
作者&投稿:浑彩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

要50个常用的英语对话! 和200个与旅游行业相关的英语单词!
1 See you later.待会见;2 What’s up?近来过得如何?3 It’s on me.我来付 4 I mean it.我是说真的 5 Check, please.买单 6 Mind your own business.别多管闲事 7 Hold on.请稍等 8 Whatever!随你的便 9 After you.你先(请)10 Nonsense!胡说八道!11 Cheer up!振作点 12 ...

探索酒店英语:全方位词汇指南 在旅居或商务出行中,掌握酒店英语词汇至关重要。下面列举了200个常用术语,助你轻松应对各种场景:房型篇:Single Room - 单人间Double Room - 双人间…(更多房型请参阅)部门篇:Executive Office - 行政办公室…(更多部门请查阅)设施篇:Lock - 锁Doorknob - 门把…(更多...


清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day; Qingming Festival; Pure Brightness Festival 寒食节:Cold Food Festival 扫墓:sweep a grave; pay respects to a dead person at his tomb; visit grave 祭祖:ancestor worship;to worship ancestors 祖先:ancestors; ancestor; ancestry; forefathers; progenitor 祭品:...

1. "force"2. "enforce"3. "reinforce"4. "report"5. "scope"6. "spirit"7. "decline"8. "climate"9. "accuse"10. "afford"11. "anxiety"12. "atmosphere"13. "blame"14. "bargain"15. "calculate"16. "circle"17. "confidence"18. "conscious"19. "convince"20. "custom"21. "...

求初中英语单词,重点的常见的。不要多100~200个。谢谢。  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 【帮帮团】大学生专场,可获百度实习机会!笔有千秋业 2015-02-15 · 知道合伙人文学行家 笔有千秋业 知道合伙人文学行家 采纳数:25208 获赞数:380862 2002年毕业于河北师范大学中文系,获得学士学位。 向TA提问 ...

apple egg good do option national like eleven nail law walk kite eat tick key yield dog grab bus school low what take each hold daily yard diet table eager rush hurry young gain nick keen native eagle early yes scared damp put taboo open naive even near rear rich half film ma...

既可作名词又可作动词的单词 至少200个
aim air act answer arch back bag bank bike brush buckle bundle bump button cart cream cry cash climb channel cough catch crash crush crank craft count drink dive dish dent deck duck drool dump dunk drive dream email end equal finish figure face fence file finger fetch flank flick ...

Brilliant and facetious:(精彩和幽默的)1、All lay load on the willing horse. 人善被人欺,马善被人骑 2、No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获 3、A faithful friend is the medicine of life. 忠实的朋友是人生的良药 4、All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人 5、E...

例文 We all have certain kinds of bad habits. For teenagers, it is very important to get rid of bad habits.Let's take the habits of talking in class as an example. If we talk in class, we can't listen to the teachers carefully. Of course we can't understand the ...

鲁樊13510675590问: 求两百个简单的英文单词 -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] 1 good 2 morning 3 Good morning 4 hi 5 hello 6 I 7 am 8 I am 9 are 10 you 11 yes 12 nice 13 to 14 meet 15 too 16 welcome 17 China 18 thanks 19 Miss 20 see 21 let 22 us 23 let's = let us 24 begin 25 st...

鲁樊13510675590问: 200个英语单词 -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 ... 意义;重要性 197. subsequent a. 随后的,后来的 198. virtue n. 美德,优点 199. virtual a. 实际上的,事实上的 200. orient vt....

鲁樊13510675590问: 来200个带中文的英语单词~ -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] traffice lights 交通灯 sick people 病人 remember rules 记住规则 shout for help 喊救命/大声叫帮忙 break one's arm 把某人的... with his/her hand factoey(英语复词)factories have(第三人称单数)has same(反义词) different life(复数) lives lose(...

鲁樊13510675590问: 简单的英语单词100个左右(比如He She 这样的单词) -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand I you he she it they we my your his her its their our hers ours ...

鲁樊13510675590问: 帮忙找一找英语单词我需要200个小学四年级的英语四会单词,最好简单一点,十万火急! -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] Unit 1 computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是) my(我的) that(那;那... o'clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程)...

鲁樊13510675590问: 所有简单的英文单词 -
桃城区济生回答: fly bravely勇敢飞翔

鲁樊13510675590问: 给一些简短的英语单词 -
桃城区济生回答: A:1.act 动作 2.aim 瞄准 B:1.bar 酒吧 小卖铺 2.bat 蝙蝠 C:1.cap 棒球帽 2.cot 幼儿床 D:1.den 兽穴 2.dig 挖;刨 E:1.evil 极坏的 2.eye 眼睛 F:1.fib 假话 2.fry 煎;炒 G:1.god 上帝 2.gun 枪 H:1.hill 山冈 2.hug 拥抱 I:1.ice 冰 2.if 如果 J:1.jam 果酱 2.job ...

鲁樊13510675590问: 520个简短的英文单词 -
桃城区济生回答: FTZ 是520的英文缩写 five two zero

鲁樊13510675590问: 100个英语好词简短的 -
桃城区济生回答:[答案] 世界排名前70的最优美的英语单词 根据对4万名海外投票者和英国文化协会在世界各地英语中心的学习者的调查显示,“母亲”(Mother)是英语当中最优美的单词.此项调查为庆祝英国文化协会成立70周年而举办. 英国文化协会在华作为英国大使馆文...

鲁樊13510675590问: 短的英语单词? -
桃城区济生回答: but,cap,she ,his,her,buy,man,boy,toy,old,air,not

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