
作者&投稿:里饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于家乡的英语:My home town is located in a beautiful place. It was very natural 19 years ago. We all enjoyed fresh air and pure water. It has been developed into a modern city now. The living standard has been improved significantly.

秋天,家乡一片美景!枫树叶变红了,一片片纷纷落下,像一只只红色蝴蝶般,好看极了!秋天,也是丰收的季节,那一颗颗金黄的饱满的麦穗就像农民伯伯那张憨厚的脸庞。麦田中,一阵风吹来,翻起了麦浪。真是一片繁荣的景象!参考资料:这些都是我自己写的,不给分跟你拼了 ...

俗语,也称常言,俗话,这三者是同义词。俗语一词,已经普遍用作语言学的术语;常言一词,带有文言的色彩;俗话一词,则有口语的气息。俗语使人们的交流更加方便且具有趣味性,具有地方特色。形成 俗语是熟语之一,指约定俗成,广泛流行,且形象精练的语句。从广义来看,俗语包括谚语、歇后语(引注语)、...



二年级《语文园地一》中的口语交际要求学生介绍家乡的景物。 上课之前,我就已经布置了学生先在家里好好想一想,也可以写一写要说的内容,准备第二天上课时好和同学一起交流。 第二天上课时,我满怀信心的走进教室,告诉学生今天这节课的学习任务是口语交际,介绍家乡的景物。说完我叫学生翻开书,了解了本次口语交际的...



雅思口语| “住处、家乡”类描述性话题题目
Home\/Accommodation 1.Whatkind of housing\/accommodation do you live in?2.Doyou live in a house or a flat?3.Whodo you live with?4.Howlong have you lived there?5.Doyou plan to live there for a long time?6.(Ifyou answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference...


弭哈13895985291问: 英语翻译我的家乡是安徽,那是一个美丽的地方.那里有美丽的黄山,壮丽的九华山,秀气的琅琊山,安徽大地锦绣多姿.那里也有许多的河流和湖泊.安徽的茶... -
亳州市依林回答:[答案] Anhui is my hometown.That is a beautiful place.Beautiful Huangshan Mountain,gallant Jiuhua Mountain,pretty Langya Mountain are all in Anhui.There are a lot of rivers and lakes.Anhui is also known for tea and countless special local products.There are ...

弭哈13895985291问: city is famous for...的英语作文我的家乡是安徽,大约60词左右就行了 -
亳州市依林回答:[答案] Beijing is my faovrite city.It has a long history.There are many places of interest in it.Now let me tell you some of them.The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors.It is very bi...

弭哈13895985291问: 英语作文向你的朋友介绍你的家乡宣城120词急 -
亳州市依林回答:[答案] My hometown is located in the southeast of Anhui Province,is a glorious historical and cultural city.Here not only has a known as "Jiangnan poetic mountain" Jingtingshan mountain,there is "the"scholar...

弭哈13895985291问: 谁有英文版的家乡介绍 我是安徽的 -
亳州市依林回答: Anhui province is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the Yangtze river delta hinterland,. Across the river, Yangtze river and xin 'an river three. Capital for hefei. Anhui regional diversity, both civil colour. Anhui province of south of ...

弭哈13895985291问: 谈论家乡的英语口语对话请大家帮忙写一段介绍家乡的英语口语对话,要求:两个人对话,时间三分钟!家乡一个人是合肥(有包河公园,逍遥津,吃的有很... -
亳州市依林回答:[答案] A:Nice to meet you.I am xx,coming from hefei.B:Nice to meet you,too.I am xx,coming from (the western part of hefei).A:Oh,I've never been there before.Could you tell me something about there?B:I will.I...

弭哈13895985291问: 我的家乡在安徽 英语作文 带汉字翻译 -
亳州市依林回答: n were seated near under a wide-spreading magnolia tree talking about the political situation, the number of Presidential candidates, and the possible results of the ele

弭哈13895985291问: 求一篇介绍家乡 安徽省桐城市的 英文作文,要有中文翻译,字数大概150字上下,好的可以追加分数! -
亳州市依林回答: TongChengShi is a city in anhui, but our culture is very deep, our culture guidance in the qing dynasty culture 300 annual, we are there many scenery and the Confucius temple, LongMian river, big longshan, still have a lot of local culture, we love the ...

弭哈13895985291问: 用英语介绍我的家乡! - 鞍山麻烦大家啊.帮我用英语介绍下鞍山,
亳州市依林回答: Welcome to Anshan,Anshan is named for a montain near here what is like a saddle.We have a very good weather and many profucts here.It's also a good place to travel.

弭哈13895985291问: 介绍安徽省祁门的英语作文,以welcome to my hometown为题! -
亳州市依林回答: My family lives in jilin province jiaohe song village, which is a beautiful and rich place. In spring, farmers are busy farming, green. Summer, strawberries, cherries are ripe. Autumn, farmland turned into a golden sea, autumn wind is blowing the leaves...

弭哈13895985291问: 用英语介绍我的家乡 -
亳州市依林回答: Hunan is a province of the People's Republic, is located south of the Yangtze River. Most areas in the south of Dongting Lake, hence the name Hunan. Xiangjiang River runs through the territory of North and South, also known as Xiang. According to...

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