
作者&投稿:支满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. My nice trip to Guilin Since I was very small,there was a song about Guilin“I want to Guilin,but when I have money,I don’t have time…’’,this is the first impression I have on Guilin,it is so attracting.As the song’s great power,I said to myself,when I ...

★ 暑假旅游作文800字 ★ 暑假游记作文800字 ★ 暑假游记800字作文 ★ 暑假游记800字作文日记3篇 ★ 暑假游记作文800字作文精选 ★ 关于游记的高一作文800字 ★ 暑假作文高一精选 ★ 暑假游记作文800字:暑假游记文言文作文 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...

★ 第一次去海边日记600字5篇精选 ★ 海边游玩心得体会5篇600字 ★ 海边游玩心得感想5篇600字 ★ 旅行日记600字作文精选5篇 ★ 关于去海南旅游日记600字5篇 ★ 写去海边玩的日记600字 ★ 暑假去海边玩日记600字 ★ 海边旅游日记600字 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...

日语日记 一天的旅行
北京旅行の一日 今日、飞行机で北京に行った。朝7时に出発し、2时间で北京首都国际空港に着いた。午前、万里の长城を见に行った。とても立派だった。続いて红叶を见に行った。绮丽だった。午後、天安门に行った。美术馆を见学した。

3. 关于旅游的作文一年级 说起跃龙山,那真是美丽啊!进了跃龙山的大门,就是人人皆知的儿童游乐场。先说过山车吧,有绿、黄、紫等车身;由猪、马、鸡等车头构成。这条过山车有十几米长,分成二十多节,每一节的车身内都有软软的靠背,而且还有美丽的图案,画着丑小鸭、白雪公主、风景,几十...

云南旅游记作文 作文云南游记六百字
关于旅游的作文300字 1、游记中的线索 有人说,写文章如同串珠,没有一根线索将其中各个要素联结起来,这篇文章就会支离破碎,或者杂乱无章。写游记更是这样,一定要有一条合理的线索贯穿其中。这条线索也可以说是写作的顺序。 游记中,最常用的写作顺序可能就是行踪了。即按照游览的先后次序来写。比如一篇参观动物园...

太空旅行作文 篇1 现在是22世纪了,人类科学技术越来越发达,中国航天局发明了许多新型的太空飞船,人们可以自由的穿梭于太空,可以到其他星球上去居住游玩。现在太阳系所有的星球上都建着高楼大厦,有奇花异草,养着各种珍禽异兽,还有许多外星人,它们和地球人友好的生活着。 一个美好的周末,我决定去太阳系和银河系参观一...

游___作文优秀范文相关 文章 : ★ 旅游作文800字初中优秀范文 ★ 三年级游记作文500字精彩例文 ★ 旅游作文300字四年级优秀范文 ★ 桂林的初一描写优秀游记作文范文 ★ 关于旅游的作文700字满分范文 ★ 郊游日记优秀例文大全 ★ 难忘的旅行优秀范文 ★ 广州游记作文600字优秀范文 ★ 西湖游记优秀范文...


1. 上海迪士尼旅行日记100字 时间飞逝,寒假已经过去三分之一了。在这段时间里我去了香港和澳门,我陪一个三年级的小学生(我好朋友)来到了他心里向往已久的香港迪斯尼乐园,在那里,虽然我们玩的汗流浃背,但我们没有一思抱怨。 我们来到了迪士尼乐园的正门,看到一个巨大的喷泉。里面一头蓝鲸在喷水。这股喷泉把正...

焦浩17596009381问: 英语作文旅行日记 -
剑河县和日回答: 1、I had a wonderful time in Chongqing this vacation and it was a very happy tour!Chongqing is the biggest municipality directly under the Central Government and bulit on the mountains.The most structure I've seen there is bridge.Chongqing is ...

焦浩17596009381问: 英语作文《旅游日记》100字左右马上交作文了, -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] Said line to the Wuyi "not beyond the bounds of travel,equal to the white-Tour",is quite true,when my friend and I spent a pedestrian two hours before boarding to make peak travel days,I stood panting peak travel days of the List Pavilion on the lean on ...

焦浩17596009381问: 英语作文,旅游日记..... -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] I had a wonderful time in Chongqing this vacation and it was a very happy tour!Chongqing is the biggest municipality directly under the Central Government and bulit on the mountains.The most structure I've seen there is bridge.Chongqing is surrouned ...

焦浩17596009381问: 用英语写一篇旅游日记 -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] My Travel To the Great Wall Sunday ,20,July,2013 Sunny Every now and then,I get the itch to travel.It is said that traveling may be a feast for the eyes.And it makes our life colorful and meaningful.Meanwhile it can broaden one's knowledge and vision. ...

焦浩17596009381问: 英语旅游日记4篇 -
剑河县和日回答: 1.A Happy Outing Sunday,January 10th,2010 Today is Sunday and it is a fine day.My friend and I took a trip to the zoo in our city.Early in the moring,we met at the school gate and started off at about 8:00am.We went by bus and got to the zoo at ...

焦浩17596009381问: 写一篇有关自己的旅游日记字数70词左右(英语作文) -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] Sunday,October 20th today the weather was hot .am 6:00,l arrived in Malaysia.My sister and l tried paragliding.l felt like was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,l eat some noodle,Oh! itvery good.l r...

焦浩17596009381问: 给我写一篇英语旅行日记! -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] This holiday i went to Beijing with my parents.It is a capital city in china.We went to there by airport.There are so many people ... so on.I was so happy because I never see these animals before.When we ended the trip.My dad said I was a goof child ...

焦浩17596009381问: 希望帮忙写一篇英语的旅游日记 -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] 假日[暑假]旅游(Travel) 旅游 英语 作文Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.It makes you come into contact with different cultures,meet people of different colors and go thro...

焦浩17596009381问: 写一篇英语旅行日记80词 -
剑河县和日回答:[答案] My mother took meto Beijing thisweekend; I had a happy time with my family.In the morning,wegot up early and we bought the ticket and arrived at Beijing by train.Then we took taxi to the Summer Palace...

焦浩17596009381问: 英语作文旅行日记(用wher,what,how how来写60词 -
剑河县和日回答: On the night of July 15th,2002,I went to Changsha for my holiday on a train.It was very hot. The temperature went up to 38 centigrade.It was stuffy and crowded in the carriage, so many passengers wanted something to drink.Just then, a young man ...

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