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元旦节作文1 大家好,祝大家元旦快乐!元旦爸爸妈妈带我去外婆家和姐姐一起玩。 我们一起玩跳绳,有不同的跳法,有单人跳和双人跳,还有我和姐姐一起甩大绳,一个人一边甩一边跳,最后爸爸妈妈帮我们甩大绳,我和姐姐一起跳大绳,我们连续跳了20几个。我们玩的很开心,下次放假我还要和姐姐一起玩更多的游戏。 元旦...

As the second problem,the world is short of resources now.In daily life,we need water,rock oil,coal and other things.Day after day,the resources disappear fast.And they won‘t appear.Because most of them are not renewable resources.关于元旦节的小学生英语作文篇二 My new years r...

元旦节作文1 星期六,这一个快乐的日子。我们全校举行了庆祝元旦的活动。 来到学校,我们冒着大雨来到操场,给一年级的小弟弟小 妹妹举行入队仪式。入队仪式举行完毕后就是我期盼以久的各班 自己活动。我们班开展了抢位子、对对子、闭着眼睛画人脸。 不过我觉得最有意思的不是这些,而是抢板凳的游戏。老 师在地上...

元旦节我的一天作文1 时间就像一条奔流的小河,总是悄无声息地从我们身边溜走,不知不觉,值得回忆的2021年过去了,迎来了激动人心的2022年元旦节,开始了一年的新旅程。我躺在床上回想着自己过去的一年里,有过汗水,有过快乐,也有过悲伤。这一切所发生的事仿佛就在眼前。我不禁轻声笑了出来。过去...

篇一:关于元旦的作文800字高中 旧的不去,新的不来,时光匆匆又是新的一年,又一个元旦来临,时间如同长了一双翅膀,飞到了年末。可是雪精灵却还未到,没有看到银装素裹的雪景真是可惜。但是一年一度的元旦节却是准时报到,只是年年元旦几乎都一样的度过,今年会有所不同吗? 以前的元旦节都是和朋友约好一起出去玩...

小学生元旦作文大全20篇(篇一)  今天是一年一度的“元旦节”,同学们兴致勃勃地走进教室,教室被班委们布置的犹如一个童话世界。   我们先是迎着蒙蒙细雨来到了大操场,今天,最高兴的还要属一年级的小同学了,因为,今天是XX年的最后一天,也是新生加入少先队的第一天。我们为新生举行了一个“轰轰烈烈”的...

"一分耕耘,一分收获"才是正道!这真是一次难忘的文艺演唱会! 篇二:关于元旦节的作文600字小学优秀作文 元旦过了,但是元旦的快乐还深深地留在我的脑海之中,特别是元旦的前一天,那是我记的最牢的一天了,因为那一天有我最爱做的一件事那就是可以吃零食! 星期六的晚上,我盼着去超市,这只是一个开始。一吃好...

2022年元旦节作文400字1 时光就像一条永不停息的小河,匆匆地、悄悄地从人们的身边流过。不知不觉中,一个令我难忘的20_年匆匆地走了,迎来了新的一年——20_年。 翻开日历,翻开了新的一年,翻开了20_年在我身边发生地第一件趣事…… 在元旦节这天我们家吃了汤圆,我奶奶边做边说:“铜钱代表着平安,谁吃到它...

篇一:欢快的元旦优秀作文 今天,是我们学校举行元旦文艺汇演的日子,也是xx的最后一天。上午7时,我们学校全体师生来到了会场,首先映入眼帘的是两幅大大的,其中一幅是这么写的:校园花绽春来早,待金秋结硕果。且不说这些装饰,因为节目要开始了,首先亮相的节目是校健美操队带来的健美操《我健康我快乐》,这是一个有着...

元旦作文 500字,元旦作文大全
【元旦作文500字篇一】 一年四季中最冷的季节--滴水成冰的隆冬里,有一个温暖芳馨的节日--元旦。在元旦,处处绽放出了新的一年的炫美。 元旦之乐何处寻?在那灯火通明大街处。元旦之际,大街上焕然一新:人来人往,何等熙攘;车水马龙,何等繁华;张灯结彩,何等绚丽。在元旦,热闹非凡的大街让隆冬绽放出火一般的热...

仇由宰15538815885问: 英语作文On New Year's Day是写在元旦这一天你做了些什么事,80个单词左右,简单易懂就行, -
爱辉区速卡回答:[答案] i had a happy day on New Year's day.In the erly morning,my father and me went to climb a moutain,my father told me that i ... 这个元旦我过的很开心.早上,我跟我的爸爸去了爬上,我爸爸说我应该要多做运动来保持身体健康,我觉得很累,但是还是很...

仇由宰15538815885问: 有关元旦英语作文(50一60个单词)带翻译80字 -
爱辉区速卡回答: New Year's Day, I have made arrangements for spending one day day of New Year's Day. 6:50 gets out of bed , washes self's face and rinses self's mouth. 7:00 eats. And then go out to drop around. Go home at the noon eating lunch. And then write school assignment. Have arrived at evening watching TV

仇由宰15538815885问: 关于元旦的英语作文(60个词以内) -
爱辉区速卡回答: My New Year's Day Today is My New Year's Day .I'm get up at 7:00 on the morning,I'm run at 7:30,at 8:00 I have breakfast,at 9:00 I do my homework.I have lunch at 12:00.After lunch,I'm sleep. I get up at 2:00.I go to bookstore at half past two,I go home...

仇由宰15538815885问: 元旦英语作文60 - 100个单词 -
爱辉区速卡回答:[答案] wish you a wonderful New Year again and again,wish you a wonderful feeling of everything coming year round,send a beautiful gift to wish you a sweet smile!Miss is the season's flowers,diffuse through ...

仇由宰15538815885问: 以“快乐新年”为题写一篇80个单词的英文作文 -
爱辉区速卡回答: Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day,I was no exception.This year's Spring Festival,I am particularly pleased that you want to know why?It is better for me to tell you it!Danian Ye because,I must personally against the write affixed to the door.I ...

仇由宰15538815885问: 求一篇英语周记,写元旦的,80词左右就行 -
爱辉区速卡回答: Today is New Year's Day. I together with my parents is very glad. My mother prepared a delicous dinner and my father bought two interesting books for me. I told my parents that i love them very much. And I hope they will keep young and healthy. Also,...

仇由宰15538815885问: 我的元旦假期英语作文(100词左右,带翻译) -
爱辉区速卡回答: It's the New Years Day today. I got up very early! I heard the bird singing in the trees. After breakfast, my mum, my father and I went to the local park. Everything was beautiful there,We saw many boats in the lake. Later on, we went to my ...

仇由宰15538815885问: 英语作文:New Year 最好带翻译,80词左右 -
爱辉区速卡回答: New YearChinese New Year is the most important, interesting festival in China.Before the Chinese New Year, everyone is very busy. They want the Spring Festival to be a new beginning, so everyone is busy cleaning the room. They keep the ...

仇由宰15538815885问: 一篇写元旦的英语作文带翻译 -
爱辉区速卡回答: Last week, my school held a New Year's Day party. We are very happy, there are a lot of programs. I think the best is the boys perform hip-hop. The most beautiful is the girl who performed a modern dance. The most interesting is the high-grade ...

仇由宰15538815885问: 元旦节英语作文5句话带翻译是什么
爱辉区速卡回答: The history of the New Year's dayhinese new year is a chinese traditional festival.we ... 在中国新年每个人都很忙,每个人都是幸福的.2关于元旦英语作文二At the first day of ...

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