咳回答: 英语日记:August 12,2013 Friday Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently. And she will feel happy and become better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that it's terrible to grow ...

蒲肥17142163169问: 初一英语日记带翻译30词急需啊 快开学了还没有做好啊 大虾们帮帮啊~~写的短点 加翻译 -
肥城市百咳回答:[答案] This summer holiday,I had a very wonderful trip in SiCuan together with my family.We lived in a hotel.It is big and beautiful.Sicuan has a famous place,named JIuZaigong.It is very natural.The water is...

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