
作者&投稿:蹉骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

school, such as, dangerous knives, cell phones and so on. They should respect each other and they shouldn't fight. If they go to school by bikes, their bikes should have brakes and bells.希望对您的学习有帮助 【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~

对于保护公共财物,也应该采用外法内儒的思想。让同学们知道公共财物的重要,一切都按照规章制度来做。这样保护公共财物这一方面也没问题了。所以,想要校风好,公共财物受到珍惜爱护,应采用外法内儒的思想。2.取法古人,建设良好校风 良好的校风可以使同学们的身心健康、学习环境得到好的保障。所以,...

曾经看过这样一则寓言:河水认为河岸限制了它的自由,一气之 下冲出了河岸,涌上了原野,吞没了房舍和庄稼,给人们带来了灾难,它自己也由于蒸发和大地的吸收而干涸了。这则寓言说明了一句俗 语:“没有规矩,不成方圆。”我们从小学到中学再到大学,十几年的学生生涯,对校规校纪并 不陌生。校规校纪...


谁能帮我写一篇被动语态的关于校规的英语作文,急用,10句话就行,越简 ...
be also our obedient and feel happy. The campus was rules constraint, appear more harmonious.今天,新的校规被校领导修改完成。校规也被同学们认可我们被校规约束,有利于学校的秩序。校规被我们记在心中,被我们认真执行。老师也因为我们的听话而感到高兴。校园被校规约束,显得更加和谐了。

关于严肃校规校纪 共建和谐校园的作文

Like every country has laws.Our school also has school rules.Students must get to school on time.They should wear school uniforms on weekdays.They shouldn't bring some things to school,such as,dangerous knives,cell phones and so on.They should respect each other and they shouldn'...

第一条校规是我们要严格遵守的:考试不作弊。这要求我们对自己负责,从 小培养我们的诚信意识。第四条也很重要。一味的追求名牌对我们中学生来说没 有实际的意义。我们应该发扬勤劳节俭的传统美德。这样不仅能省下很多不必要 的开支,还能让我们做一个自立自强的人。第十一条校规也给我留下了深刻的印象...

是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母.在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐.我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心! 写一篇英语作文(你们的校规并写写你对它的看法) School Rules...

School rules are posted on the wall. Before we enter into classroom we will see them and need us bear in mind. No rules, no directions. As a good student, everyone should obey them and set up a model for others.

薄袁17849747042问: 关于对校规看法的英语作文,60 - 80字的,急用!!! -
江源县东宝回答: Like every country has laws. Our school also has school rules. Students must get to school on time. They should wear school uniforms on weekdays. They shouldn't bring some things to school, such as, dangerous knives, cell phones and so on. They ...

薄袁17849747042问: 写一篇英语作文 (你们的校规并写写你对它的看法) -
江源县东宝回答: School Rules A nation has it's rule and a family also has one! But what rules do we need to do at school? We have to wear school uniforms at school days. And we can't eat in classroon. We alsocan't bring mobile ghones to school .But I don't agree ...

薄袁17849747042问: 要对于校规的感觉的看法的英语作文,20词就够了要翻译 -
江源县东宝回答: School rules are posted on the wall. Before we enter into classroom we will see them and need us bear in mind. No rules, no directions. As a good student, everyone should obey them and set up a model for others.

薄袁17849747042问: 英语作文~请写一写你校的校规,并发表看法!要求:1、60~80词2、语言通顺,没有语法错误 -
江源县东宝回答:[答案] Like every country has laws.Our school also has school rules.Students must get to school on time.They should wear school uniforms on weekdays.They shouldn't bring some things to school,such as,dangerous knives,cell phones and so on.They should ...

薄袁17849747042问: 写一篇介绍学校校规的英语作文~急还要谈谈自己的看法! -
江源县东宝回答:[答案] Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat! The Law is:1.... In my opinion,i think school should do this,if we don't do like this,it's bad for school and us,and if we do like this,may be our school ...

薄袁17849747042问: 写英语作文{校规}及一些对校规的看法 -
江源县东宝回答: My Opinion on Cheating in Exams (a model essay) There is generally a bad phenomenon at schools at present, namely very few of students Cheat answers to their papers of others around them or of the notes prepared in advance before the exams...

薄袁17849747042问: 求一篇评价某条校规的英语小作文求一篇初三水平的英语作文(针对某一条校规的评价、想法)如:学生必须穿校服.60词左右.语法准确,好的话会追加分... -
江源县东宝回答:[答案] Our schools, there are some rules and regulations, if they can not make much noise in the corridor; can not just take liberties with women;Can not be fighting at school; can not bring things to school to eat;Can not die in school, this is our school rules and...

薄袁17849747042问: 英语作文谈一谈校规 -
江源县东宝回答: Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat!The Law is:1.student can't say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question! 2.student can't eat anything in the ...

薄袁17849747042问: 关于校规的英语作文和你认为这些校规怎么样带翻译 -
江源县东宝回答:[答案] The beginning of this semester, the school will take "learning daily behavior standards, develop good habits" as a major issue, the head teacher organizational learning "in primary school students, the daily" staff first rate; fan,made an example for ...

薄袁17849747042问: 写一篇介绍学校规则的英语作文,以及你对规则的看法,初一水平 -
江源县东宝回答: 我们学校有着很多的规则,要求所有师生严于律己,规范做人.首先要服从命令安排,听取他人建议,做一个严格规范的学生.其次维护校园安全,秩序以及良好的学习环境.这要求我们从小事做起,最基本的严禁追逐打闹,严禁抽烟酗酒,...

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