
作者&投稿:訾甘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我喜欢的季节作文 我喜欢的季节范文欣赏




我最喜欢的季节作文1 我最喜爱的季节是春天,因为春天是万物复苏的季节。 春天来到了,燕子从北方飞回南方,告诉人们:“春天来了!”树林里,树枝上长出了绿芽,它好奇地看着外面那美妙的世界。草坪上,小草换上了新衣,欢快地摇摆着它那绿色的身子。春天来了,河水变得无比清澈,河面上映着茁壮的大树,映着欢快的小草...


我最喜欢的季节——作文1 夏天虽然没有百花齐放的芳香,没有秋天粮食满仓的喜悦,也没有冬天漫天飞雪的美景,但它仍然是我最喜欢的季节。 夏天给人最深的印象就是炎热了。太阳总像个燃烧着熊熊烈焰的大火球,卖力地炙烤着大地。大黄狗瘫软地趴在地上吐舌头。空气里的每一丝水分似乎都被这炎热蒸发,让人觉得万分干燥...

1. 写一篇英语作文 以你最喜欢的季节为内容 描述一下 My Favourite Seaon 我最喜欢的季节 In the four seasons, I most like the summer. 四季中,我最喜欢夏季。 In the summer, I may go to the sand beach, swim, camp out, but I most like travelling, although the weather is very hot. 在夏...

if you do.we can play withe together .2我喜欢秋天。我喜欢秋天的落叶,铺在地上金 片,踩上去沙沙作响。我知道那是树木为来年春天的重生卸掉包袱,所以我去欣赏它,不带有任何哀伤的情绪。秋天的田野 ,人们在收获的季节总是会欢欣鼓舞。那秋天的景色不也一样会给我们带来快乐吗?I Love Autumn...

例文 My favorite season is winter There are four seasons in a year .But l like winter best.Winter is the coldest season in a year.And there are always snowy days in 3 months.But the snow is very beatiful.We love playing with the snow for some days,don't you? This time,...

斗璧17668359813问: 一我最喜爱的季节春天为题写一篇50词左右的英语作文 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] My favourite season There are four seasons in a year.My favourite season is spring. In spring, the snow is melting and the trees are turning green. Everything looks beautiful.And in spring, I can go out to play.I can run, play football with my friends.We can ...

斗璧17668359813问: 我最喜爱春天英语作文50到60词.+翻译 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] Spring My favorite season is spring.Spring is the beginning of a year.It lasts from March to May.The weather gets warmer and... 花开了.许多鸟飞回来了.它们经常在树上唱歌.农民们开始种庄稼.这是一个有希望的季节.这是旅行得好季节.我最喜欢春天.

斗璧17668359813问: 我最爱的季节是春天 英语作文 带翻译 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :Morch ,April and May ,The weather is warm and windy.It rains a lot.The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont.In spr...

斗璧17668359813问: 英语作文我最喜欢的季节是春季.因为春天是温暖的和美丽的.有许多花都开花了! -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] My favourite season is spring.Because spring is warm and beautiful .There are many flowers blossom.

斗璧17668359813问: 我最喜欢的季节"春天"英语作文 初二水平 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答: Spring is coming ,I am very happy ,spring is my favorite season ,because snow become water ,the day is bcome long ,and the trees is become green ,I can play soccer ,fly the kites and run with my friends I also can ride my new bike. It sounds great .I love spring!

斗璧17668359813问: 我最爱的季节是春天 英语作文 五年级水平 带翻译 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答: Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot.The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont.In spring, I can wear my shirts . I often plant trees and ...

斗璧17668359813问: 我喜欢春天的英语作文 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] My favourite season Hello, my dear friends! What's my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. ... 你好,我最亲爱的朋友!我最喜欢的季节是哪个呢?让我告诉你.我最喜欢的是春天.我觉得春天是个可爱的季节.在我家后门有个...

斗璧17668359813问: 请帮忙写一篇英语作文,我喜欢春天.要求:1一年有四季,四季有不同 .2:我喜欢春天,因为它是希望的季节,生命的季节.(80字,英语三级水平, -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] Each of us kown that there are four seasons a year,each season is diffent .Different people like different seasons,my favourate season is the spring.Spring is the season of hope.Green is the color of sping,and it is also the color of hope!Spring is also the...

斗璧17668359813问: 我最喜欢春天 英语作文 不少八句 -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答: In the four season of the year,I like spring,because spring is beautiful.In the spring,the flowers will bloom,flowers in the flower beds,everyone is so sweet.Bees and butterflies will come to.On the grass green,to the earth covered with green blanket.The ...

斗璧17668359813问: 写喜欢春天的英语作文,快啊,2013年4月5日之前!要求如下:1.六句或六句以上.2.带着翻译.3.不要太差,也不需要太好. -
玉龙纳西族自治县孚舒回答:[答案] Spring is the first season in a year and it means a new begining..(春天是一年的第一个季节,它意味着新的开始.) In spring,I can see the beautiful flower ,green grass and tree.(在春天里,我能看到美丽的花朵,绿树和青草)I can hear the bird ...

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