
作者&投稿:乔天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

安如磐石 安如盘石 安于盘石 不分玉石 搬起石头打自己的脚 搬石砸脚 触石决木 穿云裂石 餐云卧石 鼎铛玉石 电光石火 点石成金 滴水穿石 点石为金 儋石之储 浮石沉木 负石赴河 肺石风清 匪石匪席 飞沙走石 飞砂转石 飞砂走石 匪石之心 躬蹈矢石 躬冒矢石 海涸石烂 海枯石烂 衡...

知道小有建树答主 回答量:154 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:34.4万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 语文单元总结怎么写 1:写出本单元文章的中心思想~(通常一个单元的文章都会围绕一个主题) 2:通过这些文章 你学到了什么 改变了什么观点(我个人觉得把中心思想进行一定的改变就可以了) 3:文章中用了...

1.Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We ...

他のユーザーによって歪められての怒りを选択することができます、笑颜を选択することもできます、笑颜は小さく、感じる开放的な方法で丑いは明らかに、他の心の冲撃されますので通常は笑颜の力をさらに大きなになります。清経、暗い云からであります。时々 あまり说明不要です。...


语文小短文 200字左右就行了!
小狗卷毛 奶奶家有一只小狗,头上扎着一个小辫,卷卷的,因而得名叫卷毛。它的毛都是黑色的,有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,小小的鼻子,可逗人了。它可贪玩了!一天晚上,快要吃饭了,卷毛还在外面玩,不愿意回来。奶奶让我把它找回来,我费了九牛二虎之力终于把它叫回来了,可是刚到家门口,听身后就没...


关于英语口语励志小短文篇1 让自我价值增倍 A mulberry leaf touched by a genius of man becomes silk; a field of clay touched by a genius of man becomes a castle; a cut of sheep’s hair touched by a genius of man becomes clothing for a king.桑叶在天才的手中变成了丝绸;...



戈弦15871804033问: 英语小短文的总结急急急急急急急急急急急急急 -
凤泉区螺旋回答: We are all getting older,all beginning to get wrinkles on our face.If you finally come to that day,everyone leaves you behind and treats you as a burden.what would you feel about it? You may sad and helpless. As you know this now why don't you treat the old better ?You know they are whom you will be in tomorrow.

戈弦15871804033问: 写一篇英语短文60词 总结七年级的学习生活在学习中有那些进步和值的骄傲的地方,还存在哪些不足!总结七年级的学习生活 -
凤泉区螺旋回答:[答案] Although the English proficiency of students can not cultivate all of a sudden the place, from the 2007 level beginning begin training students in listening, speaking, reading and writing in four area...

戈弦15871804033问: 写一篇50~60字的短文(英文),总结一下这个学期学习英语的收获,(收获乱写)谁帮帮我! -
凤泉区螺旋回答:[答案] Learning a second (or third or fourth...) language will certainly always be useful in some way. English is pretty much the official international language 写不下了,字数限制.

戈弦15871804033问: 英语哲理小短文(带翻译) -
凤泉区螺旋回答: 1、狗和影子(The Dog and the Shadow)It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now, on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he ...

戈弦15871804033问: 求一篇关于总结的英语小短文..附带翻译急急急急急急急!!救命... -
凤泉区螺旋回答: How to Study English Well Many students have asked me how to study English well.Following are some of my oppinionsAs far as I'm concerned, if you want to study English well ,first of all you should have a passion for Enlish.As an old saying goes,...

戈弦15871804033问: 写一篇英语短文60词 总结七年级的学习生活 -
凤泉区螺旋回答: Although the English proficiency of students can not cultivate all of a sudden the place, from the 2007 level beginning begin training students in listening, speaking, reading and writing in four areas of capacity, due to good teaching materials to learn...

戈弦15871804033问: 翻译一篇英语文章,每段用一句英文来总结.Taking liberties with an American goddessMocked, martyred and marketed, our favorite statue is still hard at work ... -
凤泉区螺旋回答:[答案] 与美国女神共享自由 造假、牺牲与交易,我们最喜爱的女神依然在孜孜不倦的“教导整个世界". *作者:Sam Connery *1996年7月 发表于Smithsonian 杂志 1.一位记者曾写到,它就像"第一百个七月四日",空气中鸣响着船的汽笛声,人们的呐喊...

戈弦15871804033问: 用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文,将你在本学期的英语做的总结(可一从听 说 读 写 四个方面入手)八年级下人教版
凤泉区螺旋回答: summary of my English learning With the completion of the semester-long English learning, I have gained significant improvement in both reading and writing. While practicing reading and writing, I connected these two sections by underlining the...

戈弦15871804033问: 英语哲理小短文短一些,有翻译 -
凤泉区螺旋回答: A Sioux Indian story ... 这是苏语系印第安人部落中流传的一个古老的故事…… My grandfather took me to the fish pond on the farm when I was about seven, and he told me to throw a stone into the water. He told me to watch the circles created by ...

戈弦15871804033问: 用英文概括一篇短文 -
凤泉区螺旋回答: Although the internet has brought much convenience to our life ,it couldn't exchang the importance of the face_to_face communication.There are some suggestions to make you avoid a little troubles.

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