
作者&投稿:桑鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

注:as作连词时,可表示“好像……”。如:The work is not so difficult as you imagin这工作不像你想像的那么困难。■表示支持或反对的介词:against, for against反对,for支持,互为反义词。如:Are you for my idea or against it? 你赞同还是反对我的想法?■表示除某人某物外的介词:...

求英语口语中和写作中常用的连词 或者连接短语
我自己学习时,总结的,还没有结束,分享给你吧!1.If only and only if If only(1)在if only这个短语中,中心词是从属连接词if, 而副词only只是加强if的语气的,因此,if only仅仅是if的一种强化形式,不仅能表达说话人的愿望,而且能表达条件。因此,它同if一样,译为“如果”,也能引出条件状语从句。Ex:If only...


英语中的连词主要分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。并列连词用来连接平行的词、词组或从句。 常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有: 1. and Justice is on your side. And justice will triumph over injustice. 正义在你们一边,而正义是会战胜非正义的。 2. neither... nor She could neither speak the language nor...

preposition 【英语释义】a word used with a noun, pronoun form to show its connection with another word.(介词)【常用介词】by、for、into、with等。conjunction 【英语释义】a word that connects parts of sentences, phrases, or clauses.(连词)【常用连词】and、but、although、because、...

你好,用作从属连词的六类名词结构 英语中有些名词结构可用作从属连词,用以引导状语从句,且主要是时间状语从句。这类结构归纳起来有以下六类:一、the + 瞬间名词 其中的瞬间名词主要包括moment, minute, instant, second等,其意为“一„„就„„”,相当于as soon as。如...


1.which 2.what 3.that 4.what 5.which 6.how 7.what 8.whether 9.that

thus therefore besides hereand(old english)

引导条件状语从句的连词有:if(如果),unless(除非;如果不),as long as(除非;只要),supposing(假设),on condition that(条件是),in case(如果)。例句:You can't learn English well unless you work hard.除非你努力学习,否则你学不好英语。You can use my bike on condition ...

代向18615697693问: 英语中常用的连接词 -
太仓市立君回答:[答案] 表层次:First; Second; What's more; In addition; Apart from this; Last but not least; 表观点:Personally; In my opinion; As far as I am concerned; As far as I know; What I want to stress is that…(我想强调的是…); … hold the opinion that… 某人持...

代向18615697693问: 英语的连词有哪些? -
太仓市立君回答: 英语连词汇总 (1)表示时间与频率的 词汇 :in general, every, some, after, on the whole, usually, most, at other times, in most cases, frequently, main, finally, as a rule, rarely, before, meanwhile. (2)表示附加的词:additionally, as well as, just ...

代向18615697693问: 写英语作文时常用的连接词有哪些 -
太仓市立君回答:[答案] 常用连接词: 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second… And then,Finally,In the end,At last 2.表并列补充关系:What is more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,In a...

代向18615697693问: 英语里连词的归纳有哪些 -
太仓市立君回答: 一、表示并列关系的连接词有and,not only…but also,neither,nor,so,on(the)one hand…on the other hand等.二、表示条件或结果关系的连接词有and,or,consequently等.三、表示转折或让步关系的连接词有:but,while,however,yet,still,on the contrary等.四、表示因果关系的连接词有for,so,therefore,thus,accordingly等.

代向18615697693问: 英文文章中常用的连词 -
太仓市立君回答:[答案] 1)表层次:first,firstly,to begin with,further,in the first place second,secondly,to start with,still,furthermore third,thirdly,what is more,last,last but not least also,and then,next,besides and equall...

代向18615697693问: 你们觉得常用的连词说说嘛,最少20个 -
太仓市立君回答:[答案] 英语常用连词汇总1.表增补(Addition)in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what's more, similarly, next, finally, further, most important, too ,and then, indeed ..2.表比...

代向18615697693问: 大家能不能给我列举一些英语常用的连词 -
太仓市立君回答: and,or,therefor,so,but,though,otherwise,neverthless,even,while ,also,between...and,nither..nor,either..or,not only ..but also,although

代向18615697693问: 英语全部连词
太仓市立君回答: 1、表示平行或承接的并列连词 ( and ,both…and…, neither…nor,not only…but also,as well as等) 2、表示转折关系的并列连词(but,yet,while,however等) 3、表示选择关系滴并列连词(or,either …or…, not…but…等) 4、表示因果关系滴并列连词(for,so等)

代向18615697693问: 英语中的连接词 -
太仓市立君回答: 仅限于 单词 不包括词组 并列连词 and /but/so/or /for/while/when 从属连词 1 引导名词性从句 的连接词 that、 if、whether连接代词 what who whom whose which连接副词when why where how 2 引导状语从句 的从属连词 when where though although because as until if than since unless 3引导定语从句的关系词 关系代词 that who which whom whose as but than 关系副词 where when why以上 是英语中 我所能想到的常用的连词

代向18615697693问: 介绍一些英语作文中常用的连词 -
太仓市立君回答:[答案] 1、表示对等关系的并列连词.使用该类并列连词时必须保持结构对等,词性统一,在句子中要使用对等成分,不可失之偏颇.常用的该类连词有:and,either...or,neither...nor,as well as,both...and,not only...b...

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