
作者&投稿:采莲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高考满分作文范文800字精选篇1 十六七岁的我们犹如茧中奋力蠕动的蛹,希望扯开紧紧缠绕的丝缕,拥有自己的晴朗天空,亲吻每一朵芳香四溢的花朵。 青春是一道明媚的忧伤。我们快乐着,并烦恼着。 可有那么一天,沉思代替了童言无忌,静坐代替了奔跑,脑海中飘散的是一丝一缕的愁绪。此时,心变得异常敏感,一丁点的伤口都会让...

【篇一】2021高考英语优秀作文范文 I started primary school when I was six years old. My primary school was very close to my home. School started at eight in the morning and finished at half past four in the afternoon. There was a lunch breakfrom elve o'clock to o o'clock ...

2022年新高考Ⅰ卷作文题目范文1 决定你是什么的,不是你拥有的能力,而是你的抉择。——杨澜 在生活中,有的人在机遇到来的时候立即做出了选择,抓住了机遇的尾巴,于是他成功了,而有的人在机遇到来的时候,总是思前想后、犹豫不决,最后什么也没有!由此可见,机遇对于我们每一个人都是公平的,关键在于你的抉择,站...

语文高考满分作文800字2022篇1 有人说,语文即语言与文学。然而在我心中,“语文”不是如此抽象机械的定义,“语文”两个字于舌尖徘徊,流淌出的是:铁马秋风,战地黄花,楼船夜雪,边关冷月……何谓语文素养?我也认为不只是简单的断字识文、吟诗作对,更是一场弥补心智、慰藉心灵、洗礼灵魂的盛宴。 自古以来,无数人...

语文高考满分作文 篇1 只要心情是晴朗的,人生便没有雨天。给生命一个笑脸,迎接属于你的生命晴空。——题记 没有嫣然绽开的花蕾,便没有四季宜人的温馨;没有潺潺流过心田的微笑,便没有人生的洒脱。我们虽然哭着来到世上,但应该用微笑面对人生,给生命一个坚强、勇敢、自信的笑脸,创造一个独一无二的精彩人生。 一...

优秀高考满分作文范文1000字篇一 鸣蝉奋力地甩掉了外壳,才获得鸣叫蓝天的自由;壁虎挣脱掉受伤的尾巴,才得以在危急时刻保全自己的性命。算盘如果变得座无虚席,也就丧失了运算的能力。学会舍弃,是一种财富。陶渊明因“不为五斗米折腰”舍弃了官位,才获得了“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适,并赢得千古美誉;李白因“仰...

【 #高考# 导语】作文是语文考试的重中之重,想要写出好的作文,可以多看一些满分作文,灵活运用。以下是 为大家整理的《高考满分作文范文800字【五篇】》希望对大家写作有所帮助。篇一:此心安处是吾山 许我流水潺潺,鸟语花香,我当立足尘世,安享繁华; 许我古木参天,林静山幽,我当静心潜息,夷犹诗画; 许我云海...

【 #高考# 导语】作文是语文考试的重中之重,想要写出好的作文,可以多看一些满分作文,灵活运用来提升自己的作文分值。 为大家带来2021高考满分作文范文900字,我们来看一看吧! 【篇一】2021高考满分作文范文900字 那片海,我心中向往的梦境……那里远处群山连绵,依偎着大海。贝壳散落在沙滩上...

2022年全国乙卷高考语文作文范文【1】:攀至山巅,只为更高更远 “层峦耸翠,上出重霄;飞阁流丹,下临无地”。从水立方到冰立方,从雪游龙到雪飞天,从奥林匹亚山到万里长城,从百年前张伯苓先生“奥运三问”到今天的双奥之城。奥运,已不单纯是一个运动的竞技舞台,更是一个展现国力、沟通世界的...

承龙18485823603问: 高考英语作文范文(带翻译) 高考英语满分作文(带翻译) 谢谢 -
和硕县西迪回答: Dream and Reality The beautiful legeng ,Chang'e flying to zhe moon, implies the dream of Chinese to explore the Moon . For thousands of years ,we Chinese have been working hard for it one generation after another . The moon orbiter ,Chang'e ...

承龙18485823603问: 跪求英语高考范文 20篇!简短而精炼!
和硕县西迪回答: 08四川 What can I do for our environment? Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn ...

承龙18485823603问: 谁能给我几篇高考英语作文?
和硕县西迪回答:To a Chinese, the task of learning English well is not easy. So I, like many other English learners, have met with difficulties in learning English during the past seven years. But I managed to overcome them and made much progress. The spelling ...

承龙18485823603问: 10篇历年高考英语作文~
和硕县西迪回答: Dear sir, I hear that our school will welcome some Canadian students to stay with us for or two weeks. Students who want to invite them to stay can take part in it. I want to try. First , my parents and I can speak English well. That benefits us to ...

承龙18485823603问: 2014天津市高考英语作文范文假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津,得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习.请你根据以下提示,给他写... -
和硕县西迪回答:[答案] Dear Chris,I'm Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven. I have heard that you are to come to our school as exchange students., and I, on behalf of our class, welcome you warmly and sincerely. Now, I'd like to introduce some details about the ...

承龙18485823603问: 高考常见常用英语作文范文 -
和硕县西迪回答:[答案] 英语作文 1. 描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响.注意:1.词数:100左右2.生词:通讯: communicate 互联网:the Internet Great changes have taken place in the way of communication...

承龙18485823603问: 2016高考英语作文范文 -
和硕县西迪回答: Dear Ms Jenkins, I'm Li Hua from your English writing class last term. I'm writing to ask for your help. I'm applying for a part-time job at a foreign company in my city during the summer vacation, and I have just completed my application letter and ...

承龙18485823603问: 求15篇高考英语作文 -
和硕县西迪回答: Great changes have taken place since our country was founded 60 years ago. In the past we lived in the small and old houses and now we move into new broad ones which are more than one hundred square meters. At the same time, many families...

承龙18485823603问: 有没有一篇好的高考英语作文?
和硕县西迪回答: Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling 1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2. 出现这种现象的原因 3. 我认为……(措施) Nowadays fewer and fewer students pay attention to their word-spelling. According to a recent survey, there is a ...

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