
作者&投稿:脂钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...Beautiful Spring为题,根据以下提示写一篇小短文,不少于5句话...

reading is fun小短文五句话
根据文中提到的短文为您推荐 高中生语文阅读理解解题技巧,从高一到高三初期,我儿子就一直特别努力,可是成绩就是没提高,高中生语文阅读理解解题技巧,试过了这个方法,他的成绩真的提高了 yxg.dlbmbd.top广告 更多专家 reading is fun小短文五句话 专家1对1在线解答问题 5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主...

以“my favourite subiect”为题写一篇短文,不得少于5句话
我最喜欢的老师是我们的班主任——x老师。my favorite teacher is our teacher in charge teacher - x.x老师个子不高,一头乌黑的头发,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,加上一张能说会道的嘴巴,就构成了我们敬爱的x老师。x teacher is not tall,a head of black hair,a pair of intense big eyes,wit...

(82)他说这句话的时候眼神是闪躲的,带着一点点的羞涩,可是语气那么装腔作势好像经历千山万水的样子,我想了想,踮起脚抱了抱他。 (83)不只为何,我在这样一个本该心里盈满欢喜的清晨,想起那个人的容颜,就忍不住掉下泪来。 (84)苏善予,从我很小的时候你就教我,应当做独立坚强的人。我是从你那里获知,要...

is in the center of our city. It is surrounded by many trees .There are many flowers in it . There are five buildings in it .The playground is very big.I love school.我们学校很大很美。它在市中心,周围绿树环绕。校园里有很多花。我校有五座楼。操场很在,我爱我们的学校。

5句好句摘抄 其中有一句写一篇200字的小短文

enjoy the sunshine and the warm wind.there were so many people because the zoo had a special animal show.Such as panda played football and monkeys rided bikes.after we watch the show,we flied a kite together in the square.At 5:00 we went back home happily.求采纳,谢谢!

my family小短文5句话

A little rabbit , he is so cute . He wears white clothes and he wears a pair of the cool red glasses . His ears is so long , do you believe that he can hear what you said ? He like eating carrots and when i see him he is eating carrot . How lovely the rabbit ...

Last week I went to the theatre and had a good seat. The play was very interesting but I didn't enjoy it because a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me and talking loudly. I got very angry because I couldn't hear the actors. Then I turned around and ...

季影17094758460问: 六年级英语小短文怎么写?(5句话左右) -
阿瓦提县吉非回答: My favourite holiday My favourite holiday is May Day. It's on the first of May. People have a long holiday. They meet friends. They go to parks. They have a good time.我最喜爱的假日 我最喜爱的假日是劳动节,它在五月一日.人们有一个长假.他们去拜访朋友,他们去公园玩,他们度过了一段好时光.

季影17094758460问: 要六年级的英语小短文···简单一点要短一点,四五句话就好,配上中文哦! -
阿瓦提县吉非回答:[答案] 第一篇:I'm Tong tong ,I'm 12 years old .There are three people in my family ----my father ,my mother and I .In summer,I like swimming.In fall,I like flying kites .In winter ,I like making a snowman ....

季影17094758460问: 六年级英语上册作文 你去学校的路怎么走 五句话,短 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答:[答案] A:How do you go to school? B:I usually go to school by car. Sometimes I go to school on foot. A:Oh,me too!Let us go to school! B:OK!Let us go!

季影17094758460问: 六年级短文(英语)用至少5句话,描写你的日常生活 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答:[答案] Every day ,I go to school to have lesson.After that ,finish my lesson ,I walk to home,do my homework,and have supper at seven o'clock,and I will help my mother washing the dish.

季影17094758460问: 用My day写一篇英语小短文六年级的,五句话就行了 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答: 我早上七点起床,I got up at 7 o'clock.七点十五分吃早餐,I ate my breakfast at seven fifteen.七点三十分走路上学,I went to school on foot at seven thirty.到学校早读.我六年级 I did my morning reading,I am grade six

季影17094758460问: 小学六年级5篇英语小短文 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答: We were stading at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small Italian towen not far from our home in Rome. I wondered what. ”Look down, Elsa,” father said. I gathered all My idea and looked down. I saw the square ...

季影17094758460问: 英语五句话日记,简单的.六年级. -
阿瓦提县吉非回答: I got up at 6 this morning. And I had my breakfast quickly. I went to school by bus. I had a happy time with my classmates today. My mom took me home after school. 希望能帮到你,朋友

季影17094758460问: 一篇英语小短文Iwanttobe十句六年级 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答:[答案] I used to indulge in fantasies..I have many dreams.I like drawing ,so I want to be a painter.I like dancing and singing ,so I want to be actress.I want to be a doctor when my grandpa was ill .Sometimes,I also want to be an astronaut to land on the moon to ...

季影17094758460问: 英语短文写一篇短文以my hobby为题,不少于5句话(六年级的)再用what's your hobby?what do you like to do in your free time?do you like……?do you often ... -
阿瓦提县吉非回答:[答案] My hobby is reading.I love books.I spend most of my money on buying books,and I find many books very interesting.My parents are very happy about my hobby,and my teacher said that I am a good student.

季影17094758460问: 我要三篇英语小短文,六年级上册和六年级上册以下的!我要超短,不过不要太短,五句就可以啦 -
阿瓦提县吉非回答: 供参考:My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the ...

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