
作者&投稿:召怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

50years in the future, we will have a better lifestyle. No more poor people can be found in the world. Imagine that everyone has enough food and clothes. Everyone has a job and they can earn enough money for their families. All children can go to school, study and learn ...


50年后的我 有一种感动叫做回忆黄昏把夕阳带走,只剩我一个人,在寂寞里回想,留下一些片段成为回忆。时钟将你的离开定格,只留下我一人回忆着你,曾为那个小小的片段而感动。——题记 时间如流水一般,一转眼的功夫,50年过去了!昔日活泼可爱的小女孩已经成了一位50多岁的老太婆。但是由于现在科学...



子,立刻,洗漱都完成了。我按了一下床头的粉色按钮,一个娇滴滴的女生传了过来:“好消息:离黑洞只有一千米了。坏消息:撞上废油瓶。”XIT光线射了过 来,床就自动消灭了。小超能管伸了过来,我马上张开了嘴,营养球就自动滑入了我的口中。两秒后,超能太阳能机器人就跑了过来,敬了个礼,...

上完课之后,电脑就会自动收下去,等再需要的时候,又会自动上升冒出来。50年后我的这天,使我感受到了科技的进步,祖国的强盛。50年后我的一天作文2 “叮铃铃,叮铃铃。主人,现在是早晨6:30,您该起床了。”我的智能电子日历正在叫我起床呢。我穿好衣服后,按了一下床头的自动化按钮,床上...

50年后的今天 50年后的今天,高楼大厦上密布着立交桥,汽车早已被程空陆火箭代替,机器人警察自如地指挥着。医生正用微型治疗器轻松地拯救病人的生命。老人乘着飞船到月球上的病房去休养。小学生们都乘着自动驾驶飞船到太空中心学校读书…… 我早已是一位出色的天文学家。我和同事们经过几年的刻苦钻研...

50年后的今天 作文
50年后的今天 50年后的今天和现在的今天大不一样!比如:汽车、公路、教室、屋子、墙纸、工厂、大树。50年后的汽车是一个超能量的太阳能汽车,可以吸取太阳的热能、明亮度,而走在公路上,每辆太阳能汽车,都有飞向太空和下水的本领,如果你坐着太阳能汽车想去月球看一看,在它离开地球进入太空的一...


隐栋19152383912问: 英语作文 关于50年后,人们的生活将会怎样? -
庐阳区润肠回答:[答案] 50years in the future,we will have a better lifestyle.No more poor people can be found in the world.Imagine that everyone has enough food and clothes.Everyone has a job and they can earn enough money for their families.All children can go to school,...

隐栋19152383912问: “”50年后我的生活 ”为话题60词左右的初中英语作文 带翻译 -
庐阳区润肠回答: In the future, people will work at home since robots will do most of the work instead of people. Even those have to go to important work only need to stay at home in front of a special computer which can control the work far in the factories. All in all ...

隐栋19152383912问: 50年后的生活是什么样的 英语作文 -
庐阳区润肠回答: ……我敢说5天后你就会忘记这个作文……

隐栋19152383912问: 英语作文50年后你的生活, -
庐阳区润肠回答: 属I will be an old man in fifty years. I will not go to work , but I will still read novels on the computer. In the morning my wife and I will buy beef and vegetables on line. Then we put them in a machine. Dumplings will come out at once. In the evening I will ...

隐栋19152383912问: “”50年后我的生活 ”为话题60词左右的初中英语作文 带翻译急需!谢谢! -
庐阳区润肠回答:[答案] i don't think life in the future will be better than today .because the earth we live on is becoming more and more crowded and ... 我不认为未来的生活将比今天更好.因为我们住的地球正在变得越来越拥挤,越来越脏.人的道德品质变得越来越糟糕.科学发展...

隐栋19152383912问: 请用英文写你五十年后的生活将会变成什么样子(我是女的,现在13岁) -
庐阳区润肠回答:[答案] Fifty years later, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time,... in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the ...

隐栋19152383912问: 初二英语作文:当今社会飞速发展,请你展开丰富的想象力,描绘一下50年后人们的生活会变得怎样?词数为70左中文也可以,我去翻译. -
庐阳区润肠回答:[答案] 50years in the future, we will have a better lifestyle. No more poor people can be found in the world. Imagine that everyone has enough food and clothes. Everyone has a job and they can earn enough mo...

隐栋19152383912问: 急求英语作文:What will our life be like?话题:人类生活日新异,请展开想象,写一篇短文描述人类50年后的生活状况.要求:不少于70个词表到清楚,句意... -
庐阳区润肠回答:[答案] 题目:What will our life be like正文:With the development of science,it's hard to imagine what our life will be like in the future.In my opinion,our life will be filled with hi-tech products.When we ...

隐栋19152383912问: 搜一篇五十年后我的生活英语作文不少于一百词是关于工作环境机器人家庭交通方面的 -
庐阳区润肠回答: With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air ...

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