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八年级(初二)五篇英语寒假日记。 注:可用过去式与过去进行时,语法要...
January 22 2014 Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time ...

1.初二日常生活日记800字 时间正如沙漏里流动的沙粒一样,一粒一粒的落下一去不返,从酷辣的夏季也转入了寒冷的冬季,但我不会忘记,那扣人心弦的微笑。...在人的一生中往往会发生很多意想不到的事情,有时候,我们只是出于简单的、帮助别人的目的才去做一件事,但最终这件事却会令自己受益。 有这样两则故事:有...

1.心中的温暖初二日记600字 那一刻,让我温暖;那一刻,让我心潮澎湃;那一刻,让我铭记;那一刻——温暖的时刻。 父爱让我感到温暖,温暖可以是一个简单的动作。 二月的天格外地冷,似乎连空气都要被冻僵,连鸟儿也早早地躲了起来。父亲骑着摩托车带我去买鞋,摩托车如同一匹黑色的宝马,飞驰在冰雪未消融的路上...

【 #日记# 导语】动可以让你快乐生活,劳动可以让你摆脱困境。劳动是幸福的来源,劳动是成功的动力。五一节到来之际,祝你劳动着,快乐着!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 初二五一劳动节日记篇一 盼望着,盼望着,“五一”假期来了。 我们全家来到桂林玩,没想到却被卷入了“五一”狂挤风暴。 我们随...

“语文”的语源是“语言文字”,“语言文字”缩略为“语文”一词出现在19世纪80年代。1905年,清朝在废除科举制度以后,开始开办新学堂。国文一科,教授的仍是历代古文,故当时称为“国文”课。想了解更多相关内容,接下来请欣赏:语文 日记 。 语文日记1 星期五上午第一节语文课,卢老师竟让我们玩木头人游戏,同学们...

这个暑假我想过的和之情的暑假不同一点,我想过的有收获一点,我不要浪费时间,混沌度日,我要珍惜时间,把握现在,为了方便大家学习借鉴,下面我精心准备了初二暑假 日记 600字内容,欢迎使用学习! 初二暑假日记600字1 这个暑假我想过的和之情的暑假不同一点,我想过的有收获一点,我不要浪费时间,混沌度日,我要珍惜...

初二寒假日记200字1 夜,静静的,月光照在大地上,仿佛是一层轻纱,又仿佛是一层浓霜。这倒使我想起李白的“床前明月光,疑是地上霜”诗句。月光是那么纯,那么真。天上的星星,像是一个个调皮的小孩子,趁月亮妈妈不注意,悄悄地在天空中穿了几个小洞洞 。把那只一闪一闪的小眼睛望着大地,像...

在北京与老家之间的数次穿梭,初一暑假语文日记心情自然是复杂的,而每次都不尽相同:希望与失落,欣喜与悲哀,一次次迷离又一次次重新振作与坚定……的确是三言两语难以言表的,也许,一切只是定数,是在反反复复中经历、轮回和升华 初2暑假语文日记 初2暑假语文日 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的...

初二暑假日记 篇5 篇一初二暑假日记 这几天,天气闷热。一到中午,我看见邻居的小朋友总在吃棒冰,我每天在家里,妈妈只许我吃一根棒冰。于是,我就去哄他的棒冰吃。 我三言两语哄哄他,他就给我一根棒冰,我轻轻地舔了一小口,哇!好爽呀!我很快就把一根棒冰吃完了,心想:棒冰真好吃,他挺大方的,我再去要,一定...


赫云13438518093问: 初二英语暑假日记30篇 -
湘阴县芪参回答:[答案] 1 Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write ... 4 My First Time at the English Corner It was a beautiful Sunday. Our teacher told us that there would be an English Corner near ...

赫云13438518093问: 初二英语日记十篇 60词左右 -
湘阴县芪参回答:[答案] January 26,2011 Cloudy Today,we watched a movie.It was a nice movie.It took me about 88 minutes to watch it.Then we eat pizza.It was very delicious and expensive.Next we went shopping.We bought some food,such as French chips,sausages,meat ...

赫云13438518093问: 七年级英语日记50词(20篇) -
湘阴县芪参回答:[答案] 1、Today,it is extremely sweltering in Shanghai.The temperature rose all the way to 39 degrees C in the afternoon.But I still had to dine out for lunch because nobody would cook for me at home. Surprisingly,the thunderstorm poured down on the way ...

赫云13438518093问: 初二英语日记 20篇 35词 -
湘阴县芪参回答: 20篇有点多.....Today is how happy one day, because mother decided that has our exiting picnic! Each people make ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark! 今天是多么开心的一...

赫云13438518093问: 中学生寒假英语日记初二上的简单点,一看就能明白不要给我复制粘贴5篇日记用过去式写,80字以内1篇作文用将来时写,150字以内谢谢啦 -
湘阴县芪参回答:[答案] Today ,my mother and I cleaned the house. I cleaned the windows hard because it is so dirty. Then I cleaded it again. After ... I plan to do lots of homework today. First , I read english articles, next I wrote my science tests snd math tests. I had some ...

赫云13438518093问: 29篇英语日记(8字)初二 -
湘阴县芪参回答: Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to jiuhuashan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the ...

赫云13438518093问: 求一篇初二英语日记写一篇日记:和同学一起去爬山,80词,初二水平,追加15,急急急! -
湘阴县芪参回答:[答案] Today is sunday,and it is sunny.My classmates and I go to climb mountains.We preapre some food and water.When we climb a half,we are all very tired.Some of them don't want to climb,they want to go back.With the help our moniter,they will keep on ...

赫云13438518093问: 求初二英语日记十篇,60词左右,超简单的 -
湘阴县芪参回答: January 31, 2008 Today, I discovered that the time is a cruel thing. Both men, time always list goes on. It will not stay waiting for somebody. You can not use what time to exchange. Time is a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money, or you will ...

赫云13438518093问: 帮忙写一篇初二英语日记,10句话以上,简单点哇!! 急
湘阴县芪参回答: Today is sunny day, the sunshine is very nice. I am very happy, because I meet some new classmates, chinese teachers and an Englsih teacher. They are really friendly to me. In the morning we go to meeting room to atten the opening ceremony of ...

赫云13438518093问: 有初二英语的日记吗?简单的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
湘阴县芪参回答: July 26th Tuesday Sunny In the morning, we see a new friend. Although I don't know his name, I meet him. And I think this boy looks like Edison. He is handsome. Later we make up some short plays and my group also show our play. Our story talks ...

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