
作者&投稿:潜寒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Many university students complain to the colloge life,which are void.Everyday,most of them do the same things.such as study,eating,sleep and love.With the time fling,we aslo become lazy-bone.But how to make my colloge life happier?If you are a person who insist on doing ...

给你写范文,第一篇是铁达尼号 Titantic I went into Titanic with trepidation: it is being hailed as one of the best love stories depicted on film. Cynical as I am, I don't think much of movies with a romantic theme to them. However, I was curious to see the spectacle that...

写作文是提升语文素养的有效方法,写作可以帮助我们更好地理解和处理人际关系提高社交能力。因此在写作文时要条理清晰,这篇文章将全方位分析和探究“欢乐国庆节叙事作文”的各个方面,提供的信息有帮助吗快分享给你的朋友让大家受益!欢乐国庆节叙事作文 篇110。1国庆节到了,是祖国的72岁生日。人们在...

下面是我为大家带来的想象 作文 未来的什么 四年级作文 10篇,希望大家能够喜欢! 想象作文未来的什么作文一 未来的世界 “快起床,快起床!”我睁开睡朦朦的双眼,吩咐我刚刚制造出来的机器人乐乐说:“乐乐,快给我倒一杯醒脑茶!”不到一会,一杯香浓的醒脑茶摆在了我面前,我一口气把茶全喝光了。乐乐推过电磁桌...

如果想购买,就拔110来咨询,我一定将服务做到位。若你还不满意,便可包退包换,假一赔十,放心了吧?朋友。 四年级优秀作文 篇9 没复习完多久,广播就响起了,里面说,“请监考的老师回到你所监考的班去。” 然后其他班的班主任就来我们班监考了。 考试开始了,我们都做起试卷来。只听见笔“沙沙”地响。根本没有...

...to protect your eyesight为题写一篇110词左右的英语短文
How to protect your eyesight With the burden of study increasing, more and more students become short sight. So we asked the eye specialist how to deal with the problem. The specialist suggest that, first, the students should control the reading time. When the students read the ...


速求10篇100字左右的作文,写什么都行,初二水平的,大家帮我写写,谢谢了 10 4个回答 #热议# 你...她又说:“请你查一下‘先人后己’、‘自私自利’这两个词的解释,并且理解意思,明天我可要考你哟...这时,气愤的人们有的拨打110,有的上前扭住偷车人,还有的人帮忙把车抬了回来。只见马姨快步来到奶奶...

Student Association Today, our school launched a set of five-year sustainability targets aimed at reducing the school’s environmental footprint and creating a renewed focus on environmental issues .Over the next five years our school has committed to cutting its disable products ...

帮忙写一篇80词左右的关于5.1旅游的作文!谢了! 参考答案 儿子不听话可以适当的打打,要不就显不出老子的威严,台湾问题就是如此。 帮忙写一篇作文110词左右 金钱万能吗? 众所周知,在我们日常生活中大多数物品都得用钱买,但是金钱并不是万能的.比如说时间,用钱是买不到的. 一天有24小时.有时当我们非常高兴的时候...

融物13937031541问: 10篇英语作文120字左右 -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] This summer holiday,I made a good friend --- Robinson though 'ROBINSON CRUSOE'. 'ROBINSON CRUSOE'is a ... The 'ROBINSON CRUSOE'have been authored by famouse English writer---Defoe. It's about dramatis personae Robinson ...

融物13937031541问: 【求英语作文】请给我一篇高中生水平的英语作文,作文题目是:traffic and family cars (110词左右即可) -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] With the development of the automobile industry in China,more and more people afforded the private cars of their own.But,while we enjoy the convenience the modern traffic has brought us,we also have the problem of traffic jams which are getting more ...

融物13937031541问: 求10篇英语作文 100词左右RT 不够也行 能有几篇就几篇 100词左右 别太长但是100词一篇啊 翻了几倍了...我要抄到手抽筋的... -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] 写信篇: Dear Mr Smith, I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. You are ... 为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文.内容包括: 1.简述图所反映的两个环境问题; 2.简析成因; 3.发表自己的看法. 注:文章...

融物13937031541问: 英语作文110字的了
宝丰县中诺回答: 我修改了一下: Sunny Oct 10 Summer holiday was over. I went to go to Beijing during summer holiday. I visited Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We went there by plane because it took less time. During the Beijing We visited ...

融物13937031541问: 英语作文大学生活,110词左右 -
宝丰县中诺回答: The bright and dark sides of my university life0933031005 Chen Ziguo Condensed Matter PhysicsEvery coin has two sides. On the one hand, I am quite satisfied with my university life. On the other hand, life in my university is not as satisfactory as ...

融物13937031541问: 来篇 英语作文,《到大学以来第一周》.110词左右 -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] Do you remember your first day in the university?Well,I remember my first day I was waiting all the summer to enter at the university.I felt excited and at the same time I was very nervous because it ...

融物13937031541问: 我的家乡扬州写一篇英语作文110个词左右不要有生词 -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] my hometown is Yangzhou,a beautiful city.People here are very friendly to visitors from other places.Most of the visitor come here to enjoy the beatiful scenery.I think the first spot they want to wat...

融物13937031541问: 一篇110左右词的英语作文 假如你是玉树中学的一名学生,在玉树地震2周年之际,写一篇以My new communit...一篇110左右词的英语作文 假如你是玉树中... -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] After the earthquake , our area was destroyed badly.People were in great frightening and sadness. we are still the lucky ones,however,we have a great and considerable goverment ,and people around the world sent us food , clothes ,etc.they help us out ...

融物13937031541问: 关于时间的英语作文110词左右 -
宝丰县中诺回答: A proverb says,"Time is money." But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. This is the reason why we must value time....

融物13937031541问: 英语作文的请你根据下列提示,以"How to plant trees"为题写一篇110词左右的短文.1.预先备好树苗,工具(如:铁楸,水桶等),并约上几名同伴;2.挖... -
宝丰县中诺回答:[答案] How to plant trees Planting trees may be easier than you think!First of all, you need to be prepared with the essential tools--bucket, shovel, spade.Make sure you have a friend or two to give you a ha...

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