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求两个人关于通信(手机)的英语对话 一定要2~4分钟语言简单,容易背
A:Good morning.Beijing Trading Company.May I help you?B:Good morning.This is Mr.Smith of King Electronics Compa-ny.I'd like to speak to Mr.Zhong,please. A:We have two Zhongs here.Is that Bob Zhong,or John Zhong?B:Bob. A:Mr.Bob Zhong in the Overseas Sales ...

求 英语两人对话 每人四到五句 简单最好
A: What did you do today?(你今天干嘛了?)B: I went shopping at the mall.(我去购物中心逛街了)A: What did you buy?(那你买了什么?)B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not.(我原来想买条裙子的,可结果没买.)A: Why?(为什么?)B: Well, they didn't have a ...

简单 浪漫 情侣对话或承诺
不管父子,或爱人,就算两人都相互爱着,但两个人的爱却并不相等。一定会——有某一方比另一方还要爱对方。爱人的那一方,虽然为被爱的那一方牺牲了许多,...我跟我男票之间的对话我:“我结婚那天你来不来?”他(诧异的):“我不来你跟谁结婚啊?” 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 农农家...

网上找的,试试吧!两人对话 A: Good evening! What can I do for you?B: I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.A: What size do you want?B: Size 10.A: Sorry, I afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've got some brown ones.B: Have ...

两人英语对话 见面语 询问天气 感谢对话 两分钟内的简单点
hello, hello, nice weather, isn't it? Yes, it is, you look beautiful today. Thank you, goodbye

多长的呢?没有要求就写两句得了。-Hello, Andy! How are you doing these days? I need your help.-Hi, aunt Susan. I'm Fine, how are you? I've tapped you message on Wechat yesterday, have you seen it?- Did you? I haven't seen it. I need you to show me how to ...

1.先自我介绍 hey I’m Sibyl.(这个是最基本的,也比较正式。我和我17到21岁的朋友基本就是念个名字然后就边握手变说nice to meet you了)2.问候 nice to meet you.(这里也可以用how are you,如果比较不正式的话)3一起吃饭 这个看情况,你讲的不是很清楚...如果你是男方对方是女的,就...

20分求一段简单的两人间的日语对话 在线等答案
人物:田中 男性 大学老师中野 女性 日语老师刘小龙 男性 中国留学生 田中:ご绍介しましょう。中野さん、こちらは中国から留学にきておられる刘小龙さんです。刘さん、こちらは日本语を研究していらっしゃる中野さんです。我来介绍一下。中野,这位是从中国来留学的刘小龙。小刘,这位是研究...

大一上学期英语口语考试双人对话,题目是dearm life,2-3分钟的对话,急...
dearm life对话 Todd: Oh, OK. So that is what you want to do?Jessica: Yeah.Todd: OK.Jessica: And make lots of money.Todd: You wanna make lots of money?Jessica: OK. Nothing wrong with that.Todd: How do you become a physici... physician's assistant. I can't even say ...

A:Hello,Kate! Fancy meeting you here1! Working again,are you? B:Yes,I've got to,if I want to pass all the exams.A:How's life,Kate?All right? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I'm a bit fed up revising though.Are you? A:Pretty good,thanks.My exams are over now...

成王叙13921625347问: 简单的英语两人对话每人十到二十句左右, -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] 面试经典(一):Q:Why would you be particularly good at this business?A:I was a pastry chef,so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development.Recent preservatives h...

成王叙13921625347问: 求一段简单的英语对话,3分钟左右两人对话,3分钟左右,用词尽量简单些 -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] How are you Great thanks, how about you I caught a cold recently OH, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you ever been to the hospital It's nothing serious No no, let's take some medicine, otherwise will be worse Thank you for your concern, I will go to buy ...

成王叙13921625347问: 简单的英语两人对话每人十到二十句左右,谢谢啦! -
扎囊县欣瑞回答: 面试经典(一): Q: Why would you be particularly good at this business?A: I was a pastry chef, so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development. Recent preservatives have come a long way toward ...

成王叙13921625347问: 急需大概4分钟左右的英语对白,两个人的对话!简单一些的适合表演出来的英语对话! -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] 给你几个短笑话1.A man is talking to God.The man:"God,how long is a million years?"God:"To me,it's about a minute."The man:"God,how much is a million dollars?"God:"To me it's a penny."The man:"God,may ...

成王叙13921625347问: 求八句简单的双人英语对话,和翻译.不要太难得,6年级水平即可 -
扎囊县欣瑞回答: a: hi! how are you? 嗨,你好吗?b: i'm fine. 我很好.a: what's your name? 你叫什么名字b: my name is bob.how about you. 我叫鲍伯,你呢?a: my name is jack. nice to meet you. 我叫杰克,很高兴见到你.b: nice to meet you too. 我也很高兴见到你a:good bye. 再见b: bye!再见

成王叙13921625347问: 二人英语情景对话 -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] A:Hello,B.Long time no see.How are you?B.长时间不见了.你怎么样?B:I am fine,thank you,and you?我很好,你呢?A:I am fine,too.我也很好.B:Where have you been?I have not seen you for several days.这段时间你都到哪去了,我好几天没见你了.A:...

成王叙13921625347问: 求16句两人英语对话 -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] A:Hello,nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you too.My name is terry,and I'm the plant buyer. A:Oh,I see,what a good job it is! B:Just so so,and you? A:I'm safety engineer,my name is Frank. B:Frank,how long have you been this plant? A:Last year after I ...

成王叙13921625347问: 帮忙编一个简单的两人英语对话 -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] A: Hey how are you? Been well? B: Yeah pretty much, you? I was working on my assignments. So busy. A: Really? I've handed mine in. Weren't yours due a week ago? B: Yeah I had applied for an extension because I went to the hospital for three days. ...

成王叙13921625347问: 求英语对话,10句左右,两人对话,1.Student A and Student B meet for the first time.They introduce each other and talk about their likes and dislikes about ... -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] 6.B:welcome to Bejing!A:It`s a beautiful city!I think i will lose a chance to know China without this business.B:I`m glad to show you around if you need.A:Thanks.It`s nice of you.B:My preasure.A:My fr...

成王叙13921625347问: 求2人英语短对话,有趣点的,十分钟左右只需两人,八到十分钟,单词简单些好. -
扎囊县欣瑞回答:[答案] BOY :May I hold your hand? GIRL :No thanks,it isn't heavy. GIRL :Say you love me!Say you love me! BOY :You love me... GIRL :If we become engaged will you give me a ring? BOY :Sure,what's your phone number? Wife :You tell a man something,it goes ...

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