
作者&投稿:郯妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

常用的问路与指路英语口语表达,你是否能掌握?让我们来一同学习与了解!1. "Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to...?" (对不起,请问去…如何走?) 示例:"Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the nearest subway?"2. "I'm lost. Can you help me find......

1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to……?2.Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to……?3.Where is ……?4.How can I get to ……?5.Do you know the way to ……?6.I wonder where …… is.7.I wonder the way to…….回答:1.Take along with this str...

A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map?B:We are here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city.A:Oh !I think I’m lost.Can I go from here to the railway station?B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B:我...

想学习一些出行问路常用的英语口语对话,下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学习!1:A:How do I get to the post office from school?A:从学校到邮局怎么走?B:Turn right outside the school; go along until you e to the main road; tum left; go straight ahead, straight on at the roundabout, ...

生活英语情景口语,非常简单的英语。。。help 帮我修改(内容:问路...
翻译、六、问路:B:打扰一下,我有点迷路了,请问这是哪里?(B:Excuse me,I 'm bit lost,Where is this?)A:这儿是北京路,你要去哪里?(A: Here is Beijing Road.Where you go?)B:我不是当地人,请问如何抵达中关村?(B:I'm not local , How can i get to ZhongGuanCun?)A:沿着...

急求英语对话 关于问路的``三个人表演的
there.Maybe he knows.A:Thank you all the same.B:That's OK.A:Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the library?C:Sure.GO ahead the street,turn to left in the third crossing.Walk along the road,and you will see it in the right.A:Thanks a lot.C:You're welcome....

Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Hotel Alelo by any chance?劳驾﹐你知道怎么去Alelo酒店么﹖Do you know how I might get to the Hotel Alelo?你知道我怎么才能到Alelo酒店么﹖Oh sure, you're not far at all!当然﹐离这根本不远!You're only a few minutes away.几分钟就...

how to go to\/ get to \/be to the palce\/...?how can i get to ...do you konw the way to ...\/...can you show me the way\/direction to ...can you tell me the way to...Is there a…near by?can you tell me the way to……? would you like to tell me the way...

A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?B:顺这条街...

下面是一个二人问路的情景英文对话:英文:John: Excuse me, do you know how to get to the nearest pharmacy?Mary: Sure, I just passed one. You need to turn right at the first intersection and walk straight for about two blocks. It will be on your left.John: Thank you. Is ...

僪封13819092357问: 急求英语问路场景对话,要求25句左右,大学口语要求:2人对话,25句左右,3分钟内容:问路,问车站的站排怎么走,这类型的场景对话.要标准,不要在... -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] A:Excuse me,Where am I on this map? B:You're right here,bus station,we are in the heart of the city. A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:你在这儿,汽车站,我们现在在市中心. A:Hello!Which bus should I take to railway station? B:You can ...

僪封13819092357问: 英语补全对话---问路 -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] [实用英语]-街边对话问路篇 Hugh directs Emma to a police stationEmma:Excuse me.Excuse meHugh:Yes. Emma:Is there a Police Station near here? Hugh:Ah...police station?Yes there is.Yes.Let me just think.You want to go straight ...

僪封13819092357问: 简单的英语场景对话,如购物、问路.10篇, -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] 看看这个成不成 英语日常情景对话之迷路篇 A:Excuse me.I'm afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B:I'm walking that way.Let me lead you the way. B:我正朝那边去.让...

僪封13819092357问: 问路的英语对话3人对话,问路场景.要求每个人至少6句话以上(除Hello、Hi、Thank、Bye等简句).水平: -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] A和C是朋友,B是个路人(男的) A:Excuse me sir,do you know how to go to the museum(你在museum前面加个你那边的博物馆的名字)? B:Oh,of course.Do you want to walk or take the bus? A:How long will it take for you to walk? B:About fifteen ...

僪封13819092357问: 英语问路情景对话求一篇英语问路作文,要对话,12句就行,最好有个翻译 -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] A:Excuse me.I'm afraid I got lost.Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗? B:I'm walking that way.Let me lead you the way. B:我正朝那边去.让我给你带路吧! A:Excuse me,Where am I on ...

僪封13819092357问: 谁能帮我写一篇关于问路的英语对话作文一共20句对白的:) -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] A:Hi!喂!B:Hi!Do you need help 喂!你 需 要 帮 忙 吗 A:Yes,I need help me.是 的 ,我 需 要 你 的 帮 助 A:Excuse me,Sir.Could you tell me where the No.5 Street?对 不 起 ,先 生 ,你 能 告 诉 我 第 五 大 街 ...

僪封13819092357问: 生活英语情景口语,非常简单的英语.help 帮我修改(内容:问路)~六、问路:B:Excuse me,I 'm bit lost,Where is this?A:Here is Beijing Road.Where you go?... -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] 1.i am lost,where is here? 2.where are you going? 3.i am not from local. 4.你有时间吗?may i borrow you for a second?(委婉的问法) 5.yes,please.( 请讲.what is up?很粗鲁,没有耐心) 6.i am a stranger,i might forget the way,could you take me ...

僪封13819092357问: 关于问路的英语对话16句 -
淄川区氢溴回答: Dale : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum? Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off. Dale : Yes, but I'm driving my own car. Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third ...

僪封13819092357问: 一篇"问路"的英语小对话 -
淄川区氢溴回答: 原发布者:englishftj问路英语对话1.A:Excuseme,WhereamIonthismap?B:Wearehere,busstation,weareintheheartofthecity.A:Oh !IthinkI'mlost.CanIgofromheretotherailwaystation?B:Headstraightupthestreetabouttwoblocksthenturnleft.A:对不起,...

僪封13819092357问: 根据提示,编写一段问路的英语对话(初一水平)李太太想去邮局,但是不知道如何走,于是就向你询问,你告诉她沿着Greenstreet直走,在第二个十字路... -
淄川区氢溴回答:[答案] Mrs Li:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the post office? I:Walk down Green Street,and turn right at the second crossing.there is a bank on your right.The post office is oppisite the bank.

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