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林麒麟 2013-06-21 20:56:41 那个说电影不接地气的影评简直说出了我的心声,但是拉到下面看评论,却看到几个很有意思的说法。有的说电影其实是忠于原著才这么拍的,我也非常认同这句话,但这又能说明什么呢?如果原著是一坨狗屎,你照着拍出了一坨一摸一样的狗屎,难道我们就会满意了?这和电影...

他轻易勾起我们对童年生活的美好回忆,以及简单的小孩子战胜大坏蛋的幸福结局。 还有那些温馨烂漫的圣诞场景,麦克真实自然的表演,更不消说种种爆笑情节,无疑是美国商业喜剧片的经典。尽管现在越来越多的是探讨人性的的复杂,好人不好坏人不坏的主题,可只要我们抱着一颗单纯而平和的心 ...

《花木兰》英文影评 the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this book—Mulan .I have heard hundreds of times.I can say, she was with me throughout my childhood. But every time I pick up this book ,...


我看了一遍又一遍《肖申克的救赎》,感想颇多。片中安迪杜弗雷遭到法庭的错判,进了肖申克监狱。安迪无时无刻不憧憬着自由与希望,信念让他度过了29年时间。当他逃出来时,希望与自由得到了升华。“I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. ”这是安迪让...

描写思路:以《寻梦环游记》这部电影内容作为主题,真实得描述读后感受,正文:In the movie journey around the dream, the protagonist MIG has a music dream since he was a child. Although he was opposed by his family, he finally influenced his family and achieved his dream through his ...

该片讲述了抗日战争时期,山东临城枣庄的一支铁道游击队在大队长刘洪、政委李正的带领下,活跃在铁路线上,与日本侵略者展开斗争的故事。《铁道游击队》是由上海电影制片厂出品,赵明执导,曹会渠、秦怡等主演的剧情片,于1956年在中国内地上映。影评 该片是一部具有传奇色彩的影片,它情节曲折惊险,险象环...




英杭19477398884问: 5篇英语影评要自己写的每篇50词就行了 -
柘城县思真回答: this movie is so beautiful,the pride sang well,those ghosts were so cute,and the vows were so moving.I like it very much and I want to watch it again,it is like a farytale,if I were the pride,i will be happy. people often say that life just like dream.the film ...

英杭19477398884问: 用英语写一篇影评45 - 50字 急求╭(╯^╰)╮! -
柘城县思真回答:[答案] Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman star in Frank Darabont's memorably moving prison-set fable,adapted from a short story by Stephen King.Robbins' young banker is accused of a double-murder but refuses to let his spirit be broken Mugged at the ...

英杭19477398884问: 求英语电影英语的影评.不要太恐怖的单词.大概就像是初中水平.50字够了. -
柘城县思真回答:[答案] 简爱 Kent State University's school of theatre and dance performed a rendition of the classic,Jane Eyre this month.The show was a musical with all of the necessary elements to lift you from your seat and submerse youinto a society in nineteenth century ...

英杭19477398884问: 求一英文影评和书评,50词左右,不要多的,生词什么的不要 -
柘城县思真回答:[答案] The Old Man and the Sea may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.Certainly,the qualities of Ernest Hemingway's short novel are those which we associate with many great stories ...

英杭19477398884问: 求一篇英文影评,50词左右,初一水平,用词简单一些 -
柘城县思真回答: 蓝精灵 One day , I went to the cinema with my best friend to saw the movie 'The Smurfs'. I love 'The Smurfs' because of its special set and sound effects.The Smurfs are lovely and the songs are nice and very popular. There was a twist in the plot,too....

英杭19477398884问: 用英语写一篇影评45字左右 -
柘城县思真回答:[答案] 《Big Fish》 It is a fairy tale talking about family bonds.When the father was young,it was his favorite to tell stories to his little boy.But when the boy grew up,he thought those stories were all fake.As a result,he disliked his father and lived far away from his ...

英杭19477398884问: 英语影评约20至30词左右 -
柘城县思真回答: I really like comedies,because I think they're very funny.I don't like documentaries because I think they're boring,and I don't like thrillers,I think they're scary.I often go to see comedies with my friends.(最后一句可以省略,随你便)

英杭19477398884问: 求英文电影50字英语观后感,初中生能看懂的,电影最好不要关于爱情 -
柘城县思真回答: Today I go to see a movie ,and the name is Super Man.In this movie the man have very big power and his dream is to protect everyone who is in trouble.That movie teaches us that the life is not as bad as most people feel and don't give up no matter what happens.There is always someone who can help you as if you insist.

英杭19477398884问: 一篇英文电影影评,100字, -
柘城县思真回答:[答案] 狮子王: Out of all the Disney movies I've seen,The Lion King is one of the most remarkable films of all time.The story was touching,the characters were unbelievable,and the music was beautiful.The actors were chosen rightly for their characters and their...

英杭19477398884问: 写一部影评英文的 -
柘城县思真回答: 《十面埋伏》英文影评 Zhang Yimou is considered to be one of the best directors of our time.Zhang Yimou did an excellent job as the cinematographer on the movie "Huang Tudi"(Yellow Earth),and his debut as a director on the movie "Hong ...

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