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My family Rules A country its laws and a family has its rules. My family also has some rules.For example ,there are important rules in my house . First of all, I have to be home by 10:00 pm. I think there is the danger of going home late and this rule is really ...

my class rules英语作文60词加翻译

家规也叫家法.国有国法,家有家规就是指一个国家有一个国家的法律;一个家庭有一个家庭的规矩,。写以我的家规为题的800字作文应该如何呢?下面是我为大家分享的是我的家规作文的范文,希望对你有帮助! 我的家规作文篇一 我出生在一个家规比较严格的家庭。生活在这个家庭中,让我逐渐养成了做事认真、脚踏实地的好...


家风家规家训征文 篇11 告诉你,我们可是这社区里少有名气的勤劳之家。四代祖传,代代勤勉! 要说,就从奶奶说起。我奶奶这把年纪,也是忙个不停。在我们各自外出学习、工作之时,她就利用时间,在家里左洗右刷,从没闲着。 早晨,奶奶都起得很早的,她帮我们准备好早餐,就开始干其他活儿。我起床目视奶奶的一举一动...

前段时间电视上一直在放着家风这个话题,说每个人的家里都要有家风和家规。我是根据新闻上的专题,来写这篇作文的。现在大家都很注重家里的风气,风气的范围有大有小,有国风、也有班风,今天就来讲一下这个家风吧。 所谓的家风就是自己家里的风气,家里的风气好不好就会影响到子孙后代,一个家庭或家族的家风要正,...

英语作文my family rules家庭规则。My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's ...

诚信是一个道德范畴,也是很多家庭的家训、家规、家风。家庭思想是我们每个人的第一个思想摇篮,从幼到大,家中家训家规家风无不一点点的影响着我们,伴随着我们的成长,我们的思想也在这摇篮中不知不觉被熏染同化。因此我们也变得诚实了。那么同学们若以诚信家训家规家风写一篇 作文 该如何写呢?下面我给大家带来诚信家...

家风就是家规,有了好的.规矩才能有条不紊,有了好的家风才能更好的立足于社会。家风家规家训优秀作文2 每个家都有自己的家规、家训、家风,要说起我家的家规、家训、家风,那就要从几件事说起。小时候我经常去我大伯家玩,有一次夏天我去大伯家,大伯语重心长的对我说,你马上要上小学了,现在...


高帖18597083523问: 以我的家规为题,写一篇60词的英语短文,谢谢! -
民权县复方回答:[答案] My Family Rules In my family,I have many rules.It's diffcult but kind of interesting.On weekdays.I have to get up early in the morning.I can't watch TV or go out on school nights.I have to go home quickly after school,because I have much homework to do.And...

高帖18597083523问: 《我的家庭规则》英语作文60词左右 -
民权县复方回答: 您好,可写为: My family rules Many families have their own rules. So how about mine? Well, I have too many rules and they are so strict for me.The first rule is that my parents don`t allow me to stay up late. The second one is that they don`t allow me...

高帖18597083523问: 下面是你父母制定的一些家规,请你用英语写一篇60词左右的短文�早上6:30必须起床,7:15去上;不能在外面吃饭;平时不能看电视和玩电脑游戏;下午5:... -
民权县复方回答:[答案] There are some family rules here.Firstly, you must get up at 6:30 and go to school at 7:15. You can't eat outside. You can't watch TV and play video games. You must go home at 5:30. You must do homework at night. You must go to sleep before 10 o'clock...

高帖18597083523问: 《我的家庭规则》英语作文60词左右 -
民权县复方回答:[答案] 可写为:My family rules Many families have their own rules.So how about mine?Well,I have too many rules and they are so strict for me.The first rule is that my parents don`t allow me to stay up late.The second one is that they don`t allow me to surf the ...

高帖18597083523问: 书面表达.【英语】 请根据下面中文提示,写一篇有关你的家规,六十词左右. 早上必须六点钟起床,早餐 -
民权县复方回答: I have to get up at six every morning. I have to eat breakfast and lunch at home. After school, I am not allowed to play with my friend, because I have to go back home to do my homework. I cannot watch TV in weekdays. I am not allowed to go outside at night. I have to go and learn piano in weekend.管的真严啊..望采纳喔亲~~

高帖18597083523问: 书面表达.【英语】 请根据下面中文提示,写一篇有关你的家规,六十词左右.早上必须六点钟起床,早餐和中餐必须在家吃,放学后,不能与朋友一起玩,要... -
民权县复方回答:[答案] I have to get up at six every morning. I have to eat breakfast and lunch at home. After school, I am not allowed to play with my friend, because I have to go back home to do my homework. I cannot watc...

高帖18597083523问: 求家规英语作文,如题,60词左右 -
民权县复方回答:[答案] 你好,原创作文如下:My family rules Many families have their own rules. So how about mine? Well, I have too many rules and they are so strict for me.The first rule is that my parents don`t allow me to...

高帖18597083523问: 六年级英语关于家规作文60词书信 -
民权县复方回答: In order to helpme grow healthily, my parents make some family rules. First, we must honest toothers. Honesty is the basic character of a person. Second, we should take ourresponsibilities. My duty is study now, so I must work hard for it

高帖18597083523问: 英语作文My house rules请以My house rules为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文介绍你家的家规.1 get up a6;00.随意写你家的家规开头为 It's unfair .I have too many... -
民权县复方回答:[答案] 开头.I don't even have time to even make my hair!i have to brush my teeth immediately,wash my face,eat breakfast and finish all those before 6:15.Then i will be "banished" out of my house and go to ca...

高帖18597083523问: 谁可以帮我写一篇英语作文???要求60个词左右就可以了.内容是:家规. -
民权县复方回答: There are three members in my family, it is my parents and me, the state has a plan, my family made various kinds of rules, as long as I put the wrong parents punish me, but not show mercy. Remember that it was a few years ago, I have been in ...

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