
作者&投稿:匡矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语情景对话试题多为日常交际中的口语,具有强烈的感 *** 彩和灵活、多变、简练等特点。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!1 A:Are you seeing Tom ?你在和汤姆来往吗?B:Yes , I am .是啊。A:You'd better be careful with him . He's a plete liar .你最好小心一点儿。他是个十足的骗子。

1、A: Oh, excuse me. I just spilled my coffee on your carpet.B: Don't worry about it.A: Anyway I want to pay for the cleaning.B: It's no big deal. 2、A: I have been waiting for Mr. T. Carpenter for thirty minutes.B: I'm sorry, but he's still in a meeti...

Conversation 2 对话 2 Lily is making preparation for her travel to Paris.She asks her brother Tommy for help.莉莉准备去巴黎旅游,正在收拾行李。她让弟弟汤米过来帮忙。Lily:Could you check my list to see whether I have forgotten anything?莉莉:你能帮我对一下我的清单,看有什么东西落...

征集一段英语口语情景对话 1分钟左右
A(Peter):Hi Judy ,how are you doing today B(Judy):I'm fine ,Peter ; And you Peter:I'm OK ,but I sill want to learn driving .What do you think of it Judy:Really !I don't think that good for you .Peter :May I ask why you thought that way Judy :Why You don'...

对话不仅仅是选择友好礼貌的词汇那么简单,要让对话顺利进行,每个参与者都需要齐心协力。语言哲学家 Paul Grice 提出,在正常的对话中,发言者和听众需要共同努力,在某个特定的时刻,交谈者所说的话都应符合交谈的目的。与目的相关的内容选取合适的话题需要高度了解对话情景,包括何时需要其他信息辅助,何时...

麻烦编一个英语情景对话 主题是讨论怎样学好英语
2. The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。3. A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.一...

小明同学回家后,正在认真练字,妈妈走过来。妈妈:你在干什么呀?小明:妈妈,我在练字。妈妈:字不用写得那么好,现在有电脑了,还代替不了写字吗?小明: 这可不行,写字是谁也代替不了的。妈妈:那电脑干嘛用啊?小明:电脑是查资料用的,字可是我们中国人民的传统象征。妈妈:别人都用电脑了,你...

不少情景对话使用频率高,表达效果好,有利于学生练习口语。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!篇1 F: excuse me, can you pass me that newspaper, please?打扰一下,请您递给我那份报纸好吗?T: here it is.给您.F: thanks. It seems that the flight will be late.谢谢.好像航班要晚点了.T: ...

是老师布置的作业吧 不能全部帮你写,但是可以给一点建议。比如说你们可以假设大家一起去旅游。各自扮演一个角色 比如说 观光客 导游 当地人 商贩啊 等等组织个简单的小故事就好了 一下会话场景仅作参考 観光案内所で 相手:时间はどのくらいありますか。相手:ご予算はどのくらいですか。相手...

1、情景对话 2、根据情境,完成下列对话 3、选择 4、造句 回答好,给分...

蛮贞15391273408问: 求朋友间的英语情景对话,内容关于一人生病了,一人给点建议. -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] A:You ok?B:No.A:Want something?B:Not really.A:I haven't told your wife about your accident.B:Thanks.A:...B:Can I have one of those?A:..Man,you got to dump that whore.It's not worth it.B:Give me one.A:...

蛮贞15391273408问: 关于giving advice的四分钟英文对话 -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] as a saying goes,roses giving ,fragrance in hands.giving othes some helpful advices will not only help others,but also make us become pleasure.再加上开头的简介,后面加个例子,四分钟够了...

蛮贞15391273408问: 求人给我写一篇英语的情景对话,1百到200词之间两个外国人来到你的餐厅,并决定去尝尝中国菜,但他们不了解.你会如何建议客人吗? -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] 要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶.I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea.*iced tea因为发音相同,有时也可写成ice tea.我要两个热狗.May I have two hot dogs,please?May I have two hot dogs,please?(我要两个热狗.)Anything...

蛮贞15391273408问: 关于提建议的英语对话 -
章贡区克塞回答: Sally:In order to improve our oral communication ability, I suggest that we use English to communicate, what do you think? Tony:Well, that's a good idea, English is a simple and interesting course.

蛮贞15391273408问: 提一些建议的英语对话 -
章贡区克塞回答: A:I am so happy for you that you will go to Japan. B:Thank you.But I don't know how to leave there because of my poor Japanese. A:yeah,It is really a big problem.But,you see,it is also a chance for you to learn a new language.You can learn Japanese...

蛮贞15391273408问: 关于压力的英文对话 英文对话 有压力 求建议场景:一个同学最近有压力,我们其他同学给一些建议,安慰什么的3个人的对话,时间1分钟就行. -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] a:I feel quite tired recently,I cannot get down to study.b:Me too,I'm afraid I can't pass the examination.c:hey guys,I believe you two have met with some pressure issue.I had the same problem during t...

蛮贞15391273408问: 求一篇英语对话 两个人的,要求就是某个人给某个人建议,随便选个场景,有一点点创意几好了,不要太好 -
章贡区克塞回答: A:I want to go abroad to attend university for two or three years. B:Well,go ahead to realize your dream. But you had better often make a call to your parents and friends because we would miss you all the time.

蛮贞15391273408问: 急求有关于建议和帮助的两人英语对话 -
章贡区克塞回答: A:excuse me?B:yes?A:can you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital? B:go along the street,turn right at the next turning.A:thank you very much.B:you are welcome.B:you can see a big supermarket when you get there A: REALLY? thanks.B:i hope you can get there soon.A:i will.B:good luck.A:bye.B:bye.

蛮贞15391273408问: 写一篇以……为主题的英语情景对话What is the matter?" 写一篇关于生病与救治以及建议和饮食习惯的情景对话.角色不少于3个 -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] matt: what is the matter,allen.allen: my stomach was upseting last night,i really hurt.matt:what did you eat?allen: i ate 10 boxes ice cream yesteday.allen:are you kiding, were you tried kill yourself...

蛮贞15391273408问: 求一个三人英语情景对话,不要太长,一人两句就行了.要求大意为提出意见和接受意见的,最好有翻译 -
章贡区克塞回答:[答案] Tina:Oh,Bob,Why my English is so bad?What should I do? Bob:I think you can watch English movies and listen to English ... Anna:Yes!And I think you can also ask teacher for help. Tina:Thanks!Bob and Anna,you are my good friends. (Tina说我的英语怎...

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