
作者&投稿:松卷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你也这样认为吗?我最喜欢的科目作文3 上了三年级,我们班的科目又增加了许多,有:科学课、电脑课、体健课、绘画课、综合课……但是,我最喜欢的科目就是电脑课了。电脑课可以玩打字游戏,可以电脑制作画、练打字。在电脑课时,我们可以练打字。每节课,大家都会打课程选择几和几。慢慢地,我便...

英语作文 90词我最喜欢的科目
第一篇:Do you like math ? Yes, I like math best. I like to read the numbers . I think it can give me many happy. When I do the math , I am very excited. It is easy to finish it. So it donesn’t spend me so much. But I like to do the difficult problems. ...

人人喜爱的D、REMe 好像跳舞的小雨滴 滴答滴 老师教我们做面具 我们做得很有趣 一上场 同学笑得人仰马翻 差点没笑破肚皮 我最喜欢上课了 让我变成最有气质的 自然博士通 你来问我我都会 作文我最喜欢的一门课范文【篇4】 小学有很多不同的科目,我最喜欢的科目有体育、科学和社会。其中我最喜欢的是科学,科...

语文是我们必须要学习的科目,那么上了那么多的语文课,那一节是你最喜欢的呢?为什么呢?以下是我整理的我最喜欢的语文课作文,欢迎参考阅读! 我最喜欢的语文课作文1 自从我跨入小学的大门以来,上过生动活泼的语文课,妙趣横生的数学课,笑声串串的英语课。而一想起那堂特别的语文课,我就兴致盎然。 那堂课老师踏着...

Learning it well makes me feel proud. Spoken English is also very beautiful. I wish that I can go abroad one day for a further study.译文 我最喜欢的科目是英语。我非常喜欢它也很擅长它。一开始的时候我最不喜欢的就是英语。甚至我还有一点害怕它。然而,我克服了,之后就变成最喜欢的...

I really like English.And I think that learning English is a funny thing!我最喜爱的科目 “萝卜青菜,各有所爱。”因此,我的同学都有各自喜欢的科目。我最喜欢的科目是英语。现在,让我来告诉你原因吧。我喜欢我的英语老师。尽管她非常严格,她也非常慷慨。我喜欢上她的课。她的英语课非常有...


写作思路:1. 可以对自己喜欢的学科进行简单介绍。示例:我最喜欢的学科是语文。2. 可以写自己喜欢这门学科的原因。示例:我喜欢数学,因为数学很有趣。3. 可以写为了学好这门学科,自己应该如何去做。示例:我要努力学习数学,我要在课余时间多多练习数学。作文一:你们猜一猜我最喜的科目是什么?

一、“你喜欢什么科目”可以用以下三种写法:1、What is your favorite subject?2、What subject is your favorite?3、What subjece do you like best?二、subject用法:1、subject可以用作名词 subject是可数名词,基本意思是“主题,题目”,指文章或其他作品的题目或主题,引申可表示“话题,考虑的问题...

英语作文 我最喜欢的学科
he can master it through diligence. Countless facts have proved this point. Maths is a challenge and that is why I like it.我最喜欢的科目 在所有课程中,我最喜欢数学。我觉得这是有道理的。数学帮助你开动脑筋,使你更机敏,更聪明。数学可以被用于科学的诸多领域,据说数学是所有学科之母...

鄂荷15972697597问: 求一篇英语作文(关于我最喜欢的科目) -
海陵区强力回答: English is my favorite subjeci,because it ie such a widely used language.It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing worle. No matter what I do in the future ,English will always be inportant.So we should pay more ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 英语作文我最喜欢的科目 -
海陵区强力回答: I will answer,play in the foreign country. If you can speak English well then you can find a good job:my favorite subject is English.English can make me more clever.如果你不会说英语,那么你可以不做许多事情.?我就回答. I like English very much...

鄂荷15972697597问: 用英语些我最喜欢的科目作文,不少于8句 -
海陵区强力回答: My favorite subject is PE because i like taking exercise .I like many ball games. such as football, basket ball ,base ball and so on.Often I invite my friends to have a game in the gym. i think doing exercise is good for our health.First it can reduce our ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 我最喜欢的科目 英语作文60字 -
海陵区强力回答: My Favorite SubjectDo you know what my favorite subject is? Let me tell you! Someone does well in math, but I am not good at it. However my favorite subject is English, because I love English .I think that learning English is fun and easy.English ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 讲一讲你最喜欢的科目英语作文 -
海陵区强力回答: I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you go .you can make yourself understood as long as you speak English. It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as .the U.S ,...

鄂荷15972697597问: 一篇关于《我最喜欢的科目》的英语作文 -
海陵区强力回答:[答案] 英语:I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world .No matter where you go,you can make speak English. It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as the U.S ,England .English is also used in the ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 英语作文我最喜欢的科目(英语科目) 20 - 30字 要有你为什么喜欢 什么时候有你最喜欢的科目 -
海陵区强力回答:[答案] 你最喜欢什么科目?我喜欢英语.当我长大后,我想周游世界.所以我必须学好英语.我的老师总是说学好英语是非常重要的,学习英语是非常有趣的.它使我快乐.我们可以了解其他国家的事情.这是我在旅行道路上更好的沟通. What subject do you like ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 求一篇英语小作文,我最喜欢的学科.要求:写出喜欢的学科,喜欢的理由.其余自由发挥.一百二到一百五十字. -
海陵区强力回答:[答案] I like English class, I think English is the second language of I like, like the teacher style, like to communicate with another in ... 我找到了学习的乐趣,你们也可以,只要我们多勤奋点,多认真点,英语就是最好学的科目每天早上,我起床,背单词,开启...

鄂荷15972697597问: 英语作文——我最喜爱的学科急用, -
海陵区强力回答:[答案] My favorite subject is PE.Beauce I like sports very much,and I am very active.I like running .Because it's interesting and exciting.I want to be a famous player.i have a lot of hobbies,such as playing badminton,playing the piano,and swimming.i really like ...

鄂荷15972697597问: 关于我最喜欢的学科的英语作文1.写清最喜欢的学科2.为什么你最喜欢这个学科? -
海陵区强力回答:[答案] 我最喜欢的课程(My favourite lesson) My name is Sally.I'm twelve year old.I'm study in XinDong primary school.In all subject.I like English best.Englishi is more impotant of live.Lean English well can help you.I have a good idea to lean English well:1、...

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