
作者&投稿:芝度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

篇一:我想发明的机器人 我最想发明的机器人是和《淘气包马小跳》中的夏林果一样的真人机器人。我的机器人是以夏林果的外貌和体型为模型来设计的。她的眼睛大大的、圆圆的,像两颗黑色的珍珠一样;她的头发长长的、黑黑的,总是扎着麻花辫,还戴着黄色的蝴蝶结;她的手臂细长,身材瘦瘦的,她的背...

如果放学了,回到家,只要对机器人说一声我饿了,按一下它肚子上的按纽,机器人就会跑到厨房,打开它肚子里的微型微波炉,把面包放进去,只需要几秒钟,香香的面包就烤好了。 如果桌子脏了,机器人只要用手轻轻在桌子上一挥,它手上的微型吸尘器就能把垃圾吸起来,桌子就干净了。机器人再把手放在垃圾桶上面按一下手上的...

I have three robots, the first one is from my friend, the second one is from my parents, and the third one is from my classmate.The first robot is Peg. It has a square face, its body is a big circle, and it has a small mouth. It can run very fast, it can jump ...


进入展厅,你首先看到的是一只“大狗”——拥有四只脚的机器人,来自波士顿动力公司(Boston Dynamics)。还能看得很多产品的视频以及模型,比如机器人军医和巨型无人地面车辆等。 小狗的知名度永远不如它的兄弟大狗。小狗跌倒后不能自我恢复,但是相反大狗能向前跳跃,如同玩具狗一样的小狗必须更加小心谨慎...

I sat in a sit with the treasure of gold. Thousands of robots, said: "master." I looked around. I asked who is the master robot side. Robot said: "it's you, my dear master," I can not believe, and I would like to try, said: "come, give me a glass of water."...

Using a new technology named SHIN-Walk, Chroino has the ability to walk more naturally than traditional robots that walk stiffly with constantly bent knees. The ability to walk naturally, similar to a human, have long been expected. Thanks to this latest advancement in technology ...

My Robot Last night, I had a beautifu dream.I was very excited that a robot came into my home . I called her Pink because she was wearing did all my jobs around the house . She cleaned my house ,mopped the floors , made my bed , cooked meals and dealt with my homework...

...look like?为题,用英语写一篇不少于70词的短文
The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits. But it will walk like a human being.If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like a radio. If I feel lonely, it will chat with me. My robot will be like a friend . He will never ...

With the development of science ,more and more people are confused that whether it is good or bad to make robort.Are roborts going to take place of human beings.Every coin has two side.Robort can be good to our society and life.At the same time,it also have some bad effect...

祗陶13274501842问: 有关机器人的英语短小文章? -
南部县核黄回答:[答案] Chroino is a small humanoid robot with friendly appearance and sophisticated movements.A newly-developed outer covering that serves also as a frame is called a “monocoque frame” and is made of carbo...

祗陶13274501842问: 机器人的英语作文25个字 -
南部县核黄回答: As the development of the science and technology, more and more people begin to use robot in life to serve for them.Using robots will bring you much convenience. They can do housework for you,such as wash cloths,clean rooms and so on. ...

祗陶13274501842问: 急求一篇关于机器人的英语作文!!! -
南部县核黄回答: One day, Mike and Holson go to the library to buy a book. when they go into the library. they cannot see any body, they only see two robots there. then they goto the robot and say:"I want to borow abook ,would you.......

祗陶13274501842问: 写一篇短文设计一个机器人英语作文 -
南部县核黄回答: My Robot Last night, I had a beautifu dream.I was very excited that a robot came into my home . I called her Pink because she was wearing did all my jobs around the house . She cleaned my house ,mopped the floors , made my bed , cooked meals ...

祗陶13274501842问: 写一篇短文设计一个机器人英语作文1.what.它叫什么名字?2.what样子?3.what能能为我们做什么?4.can它自己思考吗?5.what是它的优点和缺点?开头... -
南部县核黄回答:[答案] This is a robot,whose name is much smaller,he is very cute,round face,round body,like a Panda,he could pour water and help us to do any housework ...And so on,he is able to think independently,when yo...

祗陶13274501842问: 急需一篇描写机器人的英语短文 -
南部县核黄回答: What people's Life In the Future Will Be In the future, people will work at home since robots(机器人)will do most of the work instead people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which ...

祗陶13274501842问: 写一篇关于机器人的英语作文只要十句话就可以了 -
南部县核黄回答:[答案] 关于机器人的英语作文my name is Lin Tao.I always have a dream to own a robot in 2008 named Superman.It will be a product of AI(artificial intelligence) and it can do so many things for me,including hel...

祗陶13274501842问: 写一篇关于机器人的英语作文 -
南部县核黄回答: 海底探索机器人传说在百慕大“魔鬼三角”一带有很多轮船和飞机都失踪了,至今还是一个未解之谜,于是我就想发明一个可以潜入海底进行科学探索的机器人.这个机器人必须具备足够的功能:首先要有避免被漩涡卷入功能,其次还要有救...

祗陶13274501842问: 有关机器人的英语短小文章? -
南部县核黄回答: Chroino is a small humanoid robot with friendly appearance and sophisticated movements. A newly-developed outer covering that serves also as a frame is called a “monocoque frame” and is made of carbon and plastic, giving Chroino a friendly...

祗陶13274501842问: 写一篇英语短文就是写一篇作文:我有一个机器人用英语写哦,尽量别有语法错误哦~ -
南部县核黄回答:[答案] If I have a robot,I want him to do many things,you can reduce the burden on the people,so that people can have a rest period ... Or beg for mercy and will not let go of.Police also easy to work with robots,human might be easy for some. 如果我有一个机器人...

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