
作者&投稿:衷路 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语作文关于未来职业的 1 What is my dream job? I want to be a doctor. I think it's great and interesting job. I can help many patient. It's a hard job but I don't mind it. I can find some happy in this job. Some people think doctors are work late. I don't think so. If...

我相信我的未来会是美好的,因为我经常为我的未来计划而努力。 1 what is my dream job? i want to be a doctor. i think it’s great and interesting job. i can help many patient. it’s a hard job but i don’t mind it. i can find some happy in this job. some people ...

未来从事职业英语作文:What is my dream job? I want to be a doctor. I think it’s great and interesting job. I can help many patient. It’s a hard job but I don’t mind it. I can find some happy in this job. Some people think doctors are work late. I don’t ...

不论我们今后选择什么样的职业,只要我们努力,只要我们相信自己,只要我们有一份自己的职业生涯规划,我相信是金子总会发光,我们自己的未来我们自己来选择,自己来规划! 我的职业规划作文2 人生就像一次航行,如果没有自己的航线,那么你永远都到达不了终点。曾子说:“吾日三省吾身,为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传...

未来我是漫画家 Future I am cartoonist 在每个人的心中,都有一个属于自己的理想。这些理想就像天空中的繁星,既看不完,也数不尽。我的理想到底是什么呢?告诉你们吧,我的理想是当一名漫画家。In everyone's heart, there is a vision of their own. These ideals are like the stars in the ...

每个人都有自己理想的职业,有的人想当医生,去救死扶伤,有的人想当企业家,为社会创造更多的财富……而我的理想职业是当一名老师。下面一起随我来欣赏关于“我的职业理想”的 作文 吧。 我的职业理想作文1: 我的理想理想是激励人发奋的动力,每个人,都有属于自己的理想,当然,我也不例外。 我的理想是当一名...

关于未来职业的英语作文:Dear Harry,Thank you for writing to me. I'd like to tell you something about what I am going to do in the future.Well,I agree that it's difficult to choose our future occupation as there are a lot of different jobs. However,I wouldn't like to ...

英语作文 描述未来工作(让别人猜)
My job is not very tired, no manual labor.就是每天需要喝许多的水,才能更好的工作。Is need every day and drink tons of water, can work better.不过,我也会坚持的。However, I would also insist.大家猜到我的职业了吗?You guess my occupation?我的职业就是DJ My job is the DJ ...


对未来职业规划的作文 对未来职业规划的作文,高分的范文也是有很大的技巧成分的,作文的评判标准不应该是死板的,作文的同时也是在完善自我,在作文中表达自己的观点是一件很有勇气的事,下面就是对未来职业规划的作文的优秀范文参考。对未来职业规划的作文1 人生本没有意义,每个人都要给自己规定一个...

祖娴13576052592问: 英语作文关于未来职业的 -
大城县克银回答: When I grow up,I want to be an artist.Because I want to be rich.And I want to move somewhere beautiful like Toronto.First, I am going to save some money. Then I am going to be a student at a famous art school.I will study very hard !

祖娴13576052592问: 书面表达 根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文介绍你将来想从事的职业. 提示:1.想成为一名记者; 2.打算给报纸、杂志写文章; 3.高中毕业后想去纽... -
大城县克银回答:[答案] When I grow up I am going to be a reporter. I am going to write articles and send them to newspapers and magazines. I am going to practice writing ever...

祖娴13576052592问: 怎么用我的未来职业为题写一篇英语作文 -
大城县克银回答: My future career I want to become a teacher, because the teacher is an interesting career. They teach students knowledge, it is very good. I may also become the police, this is very exciting but a little dangerous job. I may also be reporter, because I love to talk.

祖娴13576052592问: 我将来的工作(英语版)作文以我将来的工作为题写一篇英语作文,80字左右 -
大城县克银回答:[答案] Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. First, my major is the manage of tourism, so I want to get ...

祖娴13576052592问: 英语作文our future谈谈我们未来的职业80个词 -
大城县克银回答: I think China has a brighter future in the approaching 30 years. As a result we will also have much more opportunities. For people who focus on engineering, they will have bigger market for their new designs. This results in that China gradually ...

祖娴13576052592问: 求一篇简单的英语作文,初二的!60词左右,关于未来的,关于职业,谢谢 -
大城县克银回答: As teenagers ,it is important for us to have a bright future . Now let me introduce my opinions about future jobs . To begin with , we should concentrate our attention on study . Besides , as is known to all , interest is the best teacher , so we had better ...

祖娴13576052592问: 求一篇围绕我的未来工作的英语作文,要长一点的 -
大城县克银回答: In the new year, I will work hard in school. I will pay attention in class, complete assignments on time and do extra readings preactively to enhance my understandings about the topics covered in class. I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work ...

祖娴13576052592问: 英语作文 以后想当的职业英语作文 写自己以后想做什么工作 就是写以后我想做什么,并写一些你的具有创造力的想法 下午1:30以前要 -
大城县克银回答:[答案] My Dream When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher.I thanks my teacher much because he taught me a lot. On my tenth birthday, my father asked me,“What do you want to be when you grow up?”I answ...

祖娴13576052592问: 求一篇用英语介绍自己未来想做的工作的文章 -
大城县克银回答:[答案] 90 years after the crime increasing,teach tubes also increased between 90-95 years has increased by 17%,so much so that 90 years after the change Those who continue to engage in criminal psychology emerged. Unlike in the past,those who engage ...

祖娴13576052592问: 英语作文:你希望将来从事什么职业?教师、警察还是医生?假设你是王浩,你将来相当一名篮球运动员. -
大城县克银回答: 【俊狼猎英】团队. My Dream Job in the Future People all have their dream jobs.Some want to be a teacher.Some want to be a policeman,and others want to be a doctor.As for me,I want to a basketball player,one like Lin Shuhao. Being a child,I ...

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