
作者&投稿:载贸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. What‘s your name? 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where were you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7. What are the main places ...

1) 一般疑问句 Is he a doctor?Do you the way to the station?2)反意疑问句 He is a teacher, isn’t he?It is quite cheap, don’t you think?3) 特殊疑问句 What is the distance\/width\/size\/population\/temperature\/fare?Who is he?What is he?(干什么的)What is he like?How ...

可以直接问 what subject did you take? (take 比 have 更准确)

1.what do you think of China?2.which traditional Chinese festival do you like best?why?3.why did you come to China?4.what is the biggest difference between America and China?5.what is the best way to improve English-spoken ability?6.what subject do American student like the ...


What date will you want to go?Where do you plan to go?How will you go there?What activities will you do?希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

英语疑问句提问,如何用好疑问词? 我口语大多数是第一个单词不知道用什么...
语疑问句提问,如何用好疑问词? 我口语大多数是第一个单词不知道用什么,后面的翻译还要想半天 (1) who (对谁提问)(2) what (对多少,对什么,对职业提问)(3) which (对哪个,哪一个提问)(4) whose (对谁的提问)(5) where (对地点状语提问)(6) when (对时间状语提问)(7) ...

B 用句尾语气助词“か、かしら(女性用语)”提问 a “か”接在句尾可表示疑问、命令、劝说、感叹等 1 そのカップは热いお汤を入れても大丈夫ですか。那只杯子到开水也不要紧么?2 これから駅へ駆けつけても间に合うだろうか。现在往车站赶还来得及么?3 この仕事はそんなに一生悬...

hey~do you know the...[可以用热点新闻]?? that's so...[你的感想]i think..或者健康方面 我最近怎么怎么了 你有没有这种感觉 [当然问人人都有的 比如劳累 失眠] 他就可以呼应你 跟你聊 你要多睡觉啊 什么的

How many people are there in your family? 你家有多少人?There are three people in my family. 我家有三个人。Who are they? 他们是谁?They are my father, my mother and me. 我爸爸,我妈妈和我。

堂致13022643469问: 英语口语考试.标准提问,用英文问以下问题.场景一:去邮局寄包裹单.1,.目的地.2.包裹重量 3.邮寄方式.4,包裹内容,5,付费方式.场景二:举办一个聚会.... -
马关县脑舒回答:[答案] 场景一:1.Where would you like to send it? 2.What is the weight of the packet? 3.Through which way would you like to send it? 4.what is the content of the packet? 5.How would you like to pay for it? 场景二:when the party begin? 2.where is it? 3.Who ...

堂致13022643469问: 英语基本对话和回答方式口语的一些最基本的,不要太大,15到30条左右,提问,回答和中文.比如所有的问候语,你有几口人 ,和年龄 等等.最基本英语考试... -
马关县脑舒回答:[答案] A: How are you? 你好吗?B: Fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢! A: How are you doing? 你好吗?B: Not bad. 还可以. A: What's you hoppy? 你的爱好是什么?B: I like reading. 我喜欢阅读. A: Where is your home? 你的家在...

堂致13022643469问: 英语口语考试常用问句的完美回答? -
马关县脑舒回答: 1. I like my school very much. I enjoy learning different things there.2. I will give her a big hug tell her and tell her how she is the best mother in the world. I believe love is a priceless gift.3. I will give him a big hug and tell him he is always my handsome ...

堂致13022643469问: 怎样用英语提问 -
马关县脑舒回答: 对物提问用: what, 如: What is it? It is a book. 对人提问用:who, Who is this man? He is our English teacher. 对时间提问用:when/ what time When do you get up? I get up at six. 对地点提问用:Where Where is my book? It is on the desk. 对.....

堂致13022643469问: 英语口语提问.简单.
马关县脑舒回答: 一般疑问句都声调 pardon在地道的美语表示里意思是 i dare you to say that again,有种你再说一次,有挑衅的意味. 公主日记里的台词 安妮:shut up 女王:i beg your pardon 我们口语老师(美国人)也给我们讲过

堂致13022643469问: 能不能告诉我所有的英语中的提问词? -
马关县脑舒回答: 简单的一般情况: what提问:什么 how提问:怎样 do,助动词,提问范围较广不好直接下定义 who提问:针对人 which:哪一个 where:对地点的提问 when:对时间的提问 whom:提问宾格 is,are:be动词, have:have作动词表示 有,也可作助动词使用 can:情态动词,能,能够 could:can的过去式, may:情态动词,能,可以 might:may的过去式, shall,will:对将来的提问 should,would:即shall,will的过去式只想起这么多,有好的,一时间想不起来O(∩_∩)O 望采纳!谢谢

堂致13022643469问: 英语口语问题
马关县脑舒回答: 1. 在数列中0读ZERO,其他时候一般都读O. 2. 可以缩读,类同“ink",abbreviation for incorporated. 3.My honor 一般用于下对上,上对下通常用My pleasure. 呵呵,如果不是外行是可以明白的,或者你可以提前告诉他这是公司名称,说全称也不是很浪费时间.

堂致13022643469问: ★★★英语常见的提问,帮我回答一下★★★ -
马关县脑舒回答: 1.You look pale! What`s wrong with you? --I'm alright.2.My TV set is out of order, What shall I do? --Get it fixed.3.What do you think of Tom`s work? --It was good.4.How do you like the coffee here? --Not too bad.5.I`m sorry to have lost you pen, Let ...

堂致13022643469问: 英语的口语问题... -
马关县脑舒回答: 他不喜欢电影,我也不喜欢. He doesn't like movies, nor do I.

堂致13022643469问: 英语口语问题
马关县脑舒回答: 1. nothing. 2.sorry, I can't. 3.Sorry, I don't know. 4.nice 5.Me too. 6. sure 7.Me too. 8.Thanks 9.no, go ahead. 10.Sure, take it. 11.soory, I don't know. 12.yeah, right. 13.Sucks for him.13.Sorry ti hear that. 13. was it serious? 14. me too. 15. of course.

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